Love the card he got me the most.
He wrote in it-
My one and only,
My future wife,
My favorite person,
May all your dreams come true,
And all your light shine through.
I love you with all my heart,
Happy birthday! ♥ ♥ "
It's on a pirate card. And he got me two skull mugs with metal inside. And of course my uke from before.
We went to see Jefferson starship today and he's going to see me Sunday into Monday. Monday is my birthday. :)
Bpb is a hard illness to deal with. I know I've been out of therapy for a year but I wish I could go back. She won't take me.
Made someone do something they didn't want. Now I feel guilty. But I didn't want to feel alone. How hard is that for anyone to understand? :/
You know what gets on my nerves? People who see my sugar skull ring and comment... Why do you have a skull ring? Like its a big deal. And I say, its art. At least I'm not eating the flesh off of real bones like most people do. As a vegetarian, I'm sure gods given me an okay on the whole skull thing. ;)
Mostly this conflict comes from conservative people but ehhh lol.
It's just something I say to make them think. I never really was in this for the animals. I am a vegetarian because its healthy.
I suppose I should write a follow up. So, my new friend. Meh. Not getting into that friendship. Thought I could get into having fun with someone who was obviously in need of decent friends but she started to open up and I don't think I can deal with the extra stress. Especially when I can't depend on her to actually be friends with. Know what I mean? Like, well, first off, she lied about where she lived. Secondly, she didn't show up to something I invited her to. Which makes me look bad with my once a year pals. So, I'm not angry, I'm just used to it. I'm glad to avoid someone nuts.
Really, poor me. I can't seem to make close friends.