3 entries this month
Words not spoken
01:58 Mar 21 2017
Times Read: 318
In 1998 I was going through a lot in my life when I wrote this, 3 yrs into a marriage and not happy with how events had turned out and and the feeling of wanting to be with someone else, but remained faithful this is that poem
So much to say
So much I think
Each Penny I have
is for my thoughts
Many Years
and many months
How much can I take
So much that is on my mind
I try hard to speak
To say what my heart has felt
But all that is spoken is nothing
All but silent, not even a whisper
I want to hold on to some
but then what is held is gone
gone with a spoken word or thought
never again to be seen
To try and search is an endless game
A game that all have sought
but never returned
but also never found
But to not seek
words are found
not in our thoughts or mouth
but in writing
Sight Beyond Sight
01:58 Mar 21 2017
Times Read: 319
1998 it would seem I was pouring a lot of emotions out, I felt empty not sure as to why
Oh woe is me
can anyone out there hear me?
Can't someone even see me?
What must I do for someone to notice?
My heart cries out so much
but yet no one listens
visions envelope me, to show me the way
but yet I turn my back
Please someone tell me to listen
I need to find what path leads me
Leads me on my quest
A quest of travel, traveling through time
But I must have help
I must be noticed first
Only then can the two of us travel
Beyond the sea of realities
If found I can show all
I know all,
but only if someone can hear me
One life, two beats
01:57 Mar 21 2017
Times Read: 321
again another poem written in 1998. At this time my marriage was failing, I was struggling with alcoholism, depressed and hating life. I was out of control and so were my emotions at the time when I wrote this because I was falling in love with another man and was torn between my marriage and him.
What can one tell if their love is true?
How can it be said if the heart beats for two
Those inner feelings felt for both, yet can lead only one life
Which to choose is the question asked?
Then so is the heart beating for two
The one loved and living with
the other one that yerns to live another life
The heart now torn in two
Is only left with a broken heart and sorrow
So it can only be said that life has to go on
and a choice must be made
For only then can the pain, suffering and sorrow
be left behind
Venerable Sire (137)
Haunt (40)
Venerable Sire (137)
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