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Love the War, Love the Soldier17:35 Mar 18 2008
Times Read: 903
Snatched with permission from NocturnalGoddess's journal. :)
"Hate the War, Love the Soldier?" This has become a popular phrase these days. However, I am strongly inclined to disagree with it.
I say "Love the War, Love the Soldier" for many reasons. One thing people need to realize is that I am not saying I love war in general, or that I love the fact that people die in war. However, I am disturbed by the fact that everywhere you go, you see signs that say "Hate the War, Love the Soldier." I do not agree with these signs at all. Additionally, I wonder if the people who hold up these signs have ever stopped to ponder what the soldiers themselves feel about this saying.
I recently saw a video of a couple of random soldiers being interviewed about their thoughts on this saying. They stated that they disliked every syllable of this statement. I wouldn't be surprised if every single one of our soldiers hated this saying too. These soldiers are mostly regular Americans, like you or me. They are not from a different planet nor do they have strange beliefs. They pay taxes. They have kids, wives, mothers, fathers, siblings, a dog named "Spot." So, wouldn't it stand to reason that their opinons are generally the same as ours? The only thing that is different is that they are at war, in a Gods forsaken land, away from their homes and loved ones; and we're here. We are safe and sound being protected by them. The only thing that is different is that they are risking their lives everyday to ensure the safety and rights of each and every US citizen.
I'm sure most, if not all of them hate being in Iraq. I would. I would miss terribly my family and friends--especially in those conditions. Let's face it. If there is a Hell, our soldiers are in it. And to make things worse for them, "We, the People" decide to put a negative light on everything they have accomplished in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why can't we just show them some POSITIVE feedback? That's what "Loving the War" really is. It doesn't take much effort just to raise their spirts. Oh, and don't worry! It won't cost you a thing either! What they do each and every day is beyond courageous. Our militry is the legs this nation stands upon. Even the soldiers who are not over seas fighting are doing their part to protect us. There is a soldier in the dead of night, in the snow, in the rain, in the cold; standing on a wall- guarding our borders. He's making sure that you and I can sleep tonight. He is ensuring our rights and our safty; upholding his oath he has taken with honor to protect this great nation.
And never forget- this life is their CHOICE. They endure monumental sacrifices and hardship because they made a choice. They stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat at anytime. When our country is invaded and attacked, who will fight for us? The protestors of this war waving their banners and burning our nation's flag? No? No waving of hands or shouting out now? I did not think so. To every protester of this war out there, you want to make a difference, do ya? Well, it high time you start supporting what our troops do! Whats is so damned difficult about simply telling them that they are doing a good job? Come on people! Let's show a little kindness, encouragement, and gratitude for our troops just by being there for them. Sometimes a meer "Thank You" will suffice. In fact, you would be surprised just how far or how much a simple "Thank You" can do. Loving the War as well as the soldier means supporting our guardians of freedom no matter where they go --or what war they fight in.
Quite frankly, I could care less what this "War in Iraq," is about. It's political, period. It could be for Oil, Money, Terroism, Good Reasons, Wrong Reasons. But the fact remains...our soldiers were ordered by our nations leaders to goto war...and they were readily and willingly deployed. The bottomline is that our soldiers are out there fighting and risking their lives everyday FOR US. If we Hate the War, then everything they do is in vain. The War is what they live and breathe everyday right now. They BLEED, SWEAT, TOIL, AND DIE out there on our behalf and their reward is that ignorant people bash everything they have accomplished? You're kidding me right? This war does not have to be justified for a good or a right reason. War itself is never good. These Soldiers whether they have volunteered or not to goto Iraq are still there. And NO they can not just pack up their stuff and leave Iraq. (AWOL is more than just frowned upon. It is a punishable offense, and they would goto prison.)
"Love the War, Love the Soldier." Is SUPPORT. That's it. That's all. Support them 110%. Support not only the soldier who goes to war, but also support the LIFESTYLE they have chosen. And please, by all means...if you cannot stand behind our troops, feel FREE to stand in FRONT of them!!!
Vampire Rave is a member of
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08:52 May 06 2008
The Ending part is my
14:07 Jan 06 2009
OORAH! lol, yeah let them stand in front i could always use a flesh shield lol :D much love
19:27 Jan 07 2009
LMAO! Stephen, David...I know a few flesh shields I could send your way...compliments of the TRUE Americans here! :D Much Love to ya both! xoxo