I’m seriously starting to question the sanity of those of us who choose to cohabitate with the opposite sex/same sex and so on. I have been locked in a war of words and silence for the past 2 days now and I am beginning to understand why the divorce rate is so high.
I am becoming so emotionally drained that I just want to lop his head off and walk away. The constant bickering is getting on my nerves, and on his behalf it’s over the most miniscule shit. And they say that we females get emotional over the little things! Effin aye! I mean there should be some rule that a person can only use something against another once, no matter how stupid it is.
Good GOD, how many times can one person continue to pick at something before it becomes legal to stab them in the ass?
Thank god for Mr. Cigarette and Mr. Rum and Coke, without their smooth and calming guidance, there would be a homicide up in here rawr....