4 entries this month
I Am The Death Car (Not for the faint of heart)
21:02 Jan 09 2014
Times Read: 545
I am the car inside which they had raped a teen Ripping her vagina with hard penial thrusting.
She bled like a crimson fountain screaming to the dark
Her virginity was brutally devoured by four atrocious rapists
Who fucked the dead body after stabbing her with a jagged knife.
I have taken the revenge.I am God.I have killed them all
Tonight I have murdered the fourth rapist,the final rogue
I am flame of Death,I breathe their noxious breath.
But I cry for the teen whom they raped and murdered being insane They were merciless and I made them to beg for mercy.
The first rapist was a black negro.I ran my tyres over his penis Then with a sharp knife fit to the tyre,I chopped it to twenty pieces.I crushed his head,skull and then his evil and sinful brain.Running over his corpse, back and forth repeatedly,I dismembered his dead body.The road became red with his blood.
The second rapist was a big fat man,he was bold,bald and fair While raping he had said that he possesses a monster cock.I scampered over him while he was strolling along the streets I cut his penis and made him eat it by bending his neck.I became the monster to destroy him and his monster cock.
The third one had just supported all though he didn't rape the girl But supporting any crime is a crime itself.So I killed that criminal too.I hit the car that he was driving,I smashed his face and broke his jaws His tongue was cut to pieces and scattered on the bleeding road.I crushed his face that became flat as the road;I left his penis untouched.
The fourth rapist had slit her vagina and bitten off her nipple I chased him till he was lost in the dark dreaming woods.With my top speed,I crashed him down and mutilated his legs Then I tore apart his chest and finally dissected his complete body With four knives attached to my four tyres.I am the Death car...
The Final Minute Of My Survival
08:19 Jan 05 2014
Times Read: 557
All fuzziness of thoughts eliminated,
Still there is an awful lot to learn,
It’s the Almighty whom I mentally summon,
To express all anxiety that is still suppressed.
All the laughter ended in tears,
Still I am not afraid of this lethargic situation.
This is the final time I adore His creation,
Tonight after death becomes mine, I have no other fears.
Get Lost.13:31 Jan 03 2014
Times Read: 585
Enough fuck off.
<3 Yippee ki-yay, motherfuckers <300:37 Jan 02 2014
Times Read: 616
what you want me to say here..oh wait I got it!
okay there I said something in my journal.
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21:59 Jan 09 2014
Quite a read... There are some people I wouldn't mind doing that too
22:35 Jan 09 2014
This car deserves a medal.
23:02 Jan 09 2014
Somewhat reminds me of Dean Koontz Novel, in that the protagonist often hands out justice on his terms, and is less concerned about the justice system.
Melissa, I liked it. :)