I have always thought about the abnormality that is "levitation." The word originated from the Latin word, levo, meaning to raise. I have a theory on how psychics and witches pull it off. You probably know that every organism, living and non, generate a gravitational pull, is it just that most things do not have enough mass for it to matter.
Here is my theory: A human could somehow generate their energy to such an extent, that they become heavy, or "mass-filled." Not necessarily bigger, just more of the mass built up inside them. As I recall, mass and size are not the same thing. They could make it to where their gravitational pull had an effect. Then, at the point of this feat, they could somehow get it to where they are of the same magnetic charge as Earth, repelling themselves away...causing them to levitate!!
If you have any questions about this, or if you wanna say something about it, send me a message...