06:36 Aug 31 2010
Times Read: 559
I am experiencing change. Something in me just feels like it wants to snap. I am in desperate need of something different.
New job? New place to live? New friends?
I don't know....
I just don't feel like myself anymore and I don't know what to do to make it go away.
I love my job, more, I love the clothes I work with. Even still they are starting to go south. Also my style is changing as well. I am looking into a more mature look. It just doesn't pay well. There are things I want to do and I can't save up any money because I live paycheck to paycheck.
This town. I just moved into a basement suite, but I still would like my OWN space and not share this basement with a nit picky guy. I wanna smack him. I need a change of scenery, but then we are back at square one with NOT ABLE TO SAVE MONEY.
So I will start small with my changes, because it's really time to grow up.
08:22 Aug 18 2010
Times Read: 580
I have time, but i don't have time. Does that make sense?
I have three profiles on here, but when I get the time I log onto this one.
I don't do very much of anything on here anymore, except write in my journal. It's the only place where none of the people I know in my personal life come. So I can rant, rage or share my joys.
Not much to rage and rant about. It's going well in my new place. Except that the ladlord goes on and on about keeping it clean in the kitchen and pay my rent on time. I haven't even been here a full month yet.
The other day I fell down the stairs because it's so freaking dark, I missed the last step. I fell and my back hit the wall and I had a bag of ketchup chips in my new pack back I bought THAT DAY.
Murphey's law, right? I despise crumbs.
So I go to the bathroom and get these disposable face cloths and wipe it out and throw it in the garbage.
So a few days later I come home at night and a bit later my landlord is banging on my door. So I answer, and he is pointing at the bin in the bathroom and saying, THAT CAN'T BE THERE, GET IT OUT, CLEAN IT UP!
So I look and am like.....Ooookaaaay. What?
So, I am REALLY trying not to laugh, but I KNEW he thought that my ketchup chip mess, was ya know, from my monthly thing.
So I was like....The ketchup chip crumbs?
He looks at me....The what?
I said ketchup chip crumbs. I came home the other day and FELL DOWN the stairs, I had a bag of ketchup chips in my NEW BAG, and when I FELL, my BACK HIT the wall and the bag POPPED. So I brought it in the bathroom and cleaned it up.
Well food should go in the kitchen garbage, the bathroom garbage doesn't fill up as quickly and it will spoil in there.
Mentally I am thinking....chip crumbs? Is this guy for real? Mentally throws hands in the air and rolls eyes.
So yeah, I actually hand a talk to his wife today. She is super nice and we spent the afternoon and part of the evening together, running errands around town, watching tv and just talking about all sorts of stuff. She had over heard the chip thing too because she had been around the corner and she had thought it was funny as well, but also serious at the same time, but still funny.
So yeah, that's all I hear from him is make sure blah blah blah is clean, and pay rent on time. Other then that I have no issues in my life right now.
Love life is going very well. He is such a sweetheart. he has a new job so we barely get to talk online anymore. And now he will barely get to text and phone me because his phone plane does cover international text and calls. Sucks. =( I would kill him though if he would rather stay home and talk to me then work. KEEL HIM!!!!!
So yeah, life is peachy, church is very good too.
I start my piano lessons in September. SQUEE!!! Excited about that. I have always wanted to learn piano.
Anyways, I need to get to sleep because I have work. Just wanted to give an update, that life is GOOD. =)
01:28 Aug 10 2010
Times Read: 594
Last night was my last night at my second job. My carpal tunnel was coming back, and last night REALLY killed me. I was closing, and behind on dishes. I worked really hard, and the night got worse. The pain got worse.
I finished work at 1:30 am. And I kept waking up throughout the night feeling like my hands were on fire. I bought a couple wrist guards, but they didn't help much. Even now my hands are still tingling.
I am hoping over time this feeling will go away and I will be able to sleep decently again. Do anything normal again period.
So if I want to save any money at all, I will still need to find another part time job. Something that won't kill my wrists.
In other news, things are still going really well with my new guy. We've been talking almost 2 months now. We've had a few intense conversations, some good, some not so good.
And I am very happy that he can take my mood swings. Being bipolar is sometimes frustrating.
I tend to scare men off. Where he is persistent, and he won't leave me alone until he knows I am okay, and actually mean it.
I am just really enjoying how things are slowly progressing. He really makes me happy. =)
04:37 Aug 05 2010
Times Read: 606
So a while back....I told him I loved him. We were up late, it was about 3 am my time, 4 his. The conversation was intense. As I got closer to saying it he said not to say those words if I wasn't ready to.
But I said them, and meant them.
He said them back.
Though.....when I mentioned about changing our status's on Facebook to in a relationship....his nerves kicked in and I made him nauseous.
Still too early. And I do suppose we should meet first before really making it official.
I am still very happy though. Life is still great. =)
07:00 Aug 31 2010
Change my dear is a good thing sometimes *hugs*
17:14 Aug 31 2010
Good luck sweetie , We all have to make changes sometimes its what makes us grow as a person.