Every day we are faced with choices, that can end up having an affect on our whole lives. Yeah, I know, WOO HOO BRILLIANT! But think about it. Read this and think about it. And choose carefully.
I start my day out every day, by getting up, plugging in the curling iron, and getting ready for work.
I then proceed to my mini-van and drive either to the ATM, T-Stop, or Speedys.
What would happen if I drove straight to work one day?
If I went to the ATM the day before and got out enough money for 2 or 3 days?
Could I avoid an accident? Maybe. Or I could be involved in one.
Maybe I'd meet someone that would change my life at T-Stop.
I doubt it, but you never know.
I had a friend, who chose one day to go get donuts for the office. She varied from her routine and ran straight into the back of an unmarked police cruiser. Turns out the officer wrote her a ticket and then called her @ lunch. Turns out that his vehicle wasn't totally functioning, fuse blown and tail lights were out. He admitted his wrong.
Today they had lunch. Tonight they are going to the movies, and Sunday, New Years Eve, he's taking her to a party.
Just because she went to get donuts.
How wierd?
One choice changed her life.
Oh Gods. It's Tuesday. So my watch and calendar tell me. Can't prove it by me. I feel like it's a Monday, straight out!
Yeah, Christmas was yesterday. Whoop tee doo! Kids went nuts over presents and annoyed me with Laser Tag guns. Ok, and my 9 year old beat me at air hockey. Come on, it wouldn't be Christmas without all the stress and noise!
I've been writing poetry.
Delving into my dark side. And quite honestly i'm liking what I find.
Mi Esposo is not in the dog house this week, yet, but if you know of our fiery relationship, you know that can change from minute to minute.
I didn't get what i really wanted from Santa. Maybe I'll be getting that this afternoon before I leave work......ahem.
Hugs and kisses, and lots of nibbles(to those I deem worthy)