So my first two entries were kinda, well i do not even know. When I hear stories of extream abuse or worse I can get a little emotional. I also have a habit of trying to reach out to those who have been abused Because I have been abused myself. Some people would consider this kind of subject mater as unacceptable but ya know they dont have to read it. There is a lot of pain and suffering in this world and I would like to help make as much as I can go away. So I will keep writing and letting those people out there know that I am here, that I will be a shoulder to cry on, that I will give any wanted advice, and even be a target to vent on(for those who need to scream it out of their system). I have had a nasty reply and I am not mad about it, but to those out there who dont like what I am writing about then please do not read my entrys(then you wont have to be offended). On the other hand if you are lashing out at me because something has happened to you, then that is ok and go ahead and keep venting(its healthy to push out the pain).
I am a man(a wolfs soul traped in a human body) and when I hear of very bad things done by men, then I am embarassed to be a man.
I am not a bad man but I am still a man and to some people out there that have been hurt by men, that makes me one of the bad guys in their eyes. I do not get angry with them on the few occasions that I have been blunty told this. Instead I let them vent on me because it helps them get some of the hurt out. It is good to help others heal from great harm that has been done to them by evil men. If such great sorrow and pain is kept inside a person it can torment their soul(sometimes beyond death). I have met women that were embarassed about what happened to them. I have even met a few that thought it was their fault that they were beaten or worse. there is no reason that they should feel guilt IT WAS NOT THEIR FAULT! there is no reason that they should feel embarassed, they did not chose to let it happen to them. I to was hurt when I was young and for a long time I was embarassed about what had happened to me. That is untill I met someone like me, who let me get the hurt out of my soul. Now I am not embarassed about what happened to me and I hope that I can spread this healing around to those who realy need it. To those who have been hurt or are bieng hurt and havent goten out of the situation yet. to all these boys, girls, men, and women, I am out here. IF you need me I will be a simpathetic ear or if needed a giver of advice on how to cope with the pain. I know what it is like to be ashamed so anything said will never be read or told to another soul as long as my spirit survives
I hope that I do not offend anybody. I am just trying to give a little kindness and hope for a better future(one without pain or guilt or sorrow). And to the guys out there, I am not trying to say that all other men are bad. there are many good men out there but there are many bad ones too. men have a great capacity for evil and for good but it is the choices that you make that fills your soul with love and kindness or fills your soul with black hatred and evil intentions.
Again I hope I didnt offend anybody (especialy those that have been hurt)But I have heard from several people out there tonight, whos stories could make the darkest hearted vampire feel pitty.
P.S. I will try to say something a little more upbeat next time
Unfortunately shame is a powerful binding thing. More so than ropes and any chain. In the now it is a good thing to see a shave of kindness from the heart. Because you know. Because I know. Blessings on your head.
I read an email today from a woman whos story brought me to tears. I wont go into the details about it but it was bad(the kind of bad that true nightmares are made of). When i hear of things like this it makes my lupin side bare his teath and let loose a fierce growl. the world is a terible place with terible people in it and that is a part of the reason that I feal like I am ashamed to be human. I could not possibly part of a species that is so completly evil. but I take comfort in knowing that I have the spirit of a wolf. I know that me and my lupin brothers and sisters could never comit such an act as I am speaking of.
may the light and purity of the moon guid you all
23:46 Apr 02 2009
I too have felt the pain, Keep writing , feel free to visit my journal I hope you enjoy