xIllusionsx's Journal

xIllusionsx's Journal


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63 entries this month

Swallowing the Truth: The Many Benefits of Semen for Women

10:57 Jun 30 2014
Times Read: 436

Two of the largest industries in the world have, quite literally, reached a new climax in their production, and have begun using more natural ingredients in their products. There is a growing trend to use bodily fluids in beauty products and food, and semen seems to be the ingredient in demand. Its nutrient-rich composition promises the consumer luscious hair, radiant skin and clinical benefits by improving medical conditions, such as depression and morning sickness. This scientific breakthrough raises the age-old question women and gays all around the world have been pondering: is it better to spit or swallow?

It’s no secret that many men enjoy oral sex, but what about their female sex partners? There are a number of opinions regarding this topic in the female community, ranging from if we should plug our noses, close our eyes, and swallow the cum back like a tequila shot, or ignore the courtesies and spit it out. It all depends on what you feel comfortable doing, but for those of you who swallow or want to try, there are ways to make the experience more pleasurable and according to some studies, it can be one way of getting your daily intake of nutrients. There are infinite resources out there to help improve the taste of semen, the most popular involving fruit, such as pineapples.

Since, sperm already contains its own natural sweetener, fructose, as well as ascorbic acid and proteins, sexperts suggest men eat more fruits with natural sugar, like apples and mangoes, to enhance the sweetness of their ejaculate. They also encourage them to drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins that could be contributing to the bitter and extra salty taste. Unsurprisingly, mint and cinnamon can enhance the flavour, but due to the high levels of sulphur, doctors suggest avoiding foods like garlic and onion. Other foods that may not be palatable are cauliflower and broccoli because these vegetables cannot only ruin the taste of semen, but produce unpleasant smelling fluid as well.

Instead, substitute with celery, wheatgrass, and parsley as the chlorophyll in these vegetables can improve sperm’s sweetness. To motivate your man to undergo what seems like a big lifestyle change, do it with him... and then maybe do him. Men should understand that these steps lead to an improved quality of health and will also enhance their partner’s sexual experience, and therefore enhance theirs. So cum on and get with the program!

Just as foods affect the taste of semen, semen can improve the taste of food. The idea of adding a bodily fluid in your food might be hard to digest initially, until you consider all the health benefits of doing so. Think of it as a spinach-banana smoothie: the initial reaction to adding a vegetable, especially a leafy one, doesn’t seem too appealing until you try it. Dishes prepared with semen are the same thing, and like those spinach smoothies, the fluid has explosive nutritious properties. Semen is composed of some of the following nutrients: fructose, ascorbic acid, zinc, cholesterol, protein, calcium, citric acid, magnesium, vitamin B12, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, and lactic acid. A daily dose of semen could potentially be a replacement for your multi-vitamin and mineral supplements.

To incorporate this nutrition in everyday living, Natural Harvest – a collection of semen based recipes, is one of the first cookbooks to explore this new phenomenon and contains a diverse selection of recipes ranging from alcoholic beverages to meat dishes that contain sperm. The ingredient is also praised as improving the quality of taste in many of the recipes and adding a rich, nuanced texture to some. Although, the meals may not be vegan-friendly due to the fact that sperm is an animal protein, the recipes are completely harmless and the semen is low-cal.

New research in the scientific community has determined that oral ingestion of sperm can combat depression, due to hormones present in seminal fluids. Bio-psychologist Gordon G. Gallup Jr., believes semen functions to improve a woman’s mood, so that she experiences more amicable feelings toward the male counterpart. Serving as an aphrodisiac, it’s no wonder dessert recipes are calling for a dash of semen!

And for future reference, semen is also a natural cure for morning sickness. Biologists agree that the female body initially rejects the pregnancy due to the foreign nature of the semen inside her. The body undergoes this process by inducing the woman to vomit. Studies show that ingesting sperm mediates the affect and reasons that by introducing more sperm into the body, the body will adapt and discontinue this rejection process. Researchers suggest ingesting the sperm of the father is the ideal solution, as swallowing ejaculate of a different man can actually increase the likelihood of miscarriages.

In addition to health benefits, there are cosmetic advantages to incorporating semen into your daily beauty regimen. Many spas and salons across the world have integrated semen into their treatments on the basis that it will lead to healthier hair and more youthful skin. Apparently, semen on the face isn’t such a bad thing after all. These treatments however, are pricey; some salons charge $250 for a 10 minute facial scrub, while Hari’s salon in England reportedly charges £55 for a 45 minute hair conditioning treatment with bull sperm. However, as the salons promise, the rejuvenating properties of these facials are well worth it, and depending on your source, it contains less chemicals than your average shampoo and is therefore eco-friendly.

Before going down however, it is advisable that you and your partner(s) get tested regularly. Although, it is possible to contract HIV from oral sex, there have been very few reports documented on contracting the virus this way. It is always better to be safe than sorry! And despite the low risk status of acquiring HIV from this oral, there are many other STI’s that you could be infected with, such as herpes, syphilis, and gonorrhoea according to www.aidsmap.com. Preventable measures to protect yourself from infection include practicing good dental care and ensuring that there are no open cavities, blisters, or bleeding in your mouth. Also it is ill-advised to brush or floss before performing oral sex, save that for after your meal! However, as delicious as semen is, opting for a condom or dental dam may be the healthiest choice if you want to prevent the transmission of STIs but still want to go down on your man.

Overall, the concept of using semen in your daily functions is a sticky area since it is not as easy to come by as some may think (my single ladies will agree), and its health/beauty properties are still not clearly defined. However, university is one of the best times to experiment and it doesn’t hurt to get a little wet! If you want to be risqué, check out the recipe below from Natural Harvest for the Almost White Russian. As long as your “donor” can pump out 3 teaspoons of fluid, this is a relatively simple recipe. Try it over the weekend, just remember to drink responsibly!



11:50 Jun 30 2014


12:29 Jun 30 2014

Are you yanking our "chain" with this entry ? :)


Happy Fucking Sunday

02:25 Jun 30 2014
Times Read: 456

You know what..go fuck yourself simple as that. You can't fucking back your shit up and what not, don't come at me like a child..don't come at me like your someone big and tall.

you can't handle the fucking truth then don't fucking come at me. I'm tired of you people thinking that it's all so pleasing just to be a fucking child..you know what go fuck your mother or suck her tits some more it seems your not old enough to fucking be on your own...and second of all don't pretend to be my friend..i will find out the damn truth..half you fucks are going off my list..

Unlike most of you


yeah fuck you and happy fucking sunday.



02:32 Jun 30 2014

ohhhhhhhh shit... I don't think I want to ask right now... perhaps later.

02:43 Jun 30 2014

I say to hell with them and all their little fake fucking profiles. There has been a lot of Benadryl moments on this site lately maybe they need a detox :)



09:46 Jun 29 2014
Times Read: 471

Today has been rather odd. I don't know I mean the thing is..it's been hot and what not. I mean I think the heat just got to me..and what not. I've been sleeping off and on all day today..something I don't know. I don't sleep that much and I've been getting more headaches.

I guess it's just the heat or something who the hell knows. But the fact of the matter is I can't stand headaches..I just are a pain in the ass, they are annoying and they tend to make me weak..but then again I GUESS they make anyone weak. But yeah my day hasn't been all that good..and it doesn't seem to be getting better. Oh well it happens...we all have our days.

well I guess that's it for me..or something like that..the ones that talk to me aren't on..and it's already past 1am my time..then again I don't know if sleep will be the main thing to get tonight..but who knows..I just might take my meds and just pass out again and wake up dying of thirst and a headache again...



09:56 Jun 29 2014

The heat can be bad for one susceptible to headaches. There are several solutions. But only one of which is truly beneficial. :)

14:39 Jun 29 2014

Yea you need to get in a less dry heat area and in a cooler climate. Those headaches from how you have talked to me about aren't just due to the pressure you have. They do sound like your body is taking a beating due to the weather also.

As for not being on when I usually am I have to admit that I fell asleep after you went to bed the second time.


Murder Scene

16:12 Jun 28 2014
Times Read: 496

Silly rabbit,

Tricks are for whores.

You should've never deceived him

and just stayed away,

but now it's too late.

You're just a fucking roofie incarnate.

Don't think for one second that he actually loves you.

Take a glance at what you did to him,

at what you put us through.

You know he regrets every second,

don't you?

and I'll make you, too.

If you think I have problems get a fucking mirror

and take a hard look at yourself.

I don't have to use deception to find love

and that's why I'll get my happy ending.

Yours however, goes a different way.

I laugh at the way you think you're so damn perfect

but honey, you're just plastic after all.

You're nothing more than a blow-up doll.

I'll fucking pop you and laugh as you deflate,

enjoying every second of it.

Suffocating as you run out of air

Choke on yourself bitch,

just in case that knife didn't puncture you enough


Dolls aren't supposed to bleed,

but rich crimson blood

is seeping all over the place.

It looks like a fucking murder scene.

Oh, that's right,

it is (teehee)

At least you're nowhere near my good furniture.

Two star motels aren't just for cheap sex, you know.

What a shame,

that tacky wallpaper will be the last thing you see.

Well, you shouldn't have tried

to steal my everything.



16:21 Jun 28 2014

>.> I see them claws coming out... lol jk... Gotta love such things. Great outlets and even better, great works of art.

19:48 Jun 28 2014

Well, I hope you brought plenty of bleach.


Love Always,Your Stalker

15:57 Jun 28 2014
Times Read: 499

Around the corner

Hidden from view

Reading the paper

Waiting for you

Conveniently everywhere

Yet no where to be seen

Different places--

Same routine

A face in the crowd

That's always there

Glance around nervously

Feeling a constant stare

Sweaty palms

Imaginary shapes

Walk as fast as you can

You'll never escape

On your doorstep

A personal prize

Pictures of you

With burned out eyes

A scream of horror

A call to the police

Sense some one's watching

Feel your heartbeat increase

Paranoia takes over

Fear drives you insane

What once was free

Is now in chains

Afraid to set foot outside

Too scared to sleep even an hour

Don't drop your gaurd

Just sit and cower

Inside your head

No longer your domain

What you used to rule

Now I reign.






16:03 Jun 28 2014

Great work hun. Personally I am glad to know how your mind works, to know there's a meaning to this.


A Taste Of Sanity

15:50 Jun 28 2014
Times Read: 500

Run run little child,

I say, just keep running.

You can outrun for awhile

When I catch you the fun's coming.

You can't hide in your mind

Insanity drills into your thoughts

I keep smiling, you're mine

It's so cute that you fought.

But good luck, good try,

My little angel, you fought well.

But now give up, you Will die,

After me, you'll yearn for hell.

So sweet, your soft lips,

So pale, so cold, so icy

Is your dead kiss

You've been devoured by torment

And I laugh with sheer content

Beaten and bruised,

Bloodied and battered,

Now you're unconscious

Your face made the glass shatter.

You're a bloody disaster

Because I got high and plastered

And I showed you who's your master.

Too quick to simply blast her

One squeeze and that's it,

Fuck that, Too painless

I want this whore to feel this shit

Every inch, every fist

Bleeding from every orifice.

But I don't cringe or look away

Your torture to me is utter bliss.

A slight sprain, in my wrist

I'll apply some ice later on tonight

Simple mistake, I insist

A jolt of pain when I struck bone with my knife.

I open my eyes, covered in sweat,

Unaware if the scene was dreamt in a fright

I close them again, willing to bet,

That if so, i will make it reality tonight.




Touch Me There

14:33 Jun 28 2014
Times Read: 506

Touch me there

I know you want to

Wide open and bare

Just for you

Your magic hand

Each long finger

My body you brand

As you linger

Slide one in

And then one more

Let the games begin

Sensations galore

Drive in deep

Feel me shake

It's yours to keep

I shiver, I shake

You slide down

You go down south

My jeweled crown

Meets your heated mouth

Use that tongue

You start to tease

I come undone

More please

Hands in your hair

You look at me

A moment we share

Pure ecstasy

You rise up to my face

I taste my juice in your kiss

Nothing can replace

Our erotic bliss



15:04 Jun 28 2014

In due time, in due time... :P


Dreams Turning Real?

13:56 Jun 28 2014
Times Read: 514

Another night without sleep. I think this is becoming something well just something for that matter..but I do get sleep. When my mind allows me to and the nightmares stop. They are becoming more and more stronger, and they are becoming more and more almost real like. That's what I was afraid of to be honest. I didn't mind them even accepted them as dreams, but yet for some reason they are seeming to become real.

I don't know what it is but I think my own dreams are out to get me or something. There is to many and just to much that is going on with them..something I am struggling with. I hate to admit it, but I can't hide from it. Now I can just ride them out but about half way through them...I find myself waking up screaming or trembling, almost like they are meant to leave a mark or something.

I have woken up already with a couple marks on me, one on my right hip..now before you going off saying "oh she's causing them herself" No not with how the mark is, it's not made from fingers..that's for sure, well in away it is but it's showing the markings of claws or something of the sorts. I DON'T have nails, I really can't stand nails cause really they are just nasty to me..but that's just me.

I have another mark that is on my left inner thigh, no I can not bite my own thigh so don't ask..I mean granted I am flexable and what not, but NOT that much. It's faded away already well most of it, but ti's still there none the less. Now when I first noticed these marks, I did have a dream or two being hunted by something or someone, I never can see them but I always hear them and when it's to late I end up becoming I guess their prey.

I'm sure none of you care about this but really I don't care...I just threw this out there cause it's my journal, if you don't like it well then you don't have to read it. I just wish i could see who or what it is that keeps stalking me..and hunting me...once I figure it out maybe my dreams won't be so bad and i won't wake up with marks again.



14:04 Jun 28 2014

Hmm, interesting... I will explain why in a more private situation. Remember, when I was younger I too woke up the same way. A couple actually placed a scar. Though this sounds like the works of you know who. I will have to look into this to make sure it is just him.


The Breath I Can't Catch

12:31 Jun 28 2014
Times Read: 516

I miss you in the moments

my brain tries to make my

heart forget, and I wonder

if you remember the curves

of my body the same way I

remember every colored

speck in your beautiful eyes.

Accurately enough to cause insanity.

Do you remember the nights

we stayed up late, discussing

anything and everything like we

actually had the world figured out?

Because those memories seem to

ricochet off the inside of my

protective wall until I'm holding

my breath just to avoid the pain

of breathing without you.

It's a slow pain that crawls

through my veins and gnaws

at my organs and nerves,

desperately following streams

of weeping blood in hopes of

destroying my aching heart.

Sometimes I wonder if seeing

you again would make it stop,

if only for just one moment,

so I can catch the breath I've

been chasing for so long now.

You were always the breath I

could never seem to catch, and

even when I think I've moved on

you're there in the back of my mind,

reminding me that I haven't really

inhaled fresh oxygen in years.

For just one night, could you

breathe some life back into

these mummified lungs so I

can remember how it feels

to truly be alive?



14:00 Jun 28 2014

Beautiful work.


Painted Smiles

09:44 Jun 28 2014
Times Read: 522

I woke to green light and purple shadows. The air was heavy and humid, wrapping around me like a blanket. A faint buzzing irritated my ears. Fear gripped me. They would be coming soon. Coming with their sharp silver instruments and whispered promises that they were "just trying to fix you. It'll be over soon." Ignoring my screams. Looking down on me with painted smiles. I close my hand around the glass shard. Not today.

They come on time, painted smiles bright red today. Their eyes flash, mine gleam and red drips down my face. Taking a life leaves me buzzing wit adrenaline. I turn. I run. I am free.

Years of imprisonment in my own mind, in my own body, cannot prepare me for the absolute bliss, the euphoria that comes with the stretching of my muscles, the lengthening of my breath. I am hypnotized by the pounding of my feet on the hard, black road. Alone in the room, I put everything I have into driving each step forward. Rushing air has dried the blood on my face, sticking my eyelashes together in clumps.

At the top of the incline, I pause. Far, far behind me my prison is a speck between golden hills outlined by the rays of the rising sun. Red tendrils shoot up into the sky, banishing the inky black night. In flash of light, orange, pink and blue rip the sky in half. I am blinded for a moment. It is in that one, precious moment that a sound drifts up to me from the bowels of the valley that chills me to the bone.

A dog's howl.

I am crashing through the thicket, branches and thorns tearing at me face, my hands, my hair, dragging me down as if I was running through knee high syrup. The beauty of the world is lost on me. I am consumed by one need and one need only: to get away, to escape.

Suddenly, I am free, falling down, down into a ditch. Mud squelches between my fingers, soaks my clothing, sucking me in. Exhaustion presses me into the mud. I watch, fascinated, as my blood mixed with the brown muck.

It is cool and strangely soothing to lie here. I turn to watch the sunrise. It is the last thing I see before the hounds swarm, like death itself, down the hill towards me. I await them with open arms, laughing as pain becomes the only existence I know.




The Howling Flames (Not Done Yet)

08:04 Jun 28 2014
Times Read: 530

"Nothing but weeds, of course!" I laughed. But then again, maybe I was tempting fate for not coming during the day. After all, coyotes are most certainty proven to be real. But so far it was just me up there. All alone! The only sounds I could hear were the crinkling of dried grass under my leather dress shoes and the now almost incessant sound of me tapping my flashlight in an effort to keep it on. "Should have gotten the name brand batteries,"

I muttered to myself as I kept walking. By the time I felt myself to be in the middle of the field, distant lights appeared and twinkled like stars on the blackened landscape. The lights looked like they could have been from either candles or lighters. Before the lights appeared, the only other light source was a small slit of the full moon just now coming out over the horizon.

"Kids," I sighed, annoyed. But of course, I had to venture out to the moor on Halloween night. As I walked a bit closer, my flashlight flickered more and more. I hit it once, and it ceased working. That is when more points of lit flame dotted the blackness up ahead. With no light source of my own, I decided to press forward to see if possibly I could get some kind of torch. Hell, even a lighter would help! As I got closer, figures started taking form out of the darkness. I noted that this gathering was the strangest party of teens that I had ever seen.

Traditional Jack-O-Lanterns and candles were lit while figures were crying at the moon, which at this point has came half way above the horizon. It was a deep red/orange color, like the dying leaves of trees during the fall. Taller, darker silhouettes seemed to taunt and scare the figures. I stood watching for a few moments to see exactly what was happening.

Three minutes into watching, I felt someone seize my arm. I turned around quickly and saw a hooded figure wearing the most realistic mask I had ever seen. It had no eyes, and the effect of a decomposing face was captured perfectly. The figure itself even smelled like something rotten. However, I was far from amused.

"Let go of my arm, kid," I said, making a jerking motion.

"Leave," the figure hissed in a tone that made it hard to identify a possible gender. I laughed at them.

"Alright, kid. Take off the mask and cut the crap. I'm busy."

"LEAVE!" The figured growled louder, and an even more putrid smell wafted my nose.



08:37 Jun 28 2014

Nice work, can't wait till I can read the finished work.



23:52 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 546

Have you ever had a day where something is lingering upon her mind? Or something is slowly building up. You can feel it you know it's there but yet you just can't put your finger on it? I mean I'm sure most of you have gone through that...but what if it's something that...just seems to tug on your mind,something that seems to be growing stronger and stronger?

I don't know it's just odd, there is something there but what I don't know yet, and it's making me wonder. Something is lurking within my own mind and behind it but yet I can't see it. I can't put my own mind on it, I can't sit there and find my structure of things..or how things are..no when it comes to this.

I don't know what it is, but there is something there, something is within my mind something is tugging on it..I'm trying to figure out what it is, but it's not working. It's there but it's not there...I don't feel as though it's a threat or anything no, but I feel it...like a distant voice whispering..and I can't make out what it says...or what it's saying..this might sound odd to you..but that's what is going on...if this doesn't make sense please..tell me.



00:18 Jun 28 2014


00:39 Jun 28 2014

All things come in time, many times when the time is right. Anyways just checking over your journal before I finally get sleep.



15:34 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 552

Beth leaned heavily against the ancient oak tree. Her heart pounded, and her breath was labored from running. Her eyes were wide with fear. Beth skirted the tree, never relinquishing the security holding its massive trunk provided, and faced the direction from which she had fled. Summoning the courage to peep around the trunk, she looked to see if there was any sign of the demon pursuing her. Nothing!

"It's there! God, I know it's there!" Beth thought to herself. "It's watching me! Where is it?" Her eyes focused on the darkness, trying to discern a tell--tale shape among the trees and foliage of the forest into which she had fled.

"Nothing! But its got to be there!" Beth thought. The pounding of her heart sounded like a base drum in her ears. Her breath seemed to roar like a storm.

"Surely it can hear me!" She thought. She dared not even whisper to herself. Beth cursed her decision to flee into the woods rather than retreat to her home. She cursed her decision to go into her garden that evening. She knew there had been attacks in the countryside. She never should have gone, but she couldn't sleep. The garden is so peaceful and beautiful in the full moon.

When she first saw the creature, Beth seemed frozen in her footsteps. She stood steadfast in horror and amazement. It was a wolf, but not an ordinary wolf. It was larger than any wolf she had ever seen or heard of. Beth stood five feet and seven inches tall, and she guessed this monster measured five feet or more at its shoulder. Its head was larger than a basketball. Its supernaturally white fangs appeared to be as long as Beth's pinkie finger. When its lips pulled back in a snarl, its gums were red, blood red.

It noticed her immediately after it broke the cover of the forest at the edge of her garden. Without knowing why, it seemed to Beth it expected to find her there among her roses, calla--lilies and the other flowers she lovingly planted. The garden was her sanctuary. And now her sanctuary had been invaded by this beast.

Beth had to force herself to stop looking at the creature and consider her escape. She needed to flee, to run for her life. Although the animal was not directly between her and the house, it could easily intercept her by running across the perimeter of the garden. The wolf would be too fast for her to give it any advantage. Her only chance was to run away and make the wolf run as far as possible. Only then could she get far enough ahead of it to find some hiding place, some make--shift sanctuary, in the woods.

Now she stood trembling, clinging to the scant protection of the oak's trunk and wondering where the beast lurked. Beth knew she couldn't have lost her fleet preditor during her flight.

"Where is it? It's watching me, stalking me. It can smell me. It can smell my fear! God, why won't my heart be silent?" The thoughts tumbled through Beth's mind. She looked around the trunk again. Nothing! Could she have escaped? Is it over? Then her blood ran cold.

"My god, the wolf circled me. Its waiting in ambush for me to come to it!" Beth turned suddenly, her back against the tree and her arms splayed behind her, still clinging to the bark of her only protector. She tried to see through the darkness and the forest itself. Nothing!

Beth tuned back toward the tree. She once again peered around the trunk in the direction from which she had fled. She then looked to her left and turned to look in all directions. Nothing! Her heartbeat slowed and her labored breathing was less pronounced.

"Is it gone?" Beth permitted herself a small measure of hope. Gone or not, she thought, she could not stay in the forest all night. If it was not gone, it would find her. If it was gone, she needed to return home.

"But which way to go?" Beth looked around again. The path on which she fled was the most direct route home, but she risked running into the wolf. It could be lingering along the path, sniffing, tracking her. The thought panicked Beth. If she took a more circuitous route, it would take her longer to get to safety. It also would give the monster more time to find her.

Beth startled. Her eyes wide with fear, she looked in the direction of the sound. It was a sound like a twig cracking when it is stepped upon. Nothing! She peered into the darkness, desperately wishing she had the wolf's eyes. She dared not move. She just stared, trying to discern the slightest movement. Nothing.

Suddenly panic gripped Beth. She had to move. She had to leave the cover of her oak protector and run home. Which way? Beth ran. She ran to her left. It would take her longer but she didn't have to think about running into the wolf while it hunted her along the path she had fled. Before she had ran thirty yards, she heard the crunching of dead leaves and twigs on the forest floor.

"It can hear me! It knows where I am!" Beth's last thought was a breathless whisper from her lips. She ran faster. She needed to escape the dense foliage and get to one of the more worn paths back to her garden, and then to home. The path was ahead. She could see the moonlight illuminating the intersection where a path forked. Beth stopped only briefly to glance over her shoulder, first back into the woods and then down the left fork before she turned to left down the main path. Her chest was hurting. She was winded, but fear propelled her toward her garden and home.

Beth felt relief as she saw a clearing she knew to be only fifty feet from the far edge of her garden. Immediately the promised calm was torn from her heart. The beast -- her pursuer -- pounced suddenly from the cover of brush to her left. Beth stopped immediately and backed several steps away. The wolf menaced, its head lowered, ears folded back, fangs bared, a long string of saliva dripping from the right side of its mouth to the forest floor. But the monstrous beast did not attack. It stood there threatening. Beth stood frozen with her hands at shoulder level in an instinctive defensive posture.

But an effective defense was impossible. Flight was vain. Beth could only await her inevitable death. Strangely the panic she felt dissipated. She was keenly aware of everything around her and she was more aware of her senses than she could ever remember, but the panic was gone.

"Is this what its like to confront and accept the certainty of one's death?" Beth wondered in her thoughts. She dared not speak.

Beth stared back into the eyes of the beast. Surely now she was becoming giddy because she thought she recognized them. They were not human. Dark green. Its eyes were a dark green with a fire in them. Do wolves have green eyes? She didn't know, but she knew without doubt she had never seen the terrible predator that soon would end her life, but there was something, something she could not place, familiar about its eyes.

The wolf took a step forward and stopped. Beth was jolted back to reality. She did not move. The wolf took another step forward. Should she accept her death, Beth wondered? Another step. Beth turned and ran. She was not going to die without a fight.

No more than five steps into her flight, Beth felt the large paws of the wolf's forelegs strike her back and knock her to the ground just shy of the edge of the clearing. Beth smelled the damp decay of the forest floor in her nostrils as she struck the ground and dust billowed up around her head. Immediately she felt a pain in her right breast. The speed of the attack offered her no chance to protect it from the force of her fall.

The wolf stood with its left paw in the center of Beth's back. She could feel the dampness and heat of the wolf's breath as it bent its nose to the nape of her neck. The monster closed its mouth and sniffed. Beth let out a desperate cry as she tried to raise herself from the ground. She could move only a few inches, and the wolf easily pushed her back to the ground with only slight effort from the paw resting on her back. Beth felt its saliva wet the back of her neck. Panic returned.

The wolf brought its mouth to her neck and Beth tensed in anticipation of the bite that would sever her spinal cord and put an end to her life. She felt a forceful tug at the back of her gown and felt it ripping away from her body. It had been a gift from her husband.

"Nooooooo. Oh god, noooo!" Beth cried, almost in relief that her life had been spared for a few moments more. The torn gown slipped effortlessly from around her body, leaving her nude except for her panties. It was then Beth realized the wolf's weight had been removed from her back, apparently while it tore the gown in its fever to kill her.

Beth pushed herself up and tried to get her legs under her to run. The wolf, aware of the sudden movement of its prey, knocked Beth to the ground with just a small jump. Beth landed on her right side. She turned to her back, inadvertently exposing herself to the wolf. The wolf gazed at her with its head lowered but it was no longer snarling. Its mouth was open and it was panting in the manner wolves do, but it was not snarling. Its ears were forward as it walked slowly toward its victim.

Beth pushed the forest floor with her feet. She felt the skin abraided from her upper back as she pushed herself away from the approaching beast. The wolf did not quicken its pace. It simply continued to walk forward toward Beth. When she saw her efforts were futile, Beth stopped pushing herself along the ground.

She sobbed, a small plaintiff cry in short bursts.

"Why, why? Why don't you just kill me and get it over with?" Beth shouted at her tormentor. Her crying became more consistent.

Through her tears, Beth caught sight of something. A first, she saw only a deep red color. She blinked her eyes to focus on the color. Her vision became clearer as she squeezed the tears from her eyes. Panic grew to abject terror as Beth realized that she was confronted with the wolf's penis, exposed from its sheath and fully erect. Beth's eyes widened and fear contorted her face.

"No! No! Oh my god, no!" Beth screamed, as she realized the wolf's true intent. It wasn't going to kill her -- at least, not right away. It was going to ravage her.

Beth started churning her legs and she turned to her right side in an effort to get off the ground and run. Death would be far better than what this beast intended. As she turned, the wolf put his right paw on Beth's left leg and pinned it against her right leg and ripped her panties from her body with its teeth. Immediately the wolf's attention was focused back on the object of his desire. He walked up her body, pawing at her left side in an attempt to roll her over. Beth resisted and struck the wolf on the face and shoulders.

The wolf brought his face close to Beth's. She felt his hot breath on her neck. His saliva dotted her neck, breasts and stomach. Beth crossed her arms over her breasts and shook her head from side to side as if to deny the nightmare she was living. Dust marked the tracks of her tears, which, for the moment, were gone.

The wolf turned Beth over with three powerful pulls with its paws. Her tears returned.

"No, no, no! No, god, nooooooo!" Beth cried, as the wolf used its paws to move her body under him. The wolf's mouth closed on Beth's hair at the base of her head. The force with which he grabbed her shoved her face into the forest floor. Beth turned her head as much as possible to breath. Her cheeks were raw from being pushed into the debris on the forest floor. The wolf continued to try to improve its grip on Beth's hair with rapid bites, much as a dog improves its grip on a pull toy during play.

The wolf gripped Beth's waist just above her hips and pulled down to arch her hips toward its cock. He arched his own back as he pulled to poise his prodigious cock to enter Beth's pussy. Beth tried to struggle, but she was immobilized by grip the supernaturally large wolf had on her hair and waist.

The wolf's grip tightened, and there was a brief moment when nothing more seemed to occur. Suddenly Beth realized what the interlude meant.

"No, no, no, you're not gonna do this, you motherfucker!" Beth cried and shouted. Suddenly she felt an intense pain in her pussy. Followed by another and another as the wolf forced its large cock into Beth's pussy.

"Owww! Arrrhhhhhh!" Beth's screams were punctuated by pain as the beast relentlessly assaulted her pussy with his cock. She felt herself getting light--headed and thought she might faint. As the assault continued, her pussy began stretching to accommodate the girth of the monster's penis. The stabbing pain was gradually replaced with a burning sensation on the lips of her cunt, which Beth knew meant they were cut and raw from abuse.

Although Beth continued to protest her violation with screams, curses and crying, the pain subsided. Much to Beth's horror, she began to feel the familiar pressure of an orgasm building within her.

"Oh no, no, no . . .," Beth's cry was not one of pain or protest, but one of disbelief uttered in a low tone of resignation.

The supernatural wolf continued raping Beth as she felt herself orgasming.

"Oh my god, oh shit, ooooo awwwwwww ugghhhh, yes, yes yes!" she exclaimed as the thick cock of her attacker continued to pummel her pussy. Beth felt her pussy flood with her own juices. Her orgasm and lubrication turned the brutal pounding she was getting from her beast into another gut--wrenching orgasm. As she orgasmed, her pussy clamped down on the wolf's dick. She felt the thick organ begin to swell. She knew it signaled the wolf's own climax and soon his semen would be flooding her vagina. Then she felt it, coming in powerful contractions that propelled the wolf's sperm with enough force she could feel it hit the back of her vagina and cervix. Her own orgasm continued. She began to feel giddy and lost consciousness.

A moment later, Beth regained consciousness. Even though she was disoriented, she could feel the wetness between her legs and the thick organ in her pussy. As impossible as it seemed to Beth, the penis began to grow. Then she realized it was going to knot, as all dog organs do, to prevent the semen from leaving the vagina. She felt the wolf loosen its hold on her and move to the side. His cock, which now had knotted, was still inside her. The wolf collapsed behind her, the two still joined by their sex organs. Beth knew her humiliation wasn't over yet. She began to scream and once again passed out.

Beth awoke nude in the forest as the sun was approaching its rise above the horizon. She moved -- little movements at first. She was sore. She reached to touch her face with her hands. Her face was scraped and bruised. Her tits hurt form being forced into the ground. Her back and hips were striped with claw marks. Her pussy, now empty, was bruised, cut and raw from its rape. Even her scalp hurt where the monster had held her hair so tightly in its mouth.

She pushed herself up on her arms, her legs curled under her. As she turned her head, she noticed a man lying on the ground his buttocks near hers. He also was nude. As she was sorting out in her head the meaning of this nude man, he began to stir. He looked back at her, and Beth lost her breath.

"David?" Beth said incredulously.

David scrambled to his feet and ran quickly away from his wife into the woods. She had discovered his curse.




Zombie Lust

15:24 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 556

I was walking home from a friend's graduation party and I admit I was more than a little drunk. But hey, I was eighteen, a young, good-looking female, and if I wanted to party, I partied.

But that night would be a night I would never forget. I was so tired I just wanted to go home and get some sleep. I had to make a choice, cut through the graveyard and get home in half the time, or go all the way around which would take longer but was less creepy.

I said, "Fuck it," and went through the graveyard.

I hated the graveyard. It was always so creepy and the place just gave me a bad vibe, even when I was a kid. Yet there I was, walking through the damn place at 2 a.m. so I could get to bed quicker.

There was a full moon so it wasn't pitch black outside. I didn't really like the fog that was about knee high but I would be home soon and everything would be fine.

As I swaggered through the graveyard I kept hearing a noise. It sounded like a low moan. I thought to myself, 'Someone from the party must be getting laid out here.'

I giggled and continued walking.

I was about half way through the graveyard when the moaning got louder. There were about ten big trees in the middle of the graveyard and that was where the moaning was coming from.

I giggled and decided to see who was getting laid. I snuck behind one of the trees then peeked around it. No one was there. I slowly tip-toed to the next tree. I fell once but got up quickly.

I laughed out loud then said, "Shhh!"

I got behind another tree and peeked around it. Again no one was there. I was starting to get bored and was about to give up when I heard a loud moan behind one of the trees I hadn't checked.

I ran over to the tree, hit it with my face, and fell down. I told you I was a little drunk.

I got up slowly and rubbed my nose. Then it dawned on me. What would happen if they got mad at me for spying? I laughed and thought, 'Hell, I don't care!'

I may be only 5'3" and 105 pounds but I'd kick him in the balls and his lover would probably be too embarrassed to do anything so I could escape easily.

I peeked around the tree and to my delight I saw a nice pair of muscular male ass cheeks. Actually I saw the back of a naked man but my eyes were focused on that sweet ass. From what I could tell, he was alone, just standing there.

He let out a low moan. That was when I figured he must be touching himself.

Now my curiosity was peaked. I wanted to see him stroke his cock. I wanted to see his cock's length and thickness.

I held onto the tree and leaned way out to see more of him. That's when my hand slipped off of the tree and I fell down. I just laid there in the fog for a second then I heard him walking towards me.

I stood back up and was about to apologize for the intrusion, but I couldn't speak. I stood there in shock. I could barely breathe. The man was facing me and I couldn't believe my eyes. His skin looked blue in color, his face was all fucked up. One of his eyes was dangling on his cheek. He had about five broken teeth in his mouth and blood was dripping out of it. He had big open sores all over his body and yellow puss was seeping out. A big scar ran from the top of his chest to his belly. Worms and maggots were coming out of the scar at his belly. His penis was hard but the flesh was tore all over it.

This thing was just staring at me, rocking from side to side.

I whispered, "I have to go."

The thing looked into my brown eyes and gave me a hellish smile.

I was petrified and I was shaking from head to toe.

The creature moaned out one word that chilled me to the bone. He moaned, "Pussy."

I turned and ran as fast as I could in any direction. I didn't care where I went as long as I was away from the zombie guy. As I ran my foot got caught on something on the ground and I fell. I couldn't see what it was because of the fog but I quickly got up. I could see the zombie hobbling after me. He was walking so slow I knew he would never catch me.

I began to run and again something caught my foot and I fell to the ground. I rolled onto my back and sat up. Something had hold of my foot. When I took a closer look at my foot I screamed. I could see a hand coming from the ground holding my ankle. The hand had rotting flesh all over it but was very strong.

I clawed at the hand to release my ankle but all I got was rotting flesh under my fingernails.

As I tried to get my ankle free, another hand came from the ground and grabbed my other ankle.

"Oh God, no!" I screamed.

Then I felt my long brown hair being pulled. My head was pulled to the ground. I clawed at the hand that was pulling my hair but as I did so, two more hands came out of the ground and held my wrists.

With my hands held firmly above my head and my ankles secured firmly below, I began to cry. I was about to scream when another hand covered my mouth. Four hands came out of the ground, one on either side of my rib cage and one on either side of my hips.

The two at my rib cage tore open my white blouse. As the buttons flew everywhere, they tore off my bra exposing my breasts and erect nipples. It was so cold laying there on the ground.

The other two hands at my hips tore off my skirt then held my hips firmly in place. The two hands that were holding my ankles slowly moved up to the backs of my knees. The hands were very big and wrapped around each knee. The hands pulled my knees to my chest then spread me wide open.

I screamed into the rotting hand that covered my mouth. I thought to myself, 'Why is this happening? What is going to happen to me?'

Then I heard a low moan. I looked up between my legs and there it was - the zombie. That hellish grin came across his face as he looked at me. Then he moaned out that familiar word, "Pussy."

The two hands that had torn off my blouse and bra began milking my breasts. They squeezed so hard I thought my breasts would burst. Squeezing, relaxing, squeezing, relaxing, over and over like a damn machine.

The zombie kneeled between my legs and with one of his hands he tore off my yellow flowered panties.

My muffled cries went unheard.

He opened the folds of my pussy and ran his blood soaked tongue deep into my soft wet girlhood. I screamed as the ice cold tongue violated my hot wet vagina. I could feel his tongue lapping at my outer lips then going deep inside, lashing at my inner pussy walls.

As I cried, he continued eating me out. He pulled his tongue out of me and then began to suck on my clit. My belly tightened as he suckled on my button. My breathing was getting faster and the hands that were milking my breasts got faster too. I could feel my body building to orgasm.

'How can this be?' I thought. 'Am I really going to orgasm for my undead rapist?'

I did just that. I came so hard I thought I was going to pass out. My arms twitched and my legs tightened then relaxed again. My eyes rolled back as I moaned into my undead gag. The zombie just watched me orgasm for him. Him with that grotesque grin on his fucked up face.

When I finished my orgasm, I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to throw up. I looked at the blue rotting thing between my legs and wanted to kill him. That is, if you could kill something that was already dead.

The hands on my breasts never stopped milking me. My breasts were very sore from the continuous squeezing.

I looked at the zombie and he placed his ice cold hands on my hips. I couldn't believe what he was going to do to me. But it was true. He was preparing to mount me.

I pulled at my wrists to get him away with no success. I was spread wide open and my knees were held firm. He put his face in front of mine and moaned, "Pussy." Then he thrust his ice cold, hard cock up inside my hot wet snatch.

I screamed as he raped my soft little muffin.

With the blood from his mouth dripping onto my neck and his eyeball dangling down and bumping against my cheek and nose, I thought I was going insane.

Still he kept pounding into my pussy. Hard and slow, his rotting cock felt like a thick icicle slipping in and out of me. Pushing his rape tool in as deep as he could in my abused cunt, his breath was a cross between strong blood and feces.

He bit down on my left nipple. I cried in pain as he sank his broken teeth into my breast. Still the undead hands kept milking me for him. He was sucking blood from my nipple as he poked inside my vagina.

I felt so sick that I turned my head and vomited.

There I was, held down and spread wide open by the undead, being raped by a zombie. While he sucked blood from my nipple he also pumped at my pussy with his ice cold rotting shaft.

Every time he pushed into me, a little vomit would come out of my mouth. His pace started to quicken as he stopped suckling on my breast. I knew what was coming next, even though I prayed for it not to. He was going to seed my fertile pussy.

I tried to struggle but it was no use. He arched back and moaned, "Pussy," then filled me with his cold seed.

My body betrayed me and I came too. It must have been because my pussy was so hot and his cock and seed were so cold. My whole body vibrated and my pussy tightened and relaxed around his ice cold member. I was milking the seed from him. It wasn't like a normal guy's cum inside me. It wasn't hot and sticky. It was ice cold and clumpy. I would have to say, it was like someone put bad milk inside my pussy. You know how it gets when it goes bad? Liquidy with big clumps and very cold. That's what it felt like as he coated my pussy with his seed.

He pulled his cold rape member out of me and walked away while I was still uncontrollably orgasming.

The hands slowly went back into the ground. First the ones at my knees, then my breasts, then my hair. The one that covered my mouth went to my neck and started to choke me. I couldn't breathe and thought I was going to die. Then I blacked out.

The next thing I remember the sun was starting to come up. I gathered up my clothes and ran home. Everyone was still asleep. I jumped into the shower and washed up. After I was done I went to bed and thought about what had happened to me in the graveyard.

Someone at the party must have slipped something into one of my drinks. I probably hallucinated it all. Not the rape mind you, but what I saw raping me and holding me down. That had to be it.

About a month later I found out I was pregnant. I kept it a secret from everyone. That is until my water broke nine months later. Then everyone knew I wasn't just getting fat. The delivery was quick and painless to my surprise. It only took an hour. I gave birth to a baby girl but the doctor and nurses were very quiet. They whispered then told me my baby was dead.

I asked to see her and they held her up. She was very blue and cold to the touch. They took her away and the next day, the day of my release, I noticed that I was lactating milk mixed with blood and it was cold, not warm.

A scary thought came into my brain. Later that night, I snuck into the hospital morgue. I found my baby girl and held her to me. I took out my breast and put the nipple into her mouth then squirted my milk and blood mixture into her mouth.

Her eyes opened wide and she began to suckle my special milk from my breast. Her eyes and hair were black as coal. Her body was cold and blue like her father's. I had given birth to a zombie baby.

As we left the hospital, she clung to my breast. I looked up into the sky and and wondered what was ahead in our future. Ah, but that's another story.




Desiring Flames

14:54 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 560

I was standing in the crowded cafeteria, trying not to think about my stomach growling. I'd forgotten to eat breakfast this morning, and now at 2PM I was suffering the consequences of my forgetfulness. I looked behind me once or twice, noticing the line only getting longer. At least I wasn't in the back...but I certainly wasn't in the front either. I scanned the cafeteria again, looking for any signs of someone I actually wouldn't mind speaking to. My eyes caught Tracy, who was essentially skipping her way over to me. I have no idea how this girl remained so carefree. She was student council leader, college representative and an active member of the most popular sorority on campus.

Oh, and she was totally a dragon.

I could see swirls of smoke each time she stepped into the sunlight. Tracy was a beautiful girl, but she was pretty careless when it came to masking what she really was. She, like the other dragons, were probably too used to no one being able to see them for what they were. And for the most part, no one could see what they were. Tracy was a blonde bombshell, with runway legs and an envious hourglass figure. I couldn't hate her because I loved her so much, but I imagined a lot of girls did in fact loathe her with the passionate burning of 1000 suns.

Soon enough, a face surrounded by flowing, blonde hair was way too close to mine.

"Sam!" She took me into her arms at full force, nearly knocking the air out of me.

Dragons are much stronger than the rest of us. Sometimes, I think Tracy gets so caught up in pretending to be fully human that she forgets that she's not.

"Tracy. I can't breathe." I try my best to push her away from me a little, not feeling like visiting the ER today.

"Oh. Right." She giggles, sweetly, and lets me go. As she does, I notice that her eyes are glowing bright, fiery, ocean blue.

"Tracy!" I almost shout, then remember I'm surrounded by people who would definitely be freaked out by a YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY DRAGONS revelation.

"Your eyes are glowing." I do my best to whisper.

"I know!" She shrugs it off. "I've been telling people they're contacts I got from a super special online store in Japan. They're slightly illegal, but worth the buy."

"Will is going to be so mad at you." I'm angry-whispering now, something that's extremely hard to manage when you're fuming.

"Only if you tell him." Tracy gives me a sickly sweet smile. "You don't have to tell your boyfriend everything."

"Uh, I kind of do, Tracy. And if I don't, then he'll just be mad at me! He might go full dragon!" Okay, so now I was semi-whispering, semi-talking regularly.

"And we all know you hate it when Will is about to go full dragon." Tracy's words were dripping with sarcasm.

Suddenly a little embarrassed, I could feel blood rushing to my face...and somewhere else. Memories of the last time Will almost went full dragon on me. I swear, I can still feel the burn of his talons dragging against my skin as he pushed into me, relentlessly, nearly pinning me under him. He was still in his human form, but he was barely holding on. He was biting into my shoulder, hard, as he moved inside of me. Every part of me felt electric, so perfect, that I didn't even realize how loud I'd been moaning. I was cumming, over and over and over. No one else has ever made me orgasm like that, except for Will.

And during the grand finale, when Will came inside of me and the warmth of his release pushed me over the edge one last time...

Tracy came into the room.

There's nothing quite like seeing your roommate's face when you're mid-orgasm.

It changes things.

After that experience, Tracy and I both decided it was in our best interests if I moved off campus and out of our dorm room.

Honestly, I'm surprised we managed to stay friends.

If I would've walked in on her, I don't think I could brave the social awkwardness to ever manage a conversation with her ever again.

When I'd gotten outside of my head, I noticed we were at the front of the line.

"When did this happen?" I murmured, taken aback by the progress.

"Sometime between me telling you not to be a snitch and you fantasizing about your boyfriend's dragon dick."

Before I could even respond, Tracy was giving her order to the lady at the counter. All I heard was the word "vegetarian". I had to do everything I could to keep from laughing. Tracy always hated how much other dragons would make fun of her for eating so...non-dragon-y. Of course, they were in the right. I've literally never seen Will eat anything remotely green unless it's lettuce on a cheeseburger. Dragons are carnivores to the extreme. Will likes to joke about how that's the reason he has no problem eating me out so often...Goddammit. No. I will not space out again.

"I'll have food, please." I say it wholeheartedly, dedicated to not spacing out anytime soon. The lady at the counter just stares at me. It takes me a few seconds to realize my mistake. "Uhm, I meant, I'll have...pizza? Looks good?" I hand her some bills and nearly bow to her as an apology, before I take the plate away. I follow behind Tracy, who's headed for an overly decorated, neon pink table. I let out a loud sigh as I finally understand that I've been led into a trap.

"I'm not joining your sorority, Tracy."

"What? Oh, no way. I just thought I'd invite you as an honorary sister for a day. Every sister gets to pick one, once a semester. And since you're basically the only girl I talk to who isn't already in, I thought it'd be nice to introduce you to everyone else." Tracy turns to beam back at me, before continuing towards the table.

I put no effort in my expression back at her, and assume it comes out as a grimace. Tracy doesn't care. I'm promptly seated next to an over-curious freshman sister, asking me what year I'm in and how I got to know Tracy. She wishes she and Tracy were closer. She'd love to be just like her one day. I nod, sporadically, pretending to listen to all of her Tracy praise when I'm really only picking up on 1/3rd of it. Wow. This girl really loves Tracy. And wow. This pizza was not worth $5.

A few hours later, and I'm home sweet home. I plop down on the couch, blasting the TV. I have a very strict no-doing-homework-on-the-same-night-it's-assigned-policy. This has made my academic career shaky at best and downright ninth circle of Hell at its worst. Whatever. I'm 22 years old. I'm an adult. I do what I want. I could order 20 plates of Chinese food and absolutely no one could stop me. I could even eat it all with my hands! No knives! No forks! Nothing! It's a thing of terrible beauty, this world of adulthood.

An hour into the news (a summary: the world is shitty, people are shitty, kittens aren't shitty, the government's not as shitty as it could be) I hear my doorbell ringing. My heart jumps into my chest, already starting to pound faster. Will. Will. Will. I mute the TV, as I nearly run over to the door. I frantically pull it open, pull Will inside and slam the door shut behind him. A second later, I'm kissing him, not letting him get a word in. I can feel him smiling against my lips, happy to see me, too.

Will is...Well, he's hot. But it's not just his casually toned body or that quintessential dragon glow behind his eyes, it's something else. Something else that makes me want him kind of desperately. I'd call it love, and it is, but it's also a little different. He's tried to tell me it's more like a bond. Since we, you know, mate pretty often, we've developed a type of ancient connection that dragons experienced all the time. I can feel him and he can feel me.

He's actually feeling me right now, very conspicuously.

"Your hand's on my ass." It's the first thing I say to him, as I break the kiss.

"Huh. Weird. It's almost like I'm attracted to you or something." Will kisses me gently on the cheek.

"Un huh. Did you already eat dinner?" I let my hands rest on his chest. "If not, I could whip you up some baked chicken. Or just let you eat it raw. Whichever."

"I could go for a bite." Will bares his teeth at me, letting the sharpened tips of his canines come through.

"Oddly enough, that's stopped being so terrifying." I press on one of his canines, and the tip goes back in. "I'll put it in the oven."

After around two hours of waiting for the food to cook, eating the food and then relaxing on the couch due to being full from the food, Will and I decided to head to bed. I got there first, wearing short shorts and one of Will's old t-shirts. No bra, because I'm a free woman. I was wearing panties though, because I'm a lady. I was flipping through one of Will's textbooks he'd brought over with him. Something about biomechanics. I've considered that I might just be dating a mad scientist, but what was I supposed to do, not date him? No way. Will's perfect. And also maybe planning to take over the world someday.

Will came back into the bedroom, shirtless, but wearing a pair of boxers. He climbed into bed with me, not breaking eye contact as he did. I put down his textbook, and give him a kiss on the forehead.

"Did you see Tracy today?" He asks, curious.

"Yeah, we had lunch together. Well, she forced me to have lunch with her sorority sisters and she was also at the table."

"That sounds about right." Will kisses me near my elbow. "What else did you do today?"

"I just had my usual classes. Oh, did you know that they're not going to give one of the history professors tenure all because he may have caused civil unrest at city council a month ago? I mean, he knows history, so isn't it kind of his thing to want to change history? History is terrible! Why is he being punished for wanting a better fut—ahh!" I unexpectedly let out a small moan. I'm not sure when it happened, but Will's hand was currently between my legs, rubbing me through my shorts.

"Keep going." He says it calmly, as if he's doing nothing at all.

"Well, where was I..." I could feel Will's other hand lifting up my shirt, his mouth quickly finding my chest. He kisses my chest, softly, before taking one of my nipples between his lips. He continues to steadily rub between my legs, and I can feel a familiar wetness beginning. "The professor is going before the board in a few days..." Will's fingers slip into my shorts, bypass my panties and I can feel them, playing in my wetness, threatening to slip inside of me. If any of him found his way inside of me, I was a lost cause until he was done. When our bodies connect on any level, it's like heroin. Or at least what I imagine heroin has to feel like for it to be so damn addictive.

"And if he can get them all to agree to review his case, he could be up for tenure again...soon...Ahh..." I knew I was full out moaning now, feeling Will's fingers find their way inside of me, pushing into me, exploring me fully. That warm sensation all over my skin was back, that spectacular way only Will could make me feel.

"Keep going." I could hear the grin in his voice, as he pressed against my g-spot, my wetness nearly flowing now.

"I can't think. I can't—" He slips his fingers out of me, licking them clean as he does.

"Sorry for interrupting. I'm listening. I promise." He playfully kisses me on the nose, as his hands go towards my shorts. He pulls them down, right along with my panties, and spreads my legs a little wider. With no hesitation, he lowers his head, his mouth finding my clit immediately. Shit. His tongue was shifting from its regular, human intentions into its alternative dragon length. Before I even knew it, his tongue was inside of me now, purposely pressing against my spot, as he used one hand to steady me, and another to play with my clit.

"I'm gonna' cum..." It's all I could get out as I felt my body convulsing, only a few minutes into our lovemaking. I've tried to build a resistance to Will, if only so I wasn't always the first to cum, but it's no use. He's not fighting fair. As a reaction to my recent orgasm, I could feel him carefully retracting his tongue out of me. Even that felt amazing. That desperate feeling for Will was reaching its peak. I may have unintentionally let out a small whine or two, as he pulled down his boxers. Fuck. Yeah. He was already hard, as he stared up at me. Not at my face or anything, but he was definitely staring. He bent down to quickly kiss my clit, before he spread my legs even wider.

By this point, I'd forgotten how to speak in English, so I wasn't saying much of anything. Will was positioning himself, lifting my legs up on either side of him, as he got fully between them. I moaned as I felt the tip of his cock finally inside of me, and nearly lost my voice as he moved all the way inside of me, filling me up entirely. He was moving, steadily, but I knew he wasn't on autopilot. Will had to be careful, or else, his talons might come out, his smoke would definitely show, he'd bite me too hard, he'd hold down my wrists enough to leave a bruise, he'd mindlessly fuck me for a few hours or maybe...he'd go full dragon.

Knowing there was very little chance of the latter happening, I tried to make something else happen. I held onto Will's back, as he moved on top of me, pressing my nails deep into his back. Hard. Very hard. So hard, his natural response to pain might pop up. Or should I say, out? "Stop." Will groaned in my ear, lost in pleasure, but still trying to stay grounded. I didn't stop. In fact, I surprised myself with how deep I could get my nails into him. And...it totally worked! Hard work does pay off! The American dream is real!

I saw Will's fingers taking their natural talon shape. He let them rest against my thighs, as he continued taking all of me. Eventually, they pressed into my skin, the pain turning into euphoria, his venom being deceptive, tricking my mind into believing what I felt was what I wanted to feel. It was bliss. It was being high. It was me cumming again, getting my wetness all over his cock. I was a fairly obvious cummer. Will smirked down at me, and pressed my legs down, closer to my chest. He was angling himself so he'd be stroking against my g-spot. This was always his revenge for me making his talons come out. If I forced his body to respond against his will, he'd force my body to respond against my will.

As soon as he moved his cock against the spot, I knew it was going to happen. All the conditions were right. My body was over-sensitive, my clit felt amazing, and I was already so wet for Will it was naturally the next step. No matter how many times it happens, though, it always seems like it's unreal. A few more thrusts, and there I was, squirting for Will, getting him and the bed wet with all of my excitement. Fuck. Fuck! Apparently, my own release inspired Will to have one of his own, as he came inside of me, still thrusting to the very end.

His talons disappeared, as he fell down next to me in bed.

"Why do you always want my talons to come out?" He's breathless, but still trying to speak to me.

"Because I like the way they make me feel." I roll over towards him, letting an arm drape across his chest. "And I don't get what the big deal is about them."

"They could really hurt you. If I lost control, if for one second I completely let go—" He stops, mid-sentence, shuddering at the thought.

"Will." I only say his name. He turns towards me, waiting for me to finish my sentence.

"You would never hurt me. Human. Or Dragon." I kiss his lips, briefly, before resting my head on his chest. My eyes are starting to close and my mind is dizzying out to oblivion. I can feel Will gliding his fingertips against my arm, stroking me softly.

"How are you so sure of that?" He whispers, maybe to me, maybe to himself.

"Because I'd sue you. I'd sue the Hell out of you." I respond, groggily, already half asleep. I can feel his chest rising as he laughs.

"There's someone I want you to meet tomorrow, Sam."

I nod into his chest, not having enough energy to even look up at him properly. As I'm drifting off into my subconscious, I think I hear Will saying the word "where"...Where? Where? Where? Why would he be asking for directions right now?

I suddenly see a full moon behind my eyes. I'm standing alone in the middle of a forest, surrounded by tall trees and wonderfully pleasant, fresh, outdoor air.



15:14 Jun 27 2014

Ah an oldie but a goodie. Remember when you wrote that. >.>


Experiment Failed

14:46 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 561

The chamber was cold, below freezing. He lay exposed on the metal table top, wrists and ankles strapped down. He could see his breath as he exhaled. His teeth chattered and his body shook. His skin was blue and cold to the touch. He tried not to think about what would happen if he made any sudden movements.

Within minutes, she walked in. Dressed in a long white lab coat, she pulled out a syringe and injected the green liquid into his left forearm. His body shook as he clenched his teeth together. She would not hear him scream. She would not see him cry.

Within a minute, his body stopped shaking. His breathing was shallow as sweat formed around his brow. The woman observed and made mental notes about his current condition before leaving the cold room.

Relieved, he opened his eyes. No hope could be seen. Sold by his own parents, he was used in human experimentation. Every day, he was stripped and strapped to the table. The temperature varied from extremely hot to below freezing. The room itself was bare of anything. No windows to look through. No pictures to give life to the empty space. Just four metal walls and a locked door. A camera in the corner helped the scientists observe him from the outside.

Hours later, two men came and released him from his restraints. He was given a thin gown to cover himself and small glass of water to hydrate him. Then, he was led down a narrow hallway to his cell. There was no mattress to rest on. There was simply a blanket in the corner that he could either sleep on top of or use to keep warm. For dinner, he was given a plain cheese sandwich and another glass of water.

He had grown thin in the months since he first arrived. He could see his rib cage and his muscle was starting to deteriorate. His hair had grown to cover the top of his shoulders. His showers comprised of a metal tub filled with cold water and a small bar of soap for his body.

As he curled up under his thin blanket, he tried to recall memories of his former life. He wondered about his friends, his girlfriend, and his little sister. Would his parents sell her to the same people? Would they spare her from this nightmare? He could only hope. His hope for freedom had left him long ago, but he could still hope for his sister’s future.

In what felt like minutes later, he was kicked in the ribs. Waking up, he was pulled up by the elbow and dragged to the room again. Once he was tied down, they injected him with a blue liquid. This time it didn't hurt. It was thin and flowed smoothly into his blood stream. He felt his eyes get heavy.

Muffled voices reached his ears. He could barely make out the woman’s voice and an unknown voice. He managed to decipher certain words. Death. No choice. Failure. Were they going to kill him? He would gladly welcome Death’s embrace if it meant he would no longer suffer in this hell.

He felt the needle pierce his scarred skin. The liquid was different from anything they had ever injected him with. He could feel his heart slow down. It was stopping. His breaths were getting shallow and slower. His body was shutting down. Before the darkness could swallow him, he recalled his sister’s smiling face and hoped she would never have to suffer like he had. The thought of her happiness made him smile one last time before his heart stopped.




The Enemy Within

13:05 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 571

There once was a boy, his name is Damon. Damon didn't have friends nor was he close to his family. He was fine with that, he was more of the silent type anyway. Well one night, Damon was about 5 years old. He was happy because he had his own room not sharing with his sisters. He was sleeping when he heard a noise...coming from his window. He was scared but decided he is brave enough to go see what was out there. He looked at the window..and saw...something.

It has very pointy and sharp teeth the claws were like razors, could cut steel in half, it's skin was pure black with messy hair and it's eyes were completely blood red..and it was smiling at him,showing those terrifying teeth. He screamed and ran to mommy and daddy's room. He said "Mommy! Mommy! There's a monster in my room!" The mom groaned and got up to see nothing under the bed and the closet the monster was....no where.

Mommy said it was just a bad dream but he knew it wasn't. He had to go to sleep anyway I had school tomorrow and he went to bed. Damon never saw the monster again and soon forgot about it. Damon is about 14 now still the same. No friends not close with his family. He got in a fight with his sisters. The youngest one, Lizzy went in his room and took his stuff and then broke it. The oldest one, Abby said it was accident, of course the parents went on the case and they thought Lizzy and Abby were telling the truth...this made him very angry. He thought 'Why does everyone hate me? I never did anything!'

Damon finally calmed down and got some sleep as he was about to close his eyes he saw IT again. That same monster he saw when he was five. He just stood there in shock. He waited to see if it would do anything but it didn't..it just had that same smile showing it's teeth...he thought it was part of a bad dream and went to sleep with the monster still smiling at him....

The next morning he woke up to the most frightening thing he had ever seen...he saw his family...dead not just dead but murdered, they were in pieces! He choked up the best courage he could and finally moved and called the police...

Police: I've never seen anything like this before the boys family..dead. From some kinda of mentality challenged person. I mean look at this! Deep cuts in the guts and bite marks everywhere! Not to mention the eyes of the victims just plain and lifeless... It looks like there were signs of struggle so they didn't go down without a fight. This is straight from a torture film! Maybe some kind of animal. A bear? I don't know...

They have sent him to a foster home, a family is interviewing Damon. I went to go spy and it looks like I'm there new son. I went back to their home. Their family has tons of kids, maybe fosters. I have a room of my own it has Spider Man posters and a blue wall. A typical boy's room. I lied down on my new bed. I didn't really like the family it looks like they were trying to be nice to me, make me feel at home but they knew something was...different about me.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep. I had a dream about that monster with the sharp teeth killing the new family. It was gruesome and disgusting. I woke up in cold sweat. I walked in the living room to find the family dead! With the same wounds as my old family...What was going on? Some killer was following me and was killing the families I have lived with but not me... I had to do something I quickly ran to the police and they saw the bodies.

I don't know what to do. I don't feel safe. I went to my school celebration ceremony we were about 19 and we were partying for finally finishing school. I didn't do anything really I just drank a little watched a few movies. I just kept thinking about my family and that morning I saw them dead. I hated looking at that same image of them over and over again. I was going insane.

I bought a house today, It's not that big. But it is big enough for one person. I ordered a pizza and watched a couple movies. I had work in the morning and I had to get some sleep pretty soon. It wasn't that late so I decided to go to the cemetery where all the families I had before. I kneeled down to see my family's tombstones. Lizzy,Abby and My Parents. It started to rain. I saw people putting up umbrellas or running to a place with a rooftop on it. I didn't have an umbrella I have always liked the rain. I faced at my family's tombstones again.




A Night To Remember

12:35 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 576

A girl's night out which happens rarely in our part of town. Sara, Jamie and I decided to go out and have some fun. A break from work, children, bills. Days we had like when we were teenagers. A world waiting for us to tear it apart. We were rebels to the core. Jamie had a baby. She had to have her home by midnight. So we went to a local bar in town. We threw back few shots here and there. Handsome men surrounding us offering to buy drinks.

We were on the verge of tipping the scale. I had a boyfriend already so no men phased me. I can not say I did not think on it. I were and am a faithful girl to one man. All of us were dancing and singing to the latest popular songs. Our hair getting sweaty falling from the style we had it in. Whoever says a girl stay pretty always was a liar or he partied with the wrong women..hehe. We all decided that we were going to see our boyfriends. We begin to drink a lot of soda. It helped some not a lot. We were able to walk straight and see straight to get us where we was going. Text our boyfriends of our coming. I drove, I honestly did not drink that much, but enough to feel the effect of the drinks I did have.

Driving, my black mustang, along the dirt road. Dust flying behind us as we were trying to get away from the police. We made it there about eleven thirty. Called our love ones, babysitters and parents letting them know we were staying a night there at our boyfriend's house. Jamie her parents said she had to come home. So I let Sara drive her home. Sara had gone I decided to take a shower. A remedy to help sober up. Luckily all our boyfriends were brothers.

Brandon, Mike and Lex was in the living room watching television. By the time I were done with my shower Sara had come back. Mike was a gentleman in everything he did. Not the typical open the car door or pull up your chair at the table. He did those things but I paid no attention to that. It was clear things. He had long black hair. Soft to the touch and shined when light hit it. He was tall almost like the pine trees along the road, high cheek bones those of an indian and the muscle mass to define he was a man indeed. His eyes were unsophisticated and yet at the same time complex. To many brown eyes or almond some say its boring but not to me. Many nights I wondered. Why he asked me to be his girlfriend, but I never formed my words to ask such a thing.

Coming out of the bathroom everyone was in their own rooms.My head turned in the direction of Mike's room. I notice he had just gotten there. Sneaky thoughts came to my head, but only led me to jumping on his back. His laugh made me all the more happy. He Flipped me over his head onto the bed. Giggling I sat up and moved my hair from my face. When he sat down beside I could tell something was wrong.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm OK" he said smiling a bit. "You have shorts on under that shirt?"

"No I do not." I replied. I could not pass up the chance to tease him

"What have I told you about not wearing shorts?" he said as he poked my sides. "You must want something to happen to you?"

"Hehe..I'm kidding..I'm kidding." Giggling trying to pull away from his hands. "...See?" I said as I lift my shirt to show him my shorts.

"What have I told you... I do not like to be teased." he said placing his lips against mine. "If you do it again. You will have hell to pay."

I nodded to him. It was something about his voice. Something about the tone of his voice. I know deep down he was not playing with me. We talked about many things till I fell asleep in his arms.

I was awoken to a terrifying sound. I Sat up as I had awoken from a horrible nightmare. My eyes giving the room a warm sweep. Not seeing anything I walked towards the window. Looking out the window to gaze at the moon. That is when I saw it. Something enormous and black running into the woods under the moon of the night. I ran to wake Mike to tell him what I had seen, After shaking him a few times. I notice my hands were wet. Wet from him sweating. He was burning up, shivering as he was cold. I walked to Brandon's room. He had gone. I walked towards Lex's room he and Sara had gone too. We were alone and he was sick.

I ran back to the room and into Mike's bathroom. I had wet a towel and placing it on his forehead. I left and walked to the kitchen to look for medication. Tylenol, Aleve's, Motrin something to bring down his fever. There was nothing in the house to help make him better. I Walked back to his room. Surprisingly he was sitting up on the edge of his bed. I could not help it. My motherly mode had kicked in.

"Mike, what are you doing?" walked towards him. "Come on Im going to take you to the hos..." I paused when he cut me off.

"No...no hospital." He said

"But..." I inputted

"No hospital is going to help me." he said with a growl to his tone.

"Mike...Mike is you okay?" I asked again.

This time reaching out to touch his shoulders. He turned and looked at me. The Mike I knew was not in those eyes. They were golden in color, his veins stuck out from his neck and his face was dripping with sweat, but he was still growling at me.

"Mike you scaring me, please stop." I said to him

I moved away from him into the corner on the bed. My words did not even phase him any. My hands shivered and my heart begin to beat faster from how scared I was of him this way. I felt that my heart beat a bit faster the closer he got to me. I Had no place to go. He had me pinned in the corner. He got so close to where I could feel him breathing against my skin.

"Please Mike..don't hurt me."

Begged with tears in my eyes. Suddenly it felt as time had stopped. I could not hear anything. His hand cupping my chin and turning my head to face him. His eyes still golden but I found him in them.

"Please don't be afraid of me. This is who I am." he said placing his lips against mine.

I was confused on what he meant by "This was who he was." I knew Mike more than anyone else. He was the perfect gentleman. This person I did and did not know all at the same time. For that moment I had him back. I had him back in my arms. We kissed like we never had kissed before. It was romantic in everyway, but short lived. I could hear him growling louder and louder against my lips.

"Fight it mike" I whispers against his lips. I wanted to help him pass this night of sickness. It was a battle for a second I thought I had won.

"Come..fight it. Do not give into it."

He had held my arms and held them firmly above my head. His other hand gripped my shirt. I could hear the fabric ripping as he yanked his hand back from me. I tried to plead with him. If my voice brought him back once it could do it again. In one swift moment I heard my bra snap. The air brushing my skin. I knew he had unsnapped my bra. My full smooth caramel mounds exposed to him.

"Mike lets me go now!" I yelled at him. Wiggling trying to get free of his grasp. If he wanted sex that was not the way to melt me over. Then he looked up at me and smiled. That smile chilled me to my bones. I wanted nothing else but to get away, but I were locked in the man I loved but did not know anymore.

[i]His tongue licked over my breast. I could tell he was enjoying this. My eyes and voice held fear in them. I felt his teeth clamp down on my nipple. The more I move. The more he bit harder. His teeth were not the same. Though teeth are sharp, his were sharper. As he leaned down closer to me. His free hand traveled down my smooth caramel stomach slowly into my gray short. He moved them back and forth against my laced red panties.

"Mike, stop it now!" I was serious at this point.

It was obvious what he wanted. He was using it to his advantage. I was not going to fall for it. He looked at me with the same grin. The ripping sound, of my shorts ripped off. He laughed looking at my half naked body. My eyes widen as I looked up at him. His hand had slipped into my panties. His immense and hair hand rubbed against my sweet cherry pink clit. He leaned down sucking on my soft, supple breast. I was trembling, from head to toe. Terrified I was. He was violating my body. He still held that gentleman personnel. His hand kept teasing me. My body was as if a wild animal, locked in a cage.

"That's it do not hide it." He whispered in my ear.

A soft gasp left my lips. The center part of my back rising off the bed. Trying to move away, I bit my bottom lip to keep myself silent. I did not want him to get any ideas in his head. In all this, my body was slowly betraying me. I Tilted my head back, against the bed moaning. I was trying to fight it. My body ravaged by the wave of heat. My hips moving back and forth against his fingers. He watched the way my body reacted to his touch. The longer he watched the more hungry and greedy his fingers got.

He inserted two fingers inside my wet vagina. They were too large. I was not wet enough for that. I had not been prepared for any of it. I screamed out in pain. His fingers moved in and out of me slowly.

"Shh., love" He whispered.

He leaned down and placed his lips against mine. His fingers slid from inside me and placed them into my mouth. I Tasted the juices, from his fingers, that he pulled from me. One hand he took off his shirt and undid his pants. My eyes went down between my legs. His cock was thick, veiny, and throbbing with anticipation. He was hard as marble. I did not want it, not like this. His fingers still in my mouth. I shook my head back and forth. I opened my mouth to tell him to stop. I was too late his cock had slammed into me.

"Mike no!!" I screamed.

His hips were moving back and forth with force. My thin frame moving up and down under him. He freed my hands from his grasp. Immediately they went to his chest. I arched up off the bed. I never felt someone that powerful inside me. It felt so right but hurt at the same time. My legs wrapped around his waist.

"That is it darling take me inside you." he said. His hips moved faster and more power. He was not showing any mercy to me.

"Oh...nnhggg..ow..ow" I whimpered.

My hands clawed at his chest as I bit my bottom lip. He reached down placing my legs over his shoulders. His thrust were getting faster inside me.

"Mi.mike...oh it feels so good."

He flipped me over onto my stomach. His hand scooped under me making me get to my knees. In one swift movement, his cock was back inside me. My fingers gripped the sheets of the bed. My head tilted back as his thrust threw me forward. I felt his fingers run in my hair. He gripped my sandy red lock pulling my head back.

"Let me have you in every way." He commanded.

Both us rocked with passion, lust and the brutality of it all. I did not have words to say. My body tensed up feeling a heat and brain shattering feeling between my ass cheeks. I felt as if I would pass out. In fact, I think I did. His hips did not phase any. He was just as forcefully as he did my pussy. I felt as if I would throw up if he kept up.

He pushed me down on the bed as his cock slipped from my ass. I turned around and pushed him onto the bed. I straddled on top of him taking him within me once again. My hips moving in waves as ocean tide would have on the beach.

His hands grabbing my bouncing breast.

"Call out to me. Call out to me Eva" He groaned.

Ones hips moving at the same pace of the others. Gaining speed as ones climax began to tip closer to the edge. He was breathing harder, deeper than before. I opened my eyes and looked at the wall. I seen the shadow on it matched mine, but the one to Mike's did not match. The shadow matched that hellish beast I had seen in the window minutes before. I screamed out loud. I was so close to cumming my body shivered.

"Cum, my love" he whispered

I held onto him tightly. My hips moved faster and harder. It was here. It drowned my body. I could not help but to scream in pure bliss. I could hear him howl. The warm feeling inside me, I knew he was cumming too.

"I love you." I remember hearing before everything went black?

I woke the next morning looking around. I felt different, but I looked the same. My clothes were on. I felt as something had happened. If not I had one vivid and breathtaking dream. I looked around for Mike. He was not in the room. I was climbing from the bed and yelped from pain between my legs.

"What are you doing?" He said.

"Um Mike did anything happen last night?" I asked.

"No." He replied.

"But I swore..I" I said confusedly

"I do not know, but the mother of my children must eat." He said as he shoved a strawberry in my mouth.

"So we..did" I mumbled.

"I do not know. All I know is that you said "Yes"." he said placing a grape into my mouth.

He kissed my hand softly. That is when I notice the engagement ring on my finger. He looked up at me with that smile I'll never forget. I could not remember that night to save my own life. I loved Mike with all my heart. I had a feeling that my life with him. It was going to be more entertaining than I had thought.



13:08 Jun 27 2014

>.> No comment...



12:19 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 581

You just moved into your new apartment, in a very big city. After a year of this life, you have almost given up hope of making any friends; be it at work or any other means. Every time you get close to someone and show the real you they recoil in fear or think you weird. You feel very lonely.

After looking for a peaceful place to spend your time, you find a quiet diner on the outskirts of town. It may be small and dingy but it is homey. The waitress is very attractive. Also, she seems to be the only employee there, ever. You never see anyone else eat there either, ever. The place is perfect for you. Secluded and someone willing to acknowledge you.

The more you visit the more you acquaint yourself with the Waitress. You become close, you've made your only friend. Making love to her becomes a routine. You go there every night for dinner, and then to see her.

You eventually make other friends, and eat at the diner less and less. The waitress begins to slip your mind more and more with every passing day. After some time you stop going completely.

At a bar with your best friend, you tell him about the fun you had with the waitress at the diner. How in a time of disparity she was there. He says he absolutely must see her. You think why not, I owe her an apology anyways. You take him there one night, but the building is in a state of ruin.

Windows bordered up, cars rusted over. The front door barely opens. Your friend looks at you funny. You look back more surprised than he is. The grimy insides of the diner are disgusting, and, behind the counter, is a moldy corpse, reeking of pus and rot.

When the police come to the scene, they interview both you and your friend. You are shocked to hear that the body is of a runaway girl from another province. You find a twinge of remembrance. You grew up there. You think why you even moved here in the fist place.

The police tell you this is a homicide, and that she was also raped dozens of times, after she was killed. The police say they can get a match for DNA and eliminate you as a suspect. You are suddenly very worried.



12:27 Jun 27 2014

Just comes to show, a memory can be a weapon of all odds. Very beautifully written though.



08:58 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 588

Red eyes watched the victim crawl in an attempt to flee, the female demon walked behind her victim. Her black leather boots tapping the stone floor she walked on. Her black glossy hair blew in the wind coming from an open window; her short black dress with ruffles on the bottom had blood stains on it.

Her white horns poked out of her hair and gleamed in the light of the moon, her pale skin seemed to glow in the moonlight. She continued to chase after her victim, lightly giving her grey wings a flap to scare him. The cowering man tired tipping things over and throwing things to slow her down but it didn’t work, whenever he would do so she would either chop the item in half with her weapon or she would use her black tail to catch it and throw it aside.

Finally the female demon managed to corner the man; she loomed over him lifting her weapon. A rod of dark purple magic, a smirk appeared on her face when she saw the man being to plead for his life. She glared at him for a moment with her red eyes; she let out a mild chuckle then brought down her weapon. The man’s body soon fell limp and collapsed onto the stone floor, pulling out her weapon the demon put the rod on her shoulder and left the man alone in the corner bleeding to death.

She chuckled evilly as she left the man to die, she leaped out the window and into the sky. It was as dark as a room with the lights out,the demon flapped her wings. Stretching out her hands she shot black and purple balls of dark magic at the town below, laughing at the sight of the screaming and running humans. Landing she attacked the villagers by hand, snapping their necks or cutting off their limbs. Then she set the village ablaze, watching as humans burned to a crisp. Continuing to end their pathetic lives, she laughed. Then snapping her thin fingers, demon wolves appeared at her sides.

Their fur black as coal and shadowy, their eyes blood red and burned with bloodlust, chains around their paws and necks. Her minions went to killing, ripping humans limb from limb. The village burned, people screamed and cried, blood stained the ground, human bodies laid scattered. Her minions killed another, Blood splattered against her pale skin. She smirked.



12:07 Jun 27 2014

Good work, keep them coming. I love reading your works.


Torture { Torturer }

06:56 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 595

I want to knock someone out, cold and unconscious. Just with a hard, blunt object to the back of their skull, cracking the back just enough that some blood drips out in a steady stream spiking my senses. Then as their body limply falls to the ground making a loud thud, I look around to check no one was around then drag their unsuspecting body to my chosen place of torture.

Just a small shack I found off in the woods, with no one around for miles, I can do as I please. Laying them down on a metal table I strap down their arms and legs tightly enough that the blood gets cut off. Above the victim on the ceiling is a large mirror I had hung a few hours before. This mirror is so the victim can watch their torture being played through and watch as I slowly bring pain upon their body. They can watch as the flesh is slowly pealed from their worthless body and the blood flows from every cut that I inflict upon them.

As I wait for them to wake up I set up my tools, freshly sharpened and clean. As soon as they wake, I start off by slowly dragging a scalpel down their face, watching the skin slowly split and the blood following not far behind after the skin is slowly pulled apart. Their screams sound like a symphony to my ears, the blood slowly oozing out on to my hand. The pain and pure agony behind each and every scream that escapes their pathetic mouth just makes me cut faster. I want to watch the blood slowly leak from the wound and fall down there face just like raindrops slowly roll down a window during a rainstorm. I want to watch the blood fall from their face upon the floor, making a quiet noise as the drops of blood settle upon the hard ground underneath my unlucky victim.

I put back the scalpel upon my tray of tools to help me inflict as much pain and torture upon the worthless body before me, beautiful when covered in blood, but still worthless. I lean in close just to smell the blood seeping through the cuts on her body. As I smell the blood I can feel my grip on sanity slipping. I lean in close to her neck watching the panicked heartbeat throb through her veins, and feeling my fangs appear in my mouth I lick the stray line of blood on her neck, and lose it. I sink my razor sharp fangs in to her neck tasting the coppery liquid pump right to me with every panicked heartbeat.

I release her neck and smile at her with her blood on my lips while I grab a carving knife, such a knife your father or grandfather would use to carve the turkey on thanks giving. Using this knife, I put it in her mouth, touching it at both ends where the top and bottom lip meet. Dragging the knife up to make the victim appears to be grinning ear to ear. Giving the victim a Chelsea grin. The victim screams while I create the smile, their screams make the flesh peal faster and split even more as they open their mouth to let their screams of agony arise into the cold, still air.

Reaching into the victim’s mouth to grab their tongue between two fingers, I cut off their tongue. No way for the victim to speak. All the victim can do is attempt to speak, but their sounds now cannot be understood. Once more holding the scalpel in my grip, I slowly push my way through her eyelids and twist pulling out her eyes just letting it hang their by her mouth. I start cutting through the thin, tender skin of the victim’s neck, starting at the small puncture wounds I made in the soft flesh. Exposing the trachea, cutting through veins, all while listening to the screams. As the heart beats, every pulse blood comes squirting and leaking out of the split veins within the victim’s neck. Minutes, seconds of life left, I wrap my fingers around the victim’s trachea and pull.

Pulling out everything attached, lungs, stomach, hearing the victim scream, wasting their last supply of oxygen to their worthless lungs. They scream as loud as possible, the sound waves bouncing off of the hard walls around into my ears. Yet, as the victim screams, I’m still pulling the trachea and everything attached. Blood spraying everywhere, my face red, my arms, hands, body, everything; blood red. The scent of blood, the iron metallic smells arising from the precious liquid of life.

The blood begins to slow its flow; the victim’s screams die, my fangs retract and my eyes go back to normal, the victim lays lifeless upon the table. Blood, everywhere. Standing over the victim’s body, looking upon the gutted neck, the grin from ear to ear on the blood-covered face of the victim, a laugh emerges from my lips. Starting quietly, then growing louder and louder each second. Knowing deep in the back of my mind, will not be the last person to experience my wrath.



07:18 Jun 27 2014

*puts on a lab coat, ruffles hair and adds glasses for the perfect mad scientist look. Only to add that swindling snivel of a German accent that people portray.* I seez a cumpondium of linkz heir. Liketh a puzzel of sortz. I zink therez a conectzion. I must inveztikate.


The Truth.

06:41 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 602

Well now I found the truth...and I do believe this goes for about 50% maybe 70% of this site...so here's the truth enjoy.

SLUT= Slutty Lose Uterus Tramp

Oh goodness I feel so much better...I really do...I CAN'T stop laughing....oh I'm so going to hell.



06:42 Jun 27 2014



Torture { Victim }

05:36 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 610

I look at my captor carefully as I can, trying not to let them know I’m awake. As I take in HIS lean frame, HE turns and sees that I’m awake on the cold, hard, metal table. I look away whimpering when HE smiles at me, it’s not the happy haha kind of smile, it’s more like haha I’m going to do so many horrible things to you and love it kind of smile.

As I look at the ceiling I see the mirror on the ceiling, and vaguely wonder what it’s there for in the back of my mind. I turn my head sharply as I hear HIM move closer to me, I catch a glimpse of what HE was doing, and what was behind HIM, and see the sharp, silver tools, and start to panic. I struggle with the bonds on my hands and feet but they're too strong for me to break out of.

He walks over to me and slowly encumbrances a shiny silver scalpel down my face, I cry out, for anyone as long as it’s not HIM who comes to save me. It seems to me the louder, and more I scream the faster He cuts. I sob softly as he stops, to watch the blood run down my cheek like a small creek, the only sounds are me, and the sound of my blood dripping to the floor like a leaky faucet. Watching in growing fear he puts the scalpel back on his little tray of tools, all I can think of is how this night was supposed to be just me and my friends, but now it’s this…

I tense my body as He comes closer, fearing the worst. He comes closer to my face and slowly leans down and He…He smells me. Caught off guard by this, I drop my mental shield; just enough to feel the pain from the cuts He had already given me while I was asleep. He licks my neck and I start to panic, I scream as something sharp slowly pierced my neck.

Agonizing pain leaked through my veins, surging through my body like a million miniature daggers slicing me open at an agonizing speed. Whatever was latched on to my neck suddenly released, and He sat up and looked at me, and smiled at me with blood covering his lips, dripping down his chin. He kept smiling at me as He reached behind him and grabbed a carving knife from the table of tools, and places it almost gently in my mouth. I look at HIM with pleading eyes asking HIM not to do what I think he is. HE smiles as he starts to carve a smile on to my face, I scream in agony and feel my skin split faster than I thought it would.

Agonized screams ripped through the room, at first it didn't register in my mind that it was coming from me. He stopped and looked at his handy work, while I sobbed, my head lolling off to the side. He growled at my sobbing, and reached in to my mangled mouth, and grabbed my tongue, pulling it roughly out of my mouth, he cut it out. I started to choke on my own gargling blood, feeling myself slowly dying, I scream. As I scream, He takes his scalpel, tight in HIS grip, and moved up to my eyes. Terrified I squeezed them shut, but he pushed slowly through my eye lids, to my eyes.

All I could feel was fire, in my head, my body, everywhere. I screamed and struggled as He slowly pushed through my eyes, and quickly twists the scalpel while pulling it out. I felt something warm near my throbbing wounds, on my mouth, I dimly realized that it must be my eye, I was dying. With my one good eye I watched as HE came back to my neck, where he bit me and cut down towards my chest, I yelled out in agony as he cut, what felt to be a large rectangle, out of my neck.

I knew I was going to die, I knew that I wouldn't live through the next few minutes, in my last few seconds I felt myself slipping, slipping to a place I would never wake up from. I was past the point of feeling what he was doing, but I did register that my body was still screaming in pain, agonizing pain. I died knowing that HE would kill again.



06:02 Jun 27 2014

Ok me and you need to talk about finding someone that does horror movies. All these ideas, and your hogging them haha.


The Man From My Dream

04:37 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 621

I awoke. I had one of the strangest dreams I can ever recall; it was not horror movie scary nor did it really make any sense. But it honestly frightened me due to me having no idea what was going on. It was just me sitting alone in a stray jacket in a padded white room; from what I can infer I was in a mental Institution. I had no idea why I was there; but all I was doing was trying to calm myself down and think of a reason why I was in there.

But before I could completely calm myself down a 6 foot 4 man walked in to the room. He was wearing a fancy black suit; he had big bushy eyebrows with a big bald spot on the top of his head. He walked straight to me, kneeled down removing his sunglasses looking into my soul; he just smiled and said “Hello Destiny. We have plenty of time.”

I have been having that same dream for the past month and each time it has become increasingly more frightening due to two factors. They have happened every single night; but they are not even at night anymore. They have happened during the day at work, when I am eating, or even talking to my friends. Just over and over I see the image of the man just laughing and continuing to whisper in my ear “Hello Destiny, We have plenty have time.” Having this dream has kept me up at night where I do not want to sleep due to fear of not wanting to experience the dream. I have gotten so little amount of sleep I have the daydreams about it multiple times a day now.

I have begun to be insane. The mind is a terrible thing to lose. Because without it you do not know what is real and imagination; I have seen that man so many times that every time I see him I either scream or just start to become hysterical. It has affected my work beyond anyone’s comparison; it some of the day dreams now have become more extensive and more terrifying. In the dreams now he just begins to look at me and asks me “You want to end all of this? Than take this.” That is when he hands me a knife.

In a few dreams I refused and threw the knife down. That is when I wake up; but in the final dream I slit my wrists. That was when I woke up with a butcher’s knife in my hand; thank god that I did not actually cut my wrists. That is when I decided to finally open up to my best friend about this dream; she has just told me that I need to go to therapy. I hate the idea of therapy just due to that in the dream I am in a mental institution; me going to therapy makes me feel like that this dream is becoming true. I don’t want it to be true. I just don’t want it to be true. I want this dream to be over; I just want this entire experience to be done with and out of my life.

I had finally thought it through and decided to go to therapy; I had walked into the office of Dr. Leslie Baker. She just began with saying “So Destiny please tell me what you are here for.” I just let it all out; I told her every single little detail about what the man looked like, how it is happening when I sleep, I have begun to have daydreams about the same man over and over again. But I did not tell her the phrase that he always said; I do not know why but I just did not want to disclose that information. I went on for almost half an hour just balling from fear, exhaustion, and just anger that this experience was happening to me.

Dr. Baker was just astonished from the complete detail I had about this man and the dream that I had just explained. She replied with “I have never been explained a dream in that specific of detail.” But that was not the freaky part to her; it was when I handed her my hand drawing of the man. She stared down and said “This is such amazing detail. I really believe that you need to come to me regularly to talk about this dream. Since you are having this dream so frequently and with so much detail; I will keep this picture and talk to my colleague Ben about this and you will come visit me next Tuesday at 5.” “Thank you for your time Leslie.”

The next week I visited her and she had some pretty stunning news. “Well Destiny if you can believe this I have 3 more patients that visit this office that have given the same exact story as you with the creepily same amount of detail.” I sat there just flustered not knowing what to say. Before I could reply she said “We showed the picture that you drew to all of the patients and they all just began to scream That’s him That’s him!!” That is when I just began to sob because at that moment I didn’t feel so alone and scared because I knew there were other people who shared my pain with me.

I wiped away my tears and just choked out the question “Do you have their names in that folder?” She immediately pulled back the folder in her hands and said “I am sorry Destiny but I cannot disclose that information to a patient. But I will be right back I need to go talk to Ben.” But before she left for some reason she put the folder on the table. I had no idea why she did that but before I could even finish the thought I was having I grabbed the folder and ran out of the office.

Right when I arrived home I started to looking through all the papers in the folder just frantically searching for the 3 people that have had the same dream as me. It took me only about 5 minutes but I had found the three names of the people and all of their contact information. I called all of them telling them to meet me at my house at 9 PM; they all happily agreed.

That night they all showed up surprisingly early because they were all that anxious to discuss this with someone who has experienced this first hand. The first one to talk was David Pierce he just began to talk giving the same details exact; but that’s when I interrupted him saying “Honestly everything you said is the exact same thing that has happened to me. But did he say anything to you in the dream?” That’s when he replied “Yes as a matter of fact.

He said your time will come when the moon is new.” I said out loud “Wait it is a new moon tonight!” Everybody just began to freak out yelling “What are we going to do?!”I just tried to calm every down and say “We need to hear everybody else before we can understand this.”. That’s when the first girl Lacey Lowrance chimed in saying “Well in mine the man said nothing will be the same.” The room became silent and it felt like time had literally stopped. We all had just looked at each other and then looked at the fourth and final person in the group. Her name was Elizabeth Pepper; I asked her “So what did he say to you?” She just sat there and began to cry; we just asked “Wait what’s wrong?

You know you can share this with us because we know your pain.” She just began to take some deep breaths and said “He said…. Well he said it will all end from where it started.” The room for a second night became silent. We just looked at each other until I broke the silence saying “Wait. Where did this all begin?” We were just confused. We had no idea what the man meant by that. That’s when Lacey just yelled out “WAIT! In all of our dreams we were all in a mental institution. Does he mean the hospital where we’ve been visiting Dr. Baker?” Before we could even all reply in agreement all of the lights went out.

We were all paralyzed with fear; sweat was pouring down my face. I could barely hold in my fear when all of a sudden a huge bang came from on top of the roof. We just sat still in terror. But that is when David yelled “There’s someone in the yard!” We all leapt to our feet and ran into the yard. When we ran out of the house there was no one in the yard; we were just frazzled and had no idea what to do. But when we turned around and walked back towards the house we were horrified with what we saw. In huge red writing on my front door it said “You are correct.. But your time is running up.”

We were all terrified; but we knew what we had to do. I just blurted out “If we want this torment and torture to stop we have to go to the hospital. Every person feared the idea but knew it was necessary if they wanted this to stop. So we all jumped in my car and sped to the hospital. When we finally arrived we walked straight up to the green double doors, we stood there for a while just to get our courage up. We all just stared at each other, nodded, and went inside. It was pitch black, we were using flashlights that we brought from my house but they barely did any good.

We were just walking around aimlessly with the flashlights until we found a hallway with flickering lights. We began to walk down the hallway until we saw something. It took all of us a while to see it completely; but all we could see was a huge figure at the end of the hallway. That’s when the figure opened its eyes, they were bright fire red. It was like looking in the eyes of the devil; we did not want to stay there and find out. We just began to run and not look back to find out if that was really him.

We were tired, frightened, and had no idea where we were in the hospital. But then everything got cold; not just a little chill but I felt like we were in the presence of death itself. Then we heard “It’s time.” We all screamed in just true panic and scattered in all different directions.

I had gotten away safely and found a corner just to sit and sob in pure terror; I had no idea if that was the man or not but I did not want to stick around to find out. All I could hear was the screams of agony; they were just being tortured and from what I could infer massacred. I heard footsteps coming straight towards me; that moment was true fear from not knowing what was coming towards me. That’s when I heard “Destiny? Where are you?” It was Lacey;

I jumped in relief to see her. But it was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen, she was drenched in blood. I tearfully asked “What.. What happened?” She just broke down and fell to the floor sobbing saying “They are dead, they are all dead. It was merciless; he tore them apart like they were wet toilet paper!” I asked “Who??” She just looked at into my eyes, like she was staring into my soul “Him.” That’s when I finally got up the courage to get up and start to try to leave this place with our lives.

I began to walk with Lacey behind me; we were walking for about 10 minutes down the same hallway. That is when we found the big green double doors that we had come in through. We just began to cry because we were so happy thinking that was over, so we bolted through the double doors expecting to feel the sweet crisp when of the night. But to our horror we could not have been more wrong, when we ran through the doors we had just run into another room. I had no idea what to say, do, or how to even react to what had just happened. I fell to the floor not knowing what was going on. I just found the strength to mutter “But… But we came in through those doors.

This doesn’t make any sense!?!? We came in through those doors!!” That’s when Lacey tackled me saying “Shhh! Do you want him to hear us? We just need to calm down and try to find a way out this.” Even though I was still just out of it from not knowing why that happened when those were the doors we had come in through, but I knew she was right. We began walking again; it was another continuous hallway we were walking through.

We had been walking for about an hour, we had not said anything for a while so I asked “Lacey how are you doing?” No answer, I stopped and started crazily looking around. I began to yell “Lacey!! Where are you?!! Lacey!” I didn’t know what to do, I felt like just giving up. I couldn’t, I knew I had to continue on for survival and hopefully to find Lacey.

I had begun to walk again for what felt like around half an hour, I could barely hold myself together to continue walking. That is when I stepped in something very wet; I looked down to find blood covering every single inch of the floor. I began to scope the blood and found the 3 bloody corpses of David, Lacey, and Elizabeth. I just fell to my knees in pure fear and distress; I didn’t know what to do and I just wanted to give up. I just wanted to taste the sweet relief of death and give up on this whole ordeal. I laid my head down in the pool of blood giving up on life hoping that I would not ever wake up again. That’s when I heard “Times up.”

I awoke. I was in a stray jacket in the white padded room I had dreamed of. But right In front of me was Dr. Leslie. I asked “Why am I here?! I’m not insane!!” She just looked at me in pity saying “No dear, you are. If you were not truly insane than why did we find you at the hospital two days ago in a pool of your own blood?” I just began to yell “Where is everybody else!? What happened to the man!?” “Destiny. They never existed. They were all figments of your imagination. You had truly begun to become crazy from the dreams you were having about this nonexistent man that you made up this whole ordeal. We found you with your wrist’s slit in an attempted suicide by yourself to stop these dreams.” That is when I realized that I actually might be insane. Because I remember these things so vividly and so much detail that I truly must be insane.. I said “But this doesn’t make any sense?

Why is this happening?” She replied “We do not know yet. That is why you are here Destiny.” I paused for a little while and asked “Will I ever become better?” To which she replied “Don’t worry. We have plenty of time.” Which she said with a smirk while she left the room; that’s when I realized “Wait a minute, I never told you what he said!! I had never told you!” I began to just yell into the dark abyss where my life was falling; I began to hysterically sob questioning God and having no idea why this was happening. Not understanding what I had done to deserve this living hell that was happening to me.

Due to my pure exhaustion I could only bare to yell for only a minute. So I just sat there.. Alone. No one in my life to come and help me; just alone realizing that I will never leave. That I will spend the rest of my life in this pure agonizing hell without relief; through my tears I was able to choke out the words “Why? Why?” It was dead silence in the room; I thought it would stay like that forever; until the silence was broken. “Hello Destiny.”



05:05 Jun 27 2014

.... Now that is ...I don't know what to say.


Torment { Tormentor }

02:56 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 626

Rushing through the woods late at night. Deep into the darkest corner, where the agonizing screams can not be heard. Walking into a small cabin. Marveling at All the horrors within I thirst for the sweet smell of blood to fill the air. I take the next victim; unconscious I tightly bind them to a low table.

Awaiting them to wake once more. I clean the dry blood off my tools from a previous session. The last body had been disposed of only hours ago, yet I had not been satisfied with the pain, agony and blood. I bend down as they start to wake.

"Welcome to hell" I whisper in her ear. "Never again will you see the light of day." Small sobs echo through the room. "My sweet little pet, don't you cry." I stoke her hair softly. "It'll end just as quickly as it began."

Walking over to the table I chose a small dagger the silver catches the small amount of light I have allowed to penetrate the room. I slowly bring the dagger up to her lips. Cutting an outline around them. The red blood stains them like lipstick, I smile and continue to cut around her eyes as well.

Her tears and hysterics cause me too smile back down at her. Her eyes close at the sight of me. "Do go yet my dear, there is still so much fun we can have!"

I grab a new knife from the table and bring it to her hands, making deep cuts in her palms. Before I grab a pair of pliers and slowly begin to rip her nails off. Dreadful screaming fills the air once more as blood rushes from her hands, the nails fall to the ground. But my work is not over yet. I pour a small amount of green liquid onto her hands. A type of acid, she attempts to clench her fists and dig her fingers into the table. Causing more screams to fill the air, feeding my lust for blood and pain. Kindling the fire of insanity that burns within my heart.

I take the knife to her arms and trace along the blue veins. The girl is weakening quickly, loosing much blood.

"Open your eyes sweetheart, look into the dark soul of your tormentor!"

She refuses to open her eyes.

"Maybe we should make the darkness permanent?"

Before any answer is given I plunge the knife into her left eye. The screams are exhilarating, the fire of hatred for her burns within my heart and I take the knife to her next eye. Smiling with pure joy I slowly rip it out laughing at the small girls pain. She threatens to slip away from consciousness.

"Oh!" I say surprised. "No, no, no my pet you aren't allowed to sleep yet! It's daytime now, look the sun has risen"

I smile, knowing full well, she shall never see light again. I eye the gasoline and matches sitting on the table. I pour some over her hand and strike a match.

"Seek fire, filth. For it is the only way over overcoming the dark"

I set her hands to fire and watch as the flames slowly eat away at the skin. They travel up her arms and her neck. I watch her in agony and relish in her screams or pain. For me it's one of the many prey I have captured. For others I feel a certain joy in my heart, joking I took the life of a daughter, friend, girlfriend. Inside I smile on the outside I let the darkness consume me.

I plunge the knife into her heart watching as she chokes on her own blood.

Another has just departed this life forever, and what a better world it shall be, as soon as I eliminate filth unworthy of life, just like she was.



04:41 Jun 27 2014

Nice work, I want MOAR!... MOAR I TELL YA MOAR!



00:20 Jun 27 2014
Times Read: 637

Who is Existence? What has this goddess done for us? Where did she originate form? What is the amazing story of her legend? To answer these questions we would have to travel back through the stardust before Space and Time. Before breathing and bleeding was even a thought. Or perhaps before thought was thought. We would have to travel back to the very beginning. To the birth of Existence.

This was when the universe was fresh and black. It looked like a blank piece of construction paper, well almost blank. It would have been empty, except for the tiny speckles of atoms and particles dancing around the blackness, glinting silver. These are known as the universe originals. Back then, they were the only movement in the universe. There had been quite a few of the originals, but out of them all, only two had a child. It seems that it was only possible for these two to have a child. The legend says that these two atoms were named Element and Continuance.

Element was an atom with a bright glow. Her glow shone brighter than any other atom in the universe. The reason she was so bright had been because her electrical charge had developed far greater than all the other originals. Nobody knew why, they just knew that the older she grew, the brighter her light developed. Because of this, all of the originals that were men wanted to share their charge with her. Unfortunately it seems, that none of them had the strength to handle her energy, except one.

This atom's name was Continuance. Like Element, Continuance was also special, but in a very different way. He had the weakest charge and dullest glow. In fact, his light was so dull that he barely even had a glint. None of the other atoms seemed to notice him. If they did, they didn't pay ant mind to him. He just floated alone, freely through the universe, without a care at all.

While he was floating through the universe, Continuance waltzed into the dominion where Element dwelled. As he danced through the dominion, he gracefully sailed passed Element. They didn't notice each other right away, but something made them turn around and gaze at one another. They both felt a force that seemed to be pulling them closer together. As they got closer, something was happening to their charges. Continuance's charge was getting stronger, while Element's was getting weaker. It seemed that somehow their energy began to form together. The closer they got, the more they absorbed each others' charge, until just before they touched their charge and glow was equal. When they touched, their energy combined and exploded.

This explosion spread throughout the universe, covering the emptiness with an electrical glow. It lit up everything in the nothingness. All the originals were astonished when they saw this making them stop in their paths and look in the direction where the light was coming from. The glow started to calm and retracted from all the emptiness it was spread across. When the rest of the light died down, a female child remained amongst the debris, taking the place of her recently deceased parents.

Unmoved, the child stood there in her quiet beauty, closed eyes, no breath. All the atoms stared at her, wondering what she shall be named. They decided she should have the first letter of her mother's name which would be “E”. Then they decided that she should have the last 4 letters of her father's name but replacing the first of the four with the first letter in her name, creating “ence”. They wondered about the middle part of the child's name.

The name “Eence” didn't seem to be right. They thought that maybe after the first letter in her name she should have the letter third to last in the alphabet “X”. Still, the name seemed to be missing something “Exence” didn't fit. They decided that since she was born of two she should have “is” meaning that she was born, they also decided to put in the last letter of her mother's name “T”. This was the perfect name and so it is told that the child was named Existence.

When her name was complete, Existence opened her eyes and took a deep breath in. She looked around the universe, seeing that it was fresh she breathed out. When she exhaled, Space was created. Every breath she took after that expanded Space. This made it forever changing, and although he was forever changing, Space seemed to be empty and bare, containing nothing but Existence and the originals.

Existence saw this in Space and grew to feel very lonesome. Although Space was with her, she felt as if she was abandoned. Her parents had perished during her birth and it seemed as if the originals didn't want anything to do with her. Her feeling of desolation grew and grew until finally something new emerged out of it, Time. Time contained the seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, so on and so forth. It was apparent that Time gave Space something more than emptiness, but still it seemed he was composed of nothingness. Existence saw that he was still empty and bare, and that she still felt lonesome.

Seeing and feeling this, Existence reflected on how she could ameliorate these problems. She thought and thought until she thought of something that could make Space less bare. She took a piece of herself and filled the emptiness with stars, planets, galaxies, and dimensions. Existence saw her creation was made in her image and wanted to give her a name. She already had Space and Time. Using all of the names she was born of and that were born of her (including her own), she came up with the name Seraphicus.

Existence also took Space, Time, and Seraphicus, and made them into one. Space was now full of beauty and resembled the looks of Existence. He was dark, like Existence's long hair, but he was also star-kissed, like the silver shimmer of Existence's skin. He was filled with vibrant colors, such as the violets of her eyes, the scarlet of her lips, the turquoise of her nails, and the gold of the highlights in her hair. He was so angelic, it appeased the eyes of Existence.

For two weeks she had been content with this, looking at Space and the new treasures he held. When those two weeks passed, she felt as if something was missing. She looked out at him with wonderment of what may be missing. All she saw was how perfect and quiet he was. Nothing seemed to be wrong with him, he just sat there in his quiet, pristine beauty. Still, she felt as if there was something missing. She grew angry at this wonderment and didn't know what to do about it. Her anger kept escalating to the point of her not being able to handle it anymore. To release the anger she was holding she screamed. Sound was born of this scream, pleasing Existence.

Although Sound had pleased her, Existence still felt a bit of sorrow. She looked out upon Space and still felt desolation. Existence didn't understand why, she had many things created from her, and Space was so beautiful and whole. She wasn't alone, she had Space, Time, Seraphicus, and Sound, whom sat with her everyday to make sure she wasn't alone. She pondered on why she felt this way and as Time passed she realized, it wasn't her creations that were empty. Existence realized that she was the one who was empty, empty of joy. Feeling hopeless, she wept, not knowing how to fill herself. As she wept her tears fell into Space and he kept them in one of his corners. She watched as her tears fell into the stars and planets. As she saw Space collecting her tears in one spot a theory came to her on how she could fill herself.

Existence took all the tears that Space had been collecting and she mixed it with the stardust and light of Seraphicus. Out of this mixture Soul was born. She took Soul and embraced him absorbing the essence of his light he was created from. When she did this, she felt joy course through her and it made her laugh. Once her laughter left her mouth it traveled across the universe and created Anima. After this humans were born, animals became living, and plants thrived. Anima was created by laughter derived from Soul, so every being obtained a piece of him and became souls whom lived and breathed.

Existence saw these souls and felt something within her taking over her entire being. This feeling was unknown and felt far greater than joy. This feeling that had filled her was warmth. As warmth filled her soul, the heart was created. When the heart beat for the first time, every soul gained a piece of it. They began to feel love, joy, anger, and sorrow. Now the universe was full, as Existence also was. Being filled with love and warmth, she felt joyous and content. She named her creations as her children. They grew into what we are now. Existence is our mother, she gave us everything we have in the universe, Space, Time, Seraphicus, Sound, Soul, Anima, and the heart. She is the creator of our ever expanding universe.

Without our mother, that is what we would be, without. We would be nothing and empty. We would still be the universe at the beginning. Fresh and black. Like a blank piece of construction paper, almost blank. Empty, except for the tiny speckles of atoms and particles dancing around the blackness, glinting silver.



00:36 Jun 27 2014

Simply beautiful, it is such an exotic story. One rarely passed through the ages. To remember such shows that I have not failed my mission. It also reminds us, that in the end, we are all one.

00:37 Jun 27 2014

Love this!



06:27 Jun 26 2014
Times Read: 668

• • • • ENTRY IS ENCRYPTED • • • •


dkU0amFFbEw2 N2 dRK3 hyRVg4 c09 oN0hCUTRYbEQyaFllckVwK1 BzTzlCY2 FpWHhBYUlRVy9 oNHRibjJJQmVIeTkwa3 p



06:35 Jun 26 2014

Hehehe... she holds such a tasty mortal soul. Just so happens I am hungry.


Fuck off

05:19 Jun 26 2014
Times Read: 689

I'm going to get this straight cause half you little girls...can't get this through your thick fucking skulls..if you don't fucking know me don't fucking come at me with your shit understood?

This profile was given to me I am not who ever you think it is, I am my own person I have been here before, and just to make things clear I don't hit on little girl's hubbies..it's not my thing it's not my job...and another thing, there is nothing wrong giving a compliment to someone when in fact I told them I WAS NOT HITTING ON THEM..

so now get your undies out of your fucking ass crack and leave me out of your fucked up little world. I am not who you think I am, and second don't slap me in your drama cause really it just shows you never grew up..simple as that, you stay away from my profile and what not I will stay away from your little dram group..


I was someone most people did know..so keep your shit away from me I'm not here to have your drama thrown at me simple as that....you comment on this i will delete you simple as that..I'm not here to play your little games..



05:23 Jun 26 2014

People at it again? Ugh, why can't people grow up I mean come on.

05:35 Jun 26 2014

ROTFL. Yes, you are your own person. Aren't we all? No, you are not who they think you are!

All they have to do is look at your profile content and your journal. Your writing ability is superior to the other.

:) lol

07:29 Jun 26 2014

Sorry, I didnt know the previous owner, nor do I know you, but I feel bad for you and people wrongfully assuming who you are, that isnt right in my book. Also, I feel ya. It seems you can not give a girl a nice compliment without being chewed out for being a fucking pervert and Im a girl! Its sad what today has come down too. Well, I wish you the best of luck.

10:22 Jun 26 2014

I do know who you are.. WE ARE ME hahaha.. Wait or I AM YOU.. or are you ME.. Shit Im confused..

If Z x 9 = bird hoe did they get the peanut into the bed..???

FUCK hahah



13:33 Jun 25 2014
Times Read: 716

Why...the hell am I still up? Dear lord something is wrong with me. I don't know what it is but I guess I am here...yeah I'm here...why don't ask me cause really I couldn't tell you if I WANTED to...well I have to know why first.

all I know is that I got up...well I laid down about 2am...got up at 3..wow an hour, I attacked the kitchen and attacked any kind of sweets I could find, I devoured like a bag of gummy bears, and then half bag of those neon sour gummy worms. Go figure late in the night and I got attacked by the damn sweet monster...woohoo!

anyways it's just yeah..so now I'm sitting here.it's pushing 5:30am meaning king of the hill is coming on, and at 6am saved by the bell is coming on. don't knock that show I like it,same thing for married with children and three's company and Roseanne. Yeah I like those shows.

anyways right now there is something on dealing with MTV2..well that channel anyways..they play like this mix up or something, not to bad they got some pretty cool beats and what not..but yeah..Lol..but yes that's my morning so far...I have no damn clue when I will get sleep..but oh well..shit happens...well I think so anyways....who the fuck knows...

okay Im done ranting i think...yeah..I think i'm done for now lmao...yeah I'm done I just had a massive brain fart...



14:12 Jun 25 2014

Someone on your mind? Or, perhaps a bit of undigested food?

14:51 Jun 25 2014

I have to admit I am partially to blame for this one. My Bad!

15:33 Jun 25 2014

try melentonine to fall asleep its not adictive and its not a drug its sort of an hormone that we naturally produce that wil put you to sleep with the foggy groggy side effect of sleeping pills

15:40 Jun 25 2014

I will look into that, that sounds like it might work, going without sleep I hate it with a passion I mean it just makes my days horrid...so thank you for that advice.

17:15 Jun 25 2014

you are most welcome, and yeah going without sleep is really not fun, I got insomnia so I had to find ways to sleep and still be able to fonction when I wake up.

Hope it helps :)


blah blah...blah...

08:15 Jun 25 2014
Times Read: 723

Today has been an odd day, it really has. I mean I got up and it felt like I was in a dream world. But I wasn't I was within my own home and what not. My phone has been going off like mad but yet I can't do anything about it.

I can get messages but I can't reply when I go to touch the screen to check the messages and what not it restarts..when I try to open anything of the sorts or just touch the screen it restarts. I believe I need to get a new one there is a few people that are important to me..and I don't think I want them mad at me or something.

But yeah today's been odd. And to top it all off my eating problem is coming back. No i do not starve myself in fact I love to eat, I love to be a piggy. But what is happening is my body isn't letting me know when I'm hungry, when I come to terms when I am hungry is when I feel nothing but solid pain...it's odd but it's what it is..

I've gone through this before so it will go away as always...other then all that things are going well. I've run into some old friends on here that remember me, and well to be honest it feels good. I'm not wanting to really get to know new people cause to be honest here some of you guys are just wow..or creepy.

but each to their own right? yeah that's how it is and how it will always be..I think..something..I think I just lost my train of thought..LMAO...yeah I have..oh well it happens..I think we all go through that...damn I want ice cream..did I JUST type that yeah I did..lol I'm playing..thought i would just through something out there..in hopes it made you laugh..if not then you hae a sucky sense of humor.



11:47 Jun 25 2014

1) Yes you should go get that new phone. Static static everywhere.

2) As for your eating problem, even if your body doesn't say you are hungry. Eat at least 3 portions a day.

3) I know you have gone through this before, been there, helped you out and will continue to help you out.

4) Ice cream sounds damn good, that and some of those double chocolate cookies. Mmmmm! *licks lips*


Need I Say More?

04:47 Jun 25 2014
Times Read: 734



05:52 Jun 25 2014

No you do not >.>


5am small rant.

13:12 Jun 24 2014
Times Read: 760

Why is there people on my friends list? Oh wait it's because you have to have it to level up. God it's horrid. It really is. I mean do I look pretty just sitting there on your friends list? Do I make your list look so pretty when you look at it?

Do you ever wonder about those you don't know on your list? I mean do you wounder how they are? Or how they could be if you got the chance or took the chance to really talk to them? Or are we just there to be there to make you look all that with so many friends? I never understand...I mean yeah okay you people want to hit sire and what not blah blah, but I do wonder...I have sent messages to some of those on my list just to get ignored.

so when I come back later I'm going to start taking people off, why I DON'T KNOW YOU nor do I care about how many "fake" friends I can get just to level up...you don't like it then go cry in your own corner cause unlike most of you....I DON'T CARE ABOUT LEVELING UP. Its not a race..and when you hit sire..have fun..cause all you will do is just make a new profile and bitch and moan cause you have to do everything all over again.



13:20 Jun 24 2014

No , I don't think about them at all. Other than the VERY few I chat with on a regular basis.

13:24 Jun 24 2014

that's you though, I mean I might be odd I DON'T know, then again I'm always odd. I guess that's why most or if not all besides a couple...like three don't talk to me...lol but that's alright they are missing out and that's their fault...right..yeah..lol

13:28 Jun 24 2014

never hit sire, probably won't for a while, but a few on my friends list done the same thing. Actually led to some interesting talks. One of which I think has asked about paths, something you know well I enjoy talking about.

18:03 Jun 24 2014

I chat with a few people I am close to, an will find some I think are interesting an talk to them as well.. as for the rest of my 600+ friends on here.. well.. I was nice an just did the whole rtf an helping out thing through the years..


20:53 Jun 24 2014

Yeah there are a few that do put in a conversation. I mean that's how it is but not all the time. also the whole rtf thing, I don't know it's just how it is. I'm not upset about it or anything just a small rant lol it happens I think we all have a small rant at some point or another Lol


I had to share this.

08:58 Jun 24 2014
Times Read: 770

me and a couple friends are talking on AIM, and well one asked a question to which I put something or typed something out right when it was asked..rather funny..well i thought so anyways.

Mokie Rovner

La parra evanyscka!


lol what language is that








what timing





09:02 Jun 24 2014



Oh My Gawd Stop....

05:31 Jun 24 2014
Times Read: 779

Okay....I was having a good day..a good night or whatever you wanna call it. But I'm highly annoyed. Here is the reason for..here is the reason I am annoyed.

There is someone on here mistaking me for someone else, even to the point asking me how my son is. First of all I don't have a son second of all I don't know who you are, and third if I don't reply to your message...then I don't want to talk to you...please stop messaging me..please stop mistaking me for someone else..it's getting on my nerves..you really need to check your shit or something...

I was trying to be nice I really was, and to be honest here..it's not even funny with you thinking I'm someone else and keep sending me messages when I told you I AM NOT WHO YOU THINK I AM...now..please..stop it..alright..I'm not mean or anything but you are pushing me to that point and I HATE it...thank you.





05:12 Jun 24 2014
Times Read: 787

Oi vey. It's just amazing how some people are and what they do. I mean if your going to pretend to be a friend at least make it believable..don't sit there and try and what not. I don't know people are so odd...they really are...and I don't try or want to try to understand them..due to the fact it will only hurt my own damn brain to do it..

in other news...

another hot day here as always 104..i think it's going to hit 105 tomorrow...and to be honest it's something I'm use to something I am well laid back with and what not...but it happens it really does, I live in the damn desert so yeah..might as well call it hell, july and august is going to be the worst that's when we will hit like 110-117...oh well shit happens..or the other saying is.

it is what it is.

I have nothing else to really say other then well it's 9 here..i have the night to go and I have other things on my mind but things I don't need nor want to share on here...due to the fact I don't need all you little itty bitty's and what not going around spreading things...but eh..oh well...im done lmao.



05:14 Jun 24 2014

Sounds like where I live..

05:17 Jun 24 2014

Much to hot

07:14 Jun 24 2014

come here... we got 90 degree weather...



01:35 Jun 24 2014
Times Read: 792

I'm sorry but the new TMNT...they look like pissed off cracked up frogs..and shredder looks like a walking blender....I hate it...thanks for taking the images of my childhood turtles and turning them into cracked out assholes..or the looks anyways.




Dark And Light

22:32 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 802

The major difference between the dark and the light:

In the light, you see me.

In the dark, you see the monsters inside me.

In the light, you see my clothes.

In the dark, you see my scars.

In the light, you see a tree.

In the dark, I see my way out.



00:18 Jun 24 2014

I see more then that in both spectrum's of you. Then again, you know me enough to know why.


I'm worried.

14:18 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 812

yeah..nice isn't it? Lol

You've viewed 666 pages today.

Total Time: 6 hours, 6 minutes, 16 seconds.



14:19 Jun 23 2014

lol sounds about like mine earlier... Lets go for 777 just to see if it's possible...


What A Night.

14:01 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 816

I have to say tonight was a night I think hell would be pleased about. So much went down from 3am to 5am or 5:20am. Family is my biggest problem. I love my family to death I really do. But they are running me so ragged it's not even funny. I have yet been to bed as of yet, but I will get there at some point or another.

But getting to my family affairs on this site isn't something I would want to do, due to the fact someone is waiting and watching for something juicy to be seen and heard so they can pick out the weakness of it and throw it around. Yeah harsh but it's the truth..don't like it, well then don't read my journal.

I had a friend that drank, and well tonight they drank a little to much. They were freaking out saying it was all a dream, they weren't awake, they weren't awake. They kept asking what was wrong with them, where was everyone. Why weren't their friends there. They kept breaking down and down.

But with how I am and who I am, I could not leave them alone. I couldn't let them suffer...it's not how I am. Even though they tried to push me away I did not move, when they cussed at me I didn't care. They tried everything to get rid of me, but I wouldn't. I spent most of the night if not all dealing with my family, but I helped my friend become sober.

I made sure they were not alone..they were not going to be alone. I made sure they did what was needed to help them if they needed it...anything they said I would answer. If they had questions I answered them the best i could. They tried to run but I didn't let them, I couldn't let them be alone. I have to say I'm proud of myself for that. I truly am, but most of all..it shows I'm loyal, im strong and I stay with my friends no matter what happens.

I know they are okay now, I know they are doing better, and now they are getting sleep...I know they will remember...and they will go back and see who was there when everyone else left...no matter...I love my friends...simple a that.



14:09 Jun 23 2014

I know that friendship all too well. As for your family well we both know the situation, granted you know it more then I. And I will be working to help you out with them soon enough.



03:00 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 840


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03:01 Jun 23 2014

HI! lol *Falls on floor laughing*

03:26 Jun 23 2014

It is , the most important thing I've read all day. Except for something about cookies.

03:30 Jun 23 2014

I still have my cookies...I mean they are fresh the last batch just came out like 20 mins ago...so yeah they are still mmm soft and warm...when you break them the chocolate chip ones seem to string out a bit from the chocolate being melted just right...Oh yeah...

the peanut butter ones ended up coming out really good and soft..and hold that right amount of peanut butter and what..well i think they came out good..lol


Made Up Words...

01:02 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 850



When something didnt just explode, but it exploded in the coolest or most awesome way possible.

"Jimmy that truck just seriously explodefied!!"

Really though, just add a -ify -icate or -ificate to any verb to make it 100x cooler immediately.


It's fantastic and magical... Nuff' said.


definition: absolutely hammered: drunk... really really drunk


I have no meaning for this yet, it was a mix of Boxers and Muscles. You guys come up with one.


A funny looking word that must always be spelt completely in lower case. A word that does not really have a meaning, but a context in which it must be used- that is as you go to say something when there is nothing to be said, or you have forgotten what you were going to say, usually on an online chat.


"Hey George"




Craptabulous. A blend of crap and the ever facetious fantabulous.


Lying to someone when they know your lying but you don't know that they know, so the farce continues.



01:07 Jun 23 2014

Creeptastic~ blend of fantastic and creep

"Wow.. you're creeptastic"

01:10 Jun 23 2014


now that's away of scaring someone but at the same time not...lmao

06:06 Jun 23 2014

That or something being fantastically creepy... either way they work. Now, lets go explodify some trucks and GTFO!

00:59 Jun 24 2014

lol it does work both ways.. ;)


Test Subjet#1

00:49 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 851

The bottom of the test tube blackened underneath the Bunsen burner. The indigo colored mixture inside bubbled. "Excellent.... Time for a test subject.." The man said. He slicked back his long blonde hair and licked his lips.

"What do you think Arthur? Would you like to par take in my tasting my new potion?" He asked. Arthur trembled on the table. He was secured to the table by chains. His mouth was taped. He crunched his eyes up and started crying. "Ana... Remove the tape from Arthur's mouth... I think he has something to say." Ana hesitated. "Sir I don't think he has to say anything.. He's crying." She responded. "Oh come now Ana! He wants to tell me something! You don't know good old Arthur like I do." The man responded, followed by a deep chuckle. "I.. Uh " She shuffled her feet. "ANA!" He yelled into the girls ear. "Yes, Yes sir!" Ana obeyed by ripping the tape of the Arthur's mouth. Arthur was sobbing. He was at the point where he was making whimpering noises and couldn't breath." Oh Arthur.... My dear Arthur... You have to say something .. don't you?" The man put his ear to Arthur's lips. Arthur Whimpered harder and harder. "P-p-p-p-p-please.... Uh huhh" The rest was inaudible. "Oh please what Arthur...?" He asked ever so gently in Arthur's ear. The chamber went silent. The man put his ear to Arthur's mouth again and closed his eyes, listening to him cry and whimper into his ear for two minutes.

Ana looked away. She looked at the scientists beautiful blonde hair through the dim light. She moved her eyes down to his focused face. He was listening very carefully to Arthur's sobs of fear and uncertainty. Ana snapped out of her gaze when an inconsistency of the image occurred. The scientists eyes were now closed. It looked as if he had fallen asleep with a smile on his face. "AAAAAAAAH!!!! YES!!!!!" Ana jumped at his victorious shout. "Yes, HAHAHA! Yes indeed.... ANA!" He called to her. "Yes sir!" She responded. "He said he wants to try it! The potion. Come now, bring it here. Arthur has been so kind as to volunteer for a taste test! Hah hahhaah.." His anxious grin was trembling.

Ana entered the next room and grabbed the test tube. The indigo mixture was still warm. She hurried and brought it to her master. "Thank you... Take notes on what happens." He asked politely. "I will." She said.

"Arthur.. I've been working on this potion for a while now... its almost like a self destruct potion.. For humans. " He walked over to Arthur's table. He forced his mouth open and emptied the tubes contents into His test subjects mouth. The Scientist then hurried over to the wall and turned a crank until the chains were retracted in the floor. Arthur was free. He stood up and stumbled around aimlessly. The scientist pushed him down two or three steps into an observation pit.

Arthur was finished crying now. He took a deep breath and spoke. "You will pay for making me suffer. I will make you pay for what you have done to me! YOU CANNOT DO TH-" Arthur was cut off. The scientist had another grin on his face. He began to laugh. Arthur began to violently vomit stomach acid and blood all over the floor. His ears started bleeding as did his nose. He regurgitated his tongue out of his mouth. His anal sphincter expanded to the size of a watermelon in his pants, It exploded with a horrific sound, Blood and diarrhea splattered everywhere, at least 1 gallon of blood and feces combined flowed onto the stone floor. "HAAHAH HHAHAHA! EXCELLENT! Just as I predicted!" The scientist shouted. "Great Job Arthur!"

He shouted over Arthur's screams of horror. Blood, semen and urine spewed from his penis at a grotesque pressure, he moaned in intense pleasure, and pain. The scientists laugh was echoing through the chamber in pure satisfaction. He couldn't breath. It was the most entertaining thing he had ever seen. Now that all of the fluids in his body was most likely empty, Another stage of the experiment took place, The eradication of his internal organs.

Arthur was still standing. He was trembling, pale white with his pants at his ankles. He stood in about a foot deep of his own filth. His pupils dilated until the whole whites of his eyes were black. An incredibly large piece of discharge came from his anus, it was large and small intestines. The same sound echoed through the chamber when he defecated. All of his organs below his esophagus fell into the waste. His intestines, liver, stomach, pancreas, diaphragm.

His hair shed until he was bald, he fell face first into the feces with a splash. He rolled onto his back slowly. His black eyes turned to ash and fell down his face. Two locusts came out of his empty eye sockets and flew into the air. They landed on the scientists shoulders, covered in an indigo colored mixture.





00:35 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 853

I will say this once....and just one time so pay attention..and pay close attention okay? You ready?

I do not need to prove to those that do not know me WHO I AM. Those that know me, know me for a reason. Those that do not know me. FUCK OFF.

thank you for your time.





22:12 Jun 22 2014
Times Read: 874


yeah here I am..well sorta anyways but I'm here, something like that. I wonder if people read these thigs, or do they just read these things to find some juicy news about someone? Well that's not happening here so if you get bored that's your fault not mine.

anyways today is going well but I have someone snooping around trying to find me, and to be honest here it's annoying as fuck, they haven't gotten the clue to leave me alone or just take the hint to give up...it's rather odd so they are trying to talk to those I know to find me, but knowing how my friends are they won't give out anything.

let's see today it's going to hit about 104..yesterday it was about 104..something that's not new so yeah lol gotta love it here. But hey it is what it is, hence the thoughts of moving, I need to find a place to get away to and love it at the same time, now i could move back to my home state but I don't know as of yet, I'm still thinking on that one.

BUT only time will tell on what happens and where I go. I know I've done pretty good with my life so far and I believe all it can do is just get better..stones will come and I will go over them and keep going. I find myself well content with my life.something most of you I'm sure can't say at the moment and that's fine. Most struggle I know this, but there are things you can do, to fix it instead of complaining about it.

anyways that's all i have to say for now..I need to get back to my cookies..and bread, I need fresh rolls for home made beef stew..yeah it's hot..i don't care I love to cook sue me...well take care everyone and have a good day.



22:16 Jun 22 2014

What kind of cookies?

22:19 Jun 22 2014

Double chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies.

22:54 Jun 22 2014

That works for me :)

23:54 Jun 22 2014

You know my offer still stands, and if you do. BRING MEH COOKIES!

On a side note, you know my view on said person. Don't think it would be polite to repeat it here.


Reality's A Bitch

05:54 Jun 22 2014
Times Read: 889

There are days when life is good

Laughter comes easily,

Eyes crease and lips draw back from pearly teeth.

There are days when smiling is natural,

Automatic and easy.

But those days are child’s days,

Reality something easily escaped,

Like a game of hide and seek

With a friend.

Life is a game then.

Heart can be broken, yes, but hearts are resilient things.

Then come the days

When reality is persistent

A bitch with a temper

Constantly pulling you towards something you don’t want to face.

Friends so easily slip away,

Pin the blame on you,

Yet face their own realities with you,

Ignoring yours.



06:03 Jun 22 2014

Such true words in today's society. Such a work of art to be sure none the less. Just remember I am always there for you no matter what.

22:41 Jun 22 2014

Very well put



14:11 Jun 21 2014
Times Read: 915

You know what I find funny. I find myself in the middle of something going on due to well of someone else, and also cause of the fact that I'm part of something or another this other is part of. I do NOT like it, I find it sicking to be honest.

I'm not one for anything I keep to myself..I really do I have very few on here that I talk to. HELL i have only like 3 I talk to. other then that I just keep to myself, work on my profile, and well post things in the journal or play in the forms. Blah anyways...i just wanted to say that..so yeah.

He lurks inside me

Grinning wide

Haunting a place that has never seen light

Lurking in my dreams

Haunting my sleep

Never leaving, but never to keep.

His putrid breath

flits across my face

"Kill them all and you'll be free"

He'd said.

So I took a knife

The deed is done

But he won't leave me.

I can never run.

Insanity my release,

Everything I hate

pulling away my consciousness in

my dream-like state

My eyes are dead

An echo of my soul

My mind losing count of the death toll

Heart racing,

I cannot stop

living is pointless

I have lost it all



14:24 Jun 21 2014

Beautiful work as ever hun, as for those dragging you in. Let them be, they will either come around or face their own demise. No need to stress over something your not directly part of.

19:39 Jun 21 2014

Intrigue ? here?



09:46 Jun 21 2014
Times Read: 921

~The sounds of the music, the beautiful woman..oh how it was grand to be upon the living and hearing them moving around to be a live, to take in what was there to be taken in. Things to be given from the hands of those that thrive to taste something of the night sky and night life. But the real question is can anyone really handle that? The one upon her side speaking of riddles that made even the most of worst smile and those of the best whimper.

Oh sweet sounds of words taunted upon lips of shadows and hate. There was just so much around within the bar it wasn't even funny, others that seemed to be dancing to the beat of a song or two..even three if they were lucky. Drinks would clink and jingle before lips tainted the rims to snag the poison that was within it. But yet I could not help but to glance up them..upon the one before or next to me.~

You speak a though I am the one that pulls the strings, but given as it is I do not pull the strings I only line them up just so you can come upon and pluck the one by one. The dance that you do is something simple but yet hard to those that see it.

Still does not answer my question,someone like yourself where are you, why are you here..but most of all why oh why do you come into the bar? What called you upon the bar something here tugged you forth..do not spill riddles nor games..just speak the truth and you will go further.




Demons Of My Sanity

09:08 Jun 20 2014
Times Read: 934

Dark and alone i stare at the wall

These demons, i wait for their call

Pacing and wasting all this time

I need to feed the hunger that is growing inside

Scratching at my skin, blood thirsty thoughts

Fuck what the doctor told me, he doesn't know what hes talking about.

Throwing my medication, fuck my probation, I need to get out of this hell hole

I wait till i see the sight of the house

Grab it by the screens and rip out its locks

Busting in like i was welcome

I grab the grip of my lovely hatchet

Go up stairs and what do i find

A silent family in their slumber

No place to hide.

These feelings just keep getting stronger

The voices in my head keep telling me im doing wonderful.

They dance around me as i creep slowly to the bed I hit her right in the chest and listened to her scream

Blood was pouring and i kept scoring

Every hit lead to her death.

I finished her off when my blade touched her soft neck

I watched her bleed and i went to the next room

Children sleeping in their delight

I grabbed my shot gun and pointed with the all my might

Shot them both, one by one

Now im left in my bloody mess.

Coming back to my senses, i realized what i had done

I had to grab the bodies fast, or it would be me with the last laugh

I buried them deep in the woods

My demons laughing at me telling me i did a good job

I don't know what to do

But they make me kill and i still return

to the plot of earth i undig every night

Killing people is my sickness



13:12 Jun 20 2014

I know these demons. I know these demons too well. If this is art. Kudos to you. If you wish to speak of demons, message me. Either way I wish you a wonderful day.



12:03 Jun 18 2014
Times Read: 951

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04:48 Jun 27 2014

How did I miss this... >.> I'M ON MY WAY! lol



11:55 Jun 18 2014
Times Read: 954

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3:31am - 3:41am

11:41 Jun 18 2014
Times Read: 957

well here I am....3 something in the god forbidden morning. Go figure. Oh well nothing new to that, but it happens right? Then again maybe I'm just a slack for not taking my night meds. I might need to take them once and while. But I hate having to use them, I hate having to have them to sleep..it sucks.

but we won't go into that, you don't care. I mean really the journal is just something for people to rant in about things, or what not. Or just a place to sit there and type away just because you want to type..or you just want to talk and hope you get someone's opinion. Or you wait to see if someone will start something.

But that's how it is really. I mean the thing is to many people look for things to complain about on here, people tend to get into other people's buiss and what not. Oh well not my place. My place on here is to just well hang out and what not. There is a few on here that are worth talking to, so I will stick with what I know and stick with what I do.

Right now the weather is well, it's rather nice, but then again it's just at night..but during the day it's just horrid, the summer heat is showing up and starting to come around..and what not. I mean hell there is just a lot of things that most don't see or understand, and that's fine. There is things on this site that remains hidden due to the fact well..people are just more worried about how many "friends" they can add and how high they can get.

I am just ranting or..well just typing at the moment..I guess it's just something to do in the wee hours of the morning when there isn't anything other then to sit here and watch I love lucy..don't knock it..it's rather good and soothing..I like some old shows..but not many just a few due to the fact it reminds me of the times before my time.

Okay I think I'm done here for now, then again I don't know, I MIGHT be back later or something to type something up for you to read..who the hell knows any more with me. I don't even know...oh and one more thing...and I need all of you to pay close attention to this last part.


I have been asked that so many times today it's not even funny...but eh I guess it's good. Keeps the perverts away from me, and to be honest it works LMAO anyways I'm done now...



12:04 Jun 18 2014


17:00 Jun 18 2014

As a fellow insomniac, it sucks. Being without sleep for two or three days your mind begins to think differently. Prioritys change, food looses its taste, and the tentacles of madness start to caress your mind... I try to take my meds. Good luck!



06:54 Jun 18 2014
Times Read: 962

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06:37 Jun 18 2014
Times Read: 964

1.) I'm watching American Dad one of my fav's from adult swim. Something I like to watch all the time..sue me.

2.) I'm sitting here with a tone of thoughts in my mind why..well I don't know to be honest..frustration is one of them.

3.) I find it amusing people don't change no matter how many times they say it...I can't help but to laugh.

4.) Silence is golden but sometimes at the wrong times.

5.) Nothing to eat cause I'm not hungry nothing new to that..(shrugs)

6.) I want to kill everyone right now that's around me, but If I do I know I won't be here to entertain you people with fucked up randomness that has nothing to do with VR...




Couldn't Help Myself. (Do Not Hate Me)

18:38 Jun 17 2014
Times Read: 983

If you can't read it, this is what it says.

"I Thought what I'd Do Was I'd Troll Some Fags On The Internet."




Chat Room

18:13 Jun 17 2014
Times Read: 986

Ehhh,arrgh,irgh,beep,ergh. The computer roared as sally connected to AOL to Im her friends as they had planned that day at school. "Welcome" her computer greeted her. She was home alone because her parents were out at dinner. Almost right away,she found a chat room full of her friends. They greeted each other and began to chat. They talked for hours and Sally's eyes were getting tired. Then,someone else joined. They claimed to be a friend of one of the girls who was not in the chat room. They all assumed that it was true and continued.

The new person constantly made rude or just plain mean and hurtful remarks about the other people in the chat room,but never about sally. Some of the remarks made her feel better but put her above the other people. The person constantly singled out sally and commented about her,and flattered her. She began to like this person,but everyone else hated the new person. Sally wanted to know where this person lived so they could get together sometime.

When she asked,the response was that he or she didn't want all these other people to know,only sally. so he would send an email to her inbox telling her,He asked her for her e-mail address and so she gave it. A few seconds later,her computer told her "You've got mail",so she minimized the IM box and opened her email. Thee was an e-mail titled "where I live" so she opened it,and read it,at first not understanding it's meaning,and then in horror,as she understand what the email meant all that was typed was "Behind the Couch"

Her parents came home to find their daughter dead,stabbed to death sitting in her own blood. They read what was on the computer,and when they searched behind the couch,they found a sheath for a knife,and a laptop,displaying the exact same email and chat room that was on the computer.




A Tasty Treat

18:09 Jun 17 2014
Times Read: 989

I want to taste your flesh.

Look at it, so lively and fresh.

Just one bite won't hurt a lot.

It will bring you the ecstasy you have sought.

See how quickly your blood starts to clot?

I love your taste so very much.

Wiggling frantically as I tightly clutch.

You want me to stop...

Your body temperature slowly starts to drop.

Not satisfied with my feeding.

I look for someone I'm still needing.

I find her in the corner begging and pleading.

Her dull eyes stare at you dying and bleeding.

She begs and pleads while I chew.

Quickly before she had a clue.

Straight to the jugular is where I flew.




Sinister Isn't She?

18:07 Jun 17 2014
Times Read: 991

photo 647_zps306faece.jpg

Sinister isn't she?

How my thoughts fade to black,

Hiding in the shadows waiting to attack,

Like a thief in the night,

Stealing your peaceful thoughts.

Bleeding from the despair of the nights cold,

Slicing at your heart's.

Immobilized by the painful thought,

That this sinfully evil school girl,

Is so close to home.

Realizing that the rope for suicide,

Is hanging in your closet just waiting,

For her to use....

Laughter filling your ears,

Because you know you cant hide,

From this monster within the school.

It knows those dirty little secrets we'd never tell.

Tears fall as it sinks its claws into our flesh.

Oh so hollow when your stripped of a soul.

Chaotic torture makes the beast smile.

The parasite within feeding off,

The very essence that is you.

How delicious how delightful the sins,

She must taste.

Making you pay,

For the time is now,

For your debt to be paid in full.

Poison flowing through the veins of the guilty.

Innocence does not exist in this world.

The monster will make you pay with your blood.

Oh how delightful,

Oh how so sinfully evil this.

School girl is..




The Demon

15:24 Jun 17 2014
Times Read: 995

I exhaled a shuddering breath,finally releasing my hold on the portal as I looked with no small amount of triumph at the massive demon on one knee before me,his head lowered and his wings tucked along his back.

He has remained utterly still throughout my battle with the portal,and I silently thanked whatever powers existed that I had already sealed the terms with him before losing control. I could feel a grin spread across my face. I'd done it. I had summoned a Reyza,the highest of the twelve levels of demons.

A throbbing growl came from the demon's throat "He's a thief. Worthless. He has no honor" He crouched and dropped the man to the floor,then pinned the intruder down with one foot. He tucked his wings behind him,clasping wickedly clawed hands together in front of him.

A thick,sinuous tail curled around his legs,tip twitching in indication of his mood,and a dark and spicy scent surrounded him,foreign and wild. Crouched,his head was level with mine,and I was relieved that I could stop craning my neck to speak to him. This was the only second time I had ever seen,and I was still shocked at how large he was.

He bared his teeth,lips curling back from the wicked fangs. "No body would be found,summoner. But I will respect your desire." He inclined his head to me,then spread his wings,somehow managing not to knock any of my pictures off the shelves. I looked at him in uninhibited delight.

I'd spent almost ten years studying and training,carefully guided by my mentor and aunt through the summoning rituals of each level of demon,gradually working my way up working solo. A solo summoning of a Reyza was considered "graduation," and here I was with one in my living room.




Beauty Is Ugly

15:22 Jun 17 2014
Times Read: 996

Ego and pride are

Darkness that inters

shadow of the soul.

Nebulous cloud

that veils the right vision

and lead through

the path of eternal doom.


Beauty that is ugly,

A simpleton's naked clothing...




It is what it is.

14:29 Jun 17 2014
Times Read: 1,001

Psst. I'm going to tell you a little secret, I know half of you like those anyways on here right? Well here's something for you to talk and think about yeah?

You know..I know I don't look my age, but you know what I am what my age says I am. I'm not one to sit there and play a sick game like that thinking I can get by with being younger and what not..but you will see as I put up more pictures how someone grows up into something more then you thought..oh yeah...lol

anyways no really I am the age that is stated up there..but no worries I don't blame most of you I really don't and I understand, but don't be strangers..I don't bite...well unless you really really i mean REALLY want me to even then I might not want to...



22:09 Jun 17 2014

It is what it is !



02:15 Jun 17 2014
Times Read: 1,021

Um, I was given this account, and to be honest here. I'm not whoever owned this profile. I'm just putting that out there...so you know I'm not the one that owned this profile before it was just given to me today...-laughs- yeah....I'm to tired to continue...



03:04 Jun 17 2014

Are people giving you trouble for it? That's rather ridiculous if so, because people that leave or those that have too many profiles will be willing to give them away to some interested in vr...


Beyound The Black Lace.

22:31 Jun 16 2014
Times Read: 1,031

my sacred smitten desire for you

so fully documented on the astral plane

all of the other demons know quite well

to stay far away from this female because

you are my favorite gothic party girl

wearing those silk stockings of black lace

my heart melts into a pool of divine lust

as I glide my fingers along your inner thigh

then kiss your soft pale skin so tenderly

just inches away from your burning heat

far beyond this world in the darkest realms

the voyeuristic demons watching over us

cry out madly their jealousy and pain

as my strong tongue delivers pleasurable blows

and you describe your ecstasy with a scream

while my firm hands continue to caress and fondle

your magical silk stockings of black lace




I Love You,Darkly

20:39 Jun 16 2014
Times Read: 1,038

When I crept into your heart,one lonely evening over a month ago now,

you knew deep down inside, even then,

I was here to stay with you for eternity.

Allow me to take you on a journey, my love,

one sinister chapter after another

through the darkest astral realms,

I have so many breathtaking sights to show you.

My love for you is so pure and true,

I lust for your mortal body as strongly

as I lust for your immortal soul,

and my passion indeed is beyond human words.

Come now and follow me into a darker universe,

the first chapter of our new life together begins here,

we walk holding hands in this cemetery after midnight,

the tombstones reflecting the light of a full moon.

Many voices of the tormented deceased

sing a sorrowful love song to us in unison

as I turn to you now, kissing your soft lips,

then biting your delicate neck, drawing blood.

No, I am not a diabolical vampire,

I am simply your passionately reckless lover

who desires the sweet taste of your essence,

taste me, too, and we shall become soulmates forever.

Bound to each other by the covenant of our own blood,

we dance freely together among the graves,

our bare feet moving lightly in the smooth grass,

as the spirits continue to sing to us.

I lay you down on a slab of marble now,

and we make love until the morning dawn,

I say "you are my divine lily goddess",

and you say "never let me go..."



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