What is that time of the year
That is all so merry and bright?
What is that time of the year
That lights up the night?
What is that time of the year
When the bells are all a-ring?
What is that time of the year
When the angels sing?
What is that time of the year
That brings us old Saint Nicholas?
Let me tell you my dear,
It is Christmas!
Who is that person
That gave us this time?
Who was that person
That nobody dared to mime?
Who is that person
That recieved the shepards' gifts?
Who is that person
That works on all the shifts?
Who was that person
That gave he's life for us?
Who was that person
That gave us Christmas?
He's is the only one,
He is the Christ, Jesus!
Who was it that
Made the Earth and Sun?
Who was it that
Gave his only son?
Who was it that
Loves no matter what?
Who was it that
Saved us from a rut?
Who was it that
Thought up the idea of Christmas?
He is the father, He is the ghost and son,
He is the Lord of all on Earth,
He is the Lord of all of us!
♥This is a song for those who didn't read the note in the 1st one.♥
How could you decieve me like this?
Didn't I give you enough?
You told me it was going to be all right,
But it was nothing but lies.
I tried my best to please you,
I even gave you my heart,
I would die for you, love,
Isn't that enough?
*chorus* I'd give anything to have you
Into my arms once more,
but this time it won't be so pleasent,
I swear to God you'll die,
I guess love can be turned to hate
Because I don't love you anymore,
*end chorus*
You sit and watch your demons tourture me,
I try to warn that girl you have now,
It seems like she can't hear me,
You hold her and touch her and caress her,
Just like you did me,
I guess she's just another victim
And she'll learn that eventually,
I hope you're glad,
You have want you want,
But what about me?
Like I said in my profile, I'm gonna put my songs in the poetry section. So what I'll do is label the songs and poems with a "†" or "♥". The "†" will represent the poems and the "♥" will represent the songs. This is a song called Insanity.
Don't try to get me to
play your sick game,
Lying, cheating and stealing
the hope away from me,
Don't mess with my head
I know what you're up to
And I can expose you for what you really are
I hate fighting
but if I need to,
I suggest backing away
I can't take it anymore
Gotta get out,
Gotta get out of the door,
Who are you thinking that
This is the end,
This is your hit-and-run deal
Leave me far away from it
And your maddness
*end chorus*
Look what you've done,
I'm not gonna clean up your mess
You take what you want and
Leave me with all the blame
Are you happy now,
Now that I' gone?
They've exicuted me for all the things
that you have done
*chorus 2x*