Alright been real busy this past 2 weeks trying to study for an exam I took yesterday. I managed a 89.5% on it which is good. Considering, I only got very little study time do to a friend of my mom's that talks to God 24/7 and every now and then shouts at the devil or calls people and cusses them out because they won't give her a number to someone so when she goes to church she don't have to get her shoes wet because God tells her that her shoes should be dry. -_- But, after putting up with that for almost a week I managed just enough study time to be able to learn all I needed to pass my exam. Another thing that's taken a load off my chest is my art class projects can wait till mid-term in a month and a hlaf to be turned in. So, basically I'm kicking but in college even though I was a complete failure in school my whole life. Lolz. Awesomeness.
00:25 Feb 05 2010
College is fundamentally different than college, and success in one does not mean the other is a sure bet.