I have been here since 2004, pretty much since the beginning of the site, and I have stayed through the good and the bad changes, it is my way of showing loyalty to Cancer and what he has done for the Vamp/Goth community world wide.
Some of the changes have been really good, and kudos to Cancer for making them work, I know how much hard work it involves with a site this big. The other changes are not Cancer's doing or his fault, it is the fault of the people who are here.
They believe in drama *high school/junior high* kind of drama, I know that most of us are out of high school and are all big boys and girls now, so let us start acting like it and leave the drama bull fucking shit out of the site.
Who cares what so and so did in the past, or who did who, or who did what to who...
These are for junior/high school teenagers.. I don't really give a flying fuck about who said what, who did who, who did what... if I have a question I will go to the person and ask flat out... it is up to me to believe what they are saying, not what somebody else told me.
I don't really give a flying fuck if this pisses anybody off either, it is my opioion and I'm entitled to it, just like every one else on here.
I pop on do what I have to do and leave again. There are some things going on in my life right now that are a little more important than leveling up here, so if you want me, just message me, I will eventually answer the message. I try to get on for a few minutes every couple of days. I haven't forgotten about this place or the people, just dealing with life at the moment.
Life, Laugh, Love, Smile... It is all you have in life sometimes. :)
*hugs and kisses*
07:53 Feb 25 2013
Kudos,and agreed,as I am days away from my 6 year anniversary here...Some bad apples still can't tarnish the place for me though,I love it just as much today as I did the first time I arrived.
08:58 Feb 25 2013
i agree and i have not been here for all that long too
15:41 Feb 28 2013
SO TRUE. I'm with you all the way.