wickedways's Journal

wickedways's Journal


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6 entries this month


The Godess is alive..

04:16 Jun 25 2008
Times Read: 601

The Goddess is Alive

Moon shines down upon a sea of Light,

Shifting sands lay singing in the Heart of the Night.

I looked upon a scene that gripped me to the core,

White-clad maidens below were dancing on the shore.

Sweet sounds slipped from moon-lit throats,

Wind whipped hair abound,

Lit by the light within and without,

The Women circled 'round.

As I stood, water engulfed my feet,

My body swayed to your Heavenly Heart beat.

Wind and wave and fire light,

Paled in my mind Earthly delight.

Time slipped by me as you held your embrace,

And windblown spray covered my face.

Protected deep within your Womb,

I could feel the tender pain of Life's bloom.

Candles flared high as the Dance progressed,

Deep inside with a healing touch you blessed.

All around, wind, wave and fire shouted of your life,

Your light speared deep within, soothing my strife.

Divine Mother, Goddess of Light,

To you I come seeking protection from the night.

Come home to shelter within your arm,

Surrounded by Love, hidden from harm.

Holy Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth,

From you we all trace our Birth.

Heavenly Goddess, light from above,

Shine down upon us, we pray for your Love.



04:53 Jun 25 2008

Love your writings~

04:09 Oct 23 2008

Lovely Poem

A lovely sacred flow of rhyme

I loved this poem


a tender soul is a great poet too.


Bright Blessings.

04:14 Jun 25 2008
Times Read: 602

Bright Blessings

Earth Mother

Giver of life

Strengthen me during my life-long strife.

Teach me Your ways of perfect love,

peace, and wisdom true.

Spawn from my purest heart

These words to You

May this prayer help me to better

myself in word and deed,

To a higher plane I shall succeed.

Beautiful Light of Goodness Fair

Lore of old we both do share

A Witch's brew, I drink to You

My love for You, by day, by night

In thought and in sight

Will my soul learn

the meaning of this life again




Paint your love

04:10 Jun 25 2008
Times Read: 604

Paint your Love

By, Ember Love

I’ll paint my mood in shades of blue.

Paint my soul to be with you

I’ll sketch your lips in shaded tones

Draw your mouth to match my own

I’ll draw your arms around my waist

And then all doubt I shall erase

I’ll paint the rain that softly lands

On the crescents of your hands

I’ll trace a hand to wipe your tears

A calming look to quell your fears

A silhouette of dark and light

While we hold each other tight

I’ll paint a sun to warm your heart

Swearing that we’ll never part

I’ll pain the stars in the evening sky

Draw their light into your eyes

I’ll draw a striking touch of grace

That shows the gentleness of your face

I’ll trace your hand to hold in mine

A touching kiss to mark the time

I’ll draw the years all passing by

So much to learn, so much to try

I’ll pain the truth, show how I feel

Try to make you completely real

I’ll use a brush so light and fine

To draw you close and make you mine

And with this ring our lives will start

In swearing that we’ll never part

I offer love you cannot buy

Devoted love until we die




To sing and dance the witches rune..

04:07 Jun 25 2008
Times Read: 607

To Sing and Dance The Witches Rune

by, Brandy Hill

To sing and dance the witches rune

To praise the goddess of the moon

To love,laugh and to share

To have the freedom to wish for what you dare

To be equal and all of the same

To be spiritualy free and not ashamed

To love the moon and stars above

To open your arms to the earth with love

To thank the Ancient Ones who are looking out for you

To thank them for all they do

To harm none and blessed be

To be silent of all the wonders you see




The Banshee

23:09 Jun 18 2008
Times Read: 615


The Banshee

Green, in the wizard arms

Of the foam-bearded Atlantic,

An isle of old enchantment,

A melancholy isle,

Enchanted and dreaming lies;

And there, by Shannon's flowing,

In the moonlight, spectre-thin,

The spectre Erin sits.

An aged desolation,

She sits by old Shannon's flowing,

A mother of many children,

Of children exiled and dead,

In her home, with bent head, homeless,

Clasping her knees she sits,

Keening, keening!

And at her keen the fairy-grass

Trembles on dun and barrow;

Around the foot of her ancient crosses

The grave-grass shakes and the nettle swings;

In haunted glens the meadow-sweet

Flings to the night wind

Her mystic mournful perfume;

The sad spearmint by holy wells

Breathes melancholy balm.

Sometimes she lifts her head,

With blue eyes tearless,

And gazes athwart the reek of night

Upon things long past,

Upon things to come.

And sometimes, when the moon

Brings tempest upon the deep,

The roused Atlantic thunders from his caverns in the west,

The wolfhound at her feet

Springs up with a mighty bay,

And chords of mystery sound from the wild harp at her side,

Strung from the hearts of poets;

And she flies on the wings of tempest

With grey hair streaming:

A meteor of evil omen,

The spectre of hope forlorn,

Keening, keening!

She keens, and the strings of her wild harp shiver

On the gusts of night:

O'er the four waters she keens--over Moyle she keens,

O'er the Sea of Milith, and the Strait of Strongbow,

And the Ocean of Columbus.

And the Fianna hear, and the ghosts of her cloudy hovering heroes;

And the swan, Fianoula, wails o'er the waters of Inisfail,

Chanting her song of destiny,

The rune of weaving Fates.

And the nations hear in the void and quaking time of night,

Sad unto dawning, dirges,

Solemn dirges,

And snatches of bardic song;

Their souls quake in the void and quaking time of night,

And they dream of the weird of kings,

And tyrannies moulting, sick,

In the dreadful wind of change.

Wail no more, lonely one, mother of exiles, wail no more,

Banshee of the world--no more!

The sorrows are the world's, though art no more alone;

Thy wrongs, the world's.





23:08 Jun 18 2008
Times Read: 616


A banshee wails outside the door.

She crys out a warning of what is to be…

of that which has not come before.

Her warning is of a meeting with destiny.

The eerie sounds travels upon the breeze.

It stirs the atmosphere within the ground.

It seems to brush through the trees

and gather energy from all around.

The sound is not coming from one spot in the sky,

rather is seems to come from everywhere.

It surrounds the house with its mournful cry,

lamenting the loss of someone there.

Throughout the centuries, she has wailed her cries

to generation upon generations of them in deep despair.

Down the years, she has made known her mournful sighs,

as she turned to summon, from above, the Coache de Barre.



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