ok i am doing some stufff for vee a good firend of mine, and i am telling his online firend s some what about him not being on, and one for got him , and the others did not ask much or rather what i could not say they wanted to know and they did not want his number but to and his online, mate i had to help her give hima note and well not to be a hater , but i do not know , oh well , maybe i'm being to mean , oh well life goese on and some miner shit going on for em not well but that is life oh well.
is funny , i keep hearing and seeing the word phoeinx , and also how fiction ttriged all of this for me not liek ina crazy way just let me say truged it like let me figuer it and find who i am is all inperation really , if u will , its funny how all of this help me to where , i is now , now , while i'm at the topic , some of thses shows remidn me so much of my life how could i not get all how do i say a tiny bit thinking man this is me, and i know the gods weather on my second world or here use what ever they can to help do this it do make sence , but we all must find teh truth in reallty mostly to help us know if this is really who we are and i can say that now , i do not regret much cause its a ll a learing curve , and i always knew who i was just might have got lost a while but i think that being lost helpet me also now i write this to help my self , and short it all out , and now also i know i was looking fora site on my emails and i used magic to , help and i think it worket alone with a while of looking so what did more me looking or the magcik ? my guess the,looking but me also foucsseing and using magcik if noting esle helpet me, so i guess it is all i hate to say something my fat ass brother would say , but all realtive , the end,
hello every one, today is my as says post , today i was waiting for my cabil , and i was happy this fine ass guy ok he was cute but noting to fight over , set it up and i got all thses fine ass chaneillese and i'm so dame happy ,
any way now i'm feeling less deprest and more hapy and working on , what a freind aid to me, the other day , and friends on line beena help but my mom and sister has been the most help , and i;'m also dealing with my dobhts fears and insacutrese about who i am , and so on and about being alterd and made and so on, but hay oh well, now on to day , i'm cheaking email , and so on, and well that is it now , i need to this week cheak on plans to see my mans in pa,. now todayt he was all i thought about ok mostly , and some time is wonder if i m makienga mistake with him, but i can not see my self with out him , and i care about him and i think i'm falling for him i guess all realstionships even long distnce ones go thrw this , and i will be fine. ya know , so there, i am going to take this one day at a time , and i;m still in love at times with my ex , but then agein we never could make that work , and raxenoth i see a real fature with , and i do want him , so i will stop worrying and take it a day at a time.