whitewolf2012's Journal


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13 entries this month


"Miss U.S.A."

14:38 Apr 13 2012
Times Read: 395

August 17,2011 Wednesday "Happy Birthday Tim."

Dream #2

There was this girl that was the next contestant of being Miss U.S.A. The Announcer called Missy. I went up on stage to be Miss U.S.A. there were 3 girls a blonde, and 2 brunettes. All 3 girls had a ticket in their hand. I was the only one that didnt have a ticket to give to the announcer 2 be miss U.S.A. so I left the stage. I got so mad that there was a beautiful white mustang sittin along the side of the curb. I had peanut butter and jelly for lunch. I took one side that had peanut butter on it, and I smeared it all over the windshield, of the white mustang, then the bread that had jelly on it, I smeared it all over the windshield of the white mustang. A detective came out and said: We'll do a DNA Testing from the bite of this sandwich and find out who really did this to this white mustang. After the blonde was crowned as Miss U.S.A. and won the pageant of Miss U.S.A. I left and said yall should of picked me, and I wouldn't of smeared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich all over the windshield of this beautiful white mustang.

End Of Story

Written By:

Misty Spencer




"Takin Money"

20:59 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 397

August 17,2011 Wednesday "Happy Birthday Tim"

Dream #1

I was takin money out of my sister Ashley's left pocket of her baige shorts. She had 2 50's they were torn in 1/2. They can be taped 2gether. She had a 100.00 bill, a 20.00 bill, and bunch of 1's. I left her 21.00 cuz somebody was coming and I stuffed the rest of the money in my left pocket got my school bag and waited for the bus. I was waitin on bus 8. The bus went the opposite direction. I should of been on the other side of the street to catch bus 8. Another bus came on the side of the street I was standing on. It was bus 4. Big Bus. The bus stopped. I got on the bus and said to the driver: Are you goin to the high school. The driver was young. In his 30's and he said to me in a nice voice. Yes Im goin to the high school. I said to the driver: Thank You, and I took my seat in the far back of the bus behind the driver cuz all the other seats were takin by other high school kids.

End of Story

Written By:

Misty Spencer





18:41 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 399

August 16,2011 Tuesday

Dream #2

I had a dream about Trucker. Trucker was my 8 week old puppy. Trucker was my welcome home present. Trucker was part blue healer, part pitt, and part rott. I was lying in bed hurt and sick. Trucker put his 2 front paws on the side of the bed and started whinning. MMMM-MMMM? I said to Trucker. What is it boy. I picked Trucker up underneath is 2 front paws and him beside me. He walked up and licked me in my face. Trucker kept lickin me in my face. I told Trucker to lay down. Trucker laid in my arms with his head on my chest. If I moved. Trucker would move. If I got up. Trucker would git up. Every where I went, Trucker would follow. If I go outside. Trucker would go outside and do his business. If I go inside the house. Trucker would follow me inside. Trucker and I bonded. Trucker was my buddy, my pal, my best friend, and he was my boy. When it was bed time, Trucker would hop onto the bed and lay right beside me til morning came.

In Loving Memory Of:

Trucker, Killer, and Dolly


Trucker Killer, and Dolly

Born: February 28, 2010

Died: April 25, 2010

Died to Parvo Disease.

End Of Dream

Written By:

Misty Spencer




"The Beach"

17:54 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 401

August 16, 2011 Tuesday

Dream #1

I had this dream that I was workin down by the beach surrounded by boats, and boat docks. There was a big tree. Around this tree, there was a concrete slab around this tree with cracks all around the slab. It was pouring down rain, high gust of winds. I got down on my hands and knees and removed the concrete slab with my hands. I laid the broken concrete slab aside, and replaced the concrete slab repair with hardwood lumber. I put caulking between the lumber down with caulking all the way around the tree til the tree was fixed. I put the broken concrete slab in a wheel barrel and hauled it away. My job was done. I was paid $800.00 for a good job well done. I was given $200.00 as a good tip for a job well done.

End O Dream

Written By:

Misty Spencer




"High School"

00:23 Apr 04 2012
Times Read: 410

August 15, 2011 Monday

Once upon a time I had a dream that I went back to high school. I was runnin down the hall with my school books in my arms; and my school bag and purse on my left shoulder. I came by a hall monitor & he said do you have a hall pass? I said to the hall monitor: No I don't have a hall pass. Im L8 for class. I showed up in my class room on time. My teacher in my next class asked if I had a donation. I asked my teacher what kind of donation are we talkin here. My teacher told me a 100.00 donation. I told her that I don't have that kind of money on me. I don't have 100.00 for your donation. You can have this school; cuz I'm goin to another shool. Good-Bye! I ran out of my class room with the school books, in my arms, school bag and purse on my left shoulder. I ran down the hall to the double doors to exit the building, I left through the side door to go home. I walked home. As I was walkin home. I saw a green small car backin out of the driveway with 3 Police Officers in the back seat. 2 Males, & 1 female in the back seat. 1 Officer in the passenger seat; & 1 Officer off duty givin his co-workers a ride to work.

The End

Written By:

Misty Spencer




"Kenny's House"

23:11 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 414

August 14,2011 Sunday:

Dream #2

I was at Kenny's house visiting Kenny. Alan was sittin on the end of the couch by the window. Kenny was sittin on the other end of the couch by the closet cabinet. I was on the floor in a sleeping bag tellin Kenny that I couldn't say Norfolk right. I always say Norfuck. I was in Norfuck. Alan didnt say a word. Alan was sittin on the couch quite as a mouse. Steve was sittin in the chair. Listenin to me to talk to Kenny. I herd my Blazer racing up into Kenny's driveway. Same Blazer I was driving, but dont no more. I said to Kenny: Kenn. Kenny! who in God's green earth is driving my blazer like that? I don't know them. Kenny looked outside through his window. Kenny went outside, he knew who they were. They were Kenny's high school buddies when he went to high school with them. All 3 guys were white; including the driver & passenger. More guys came over to Kenny's house. There were 6 white men walkin into Kenny's front yard. All 6 men gathered around in a circle in Kenny's front yard to greet Kenny and shake hands and laugh for old time sake. Keith came over to Kenny's house and asked him for some drugs. Keith gave Kenny 20.00 for a Vicodin. Kenny gave Keith a vicodin for 20.00. Keith went home. 2 Hours Later Keith came back to Kenny's house for more. Kenny said to Keith. I don't have no anymore. Keith told Kenny Yes you do. Now Give Me 1! Kenny said to Kenny. Kenny said to Keith: I don't have anymore man! Keith said to Kenny O. K. Man! Keith went home.

End Of Dream- Woke up a 3:30 p.m.

Written By:

Misty Spencer




"Cop Part 2"

15:31 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 416

I hung up the phone and finished drying my hair. I got dressed, brushed my hair, put my hair in a pony tail, and tied it with a hair band. I brushed my teeth, and gargled, and rinsed my mouth out. I looked myself into the mirror at my teeth. They were solid white. I grabbed my purse, shoes and socks. I went down down stairs, and I put on my socks and shoes. 10 minutes has passed. Joey was at my house to pick me up. I got into his car and we drove away. We were on J. Clyde Morris Blvd. by Burger King. Joey said: I lost my job. I said to Joey: How did you lose your job. They called me at my house and told me that I was fired he said. I said to Joey: I'm so sorry that you lost your job. Joey said to me: Its ok I hated my job anyways; my wife divorced me. I said to Joey: Oh No! was it cuz of me. Joey said: No it was cuz of you. My wife divorced me cuz I lost my job; and she took everything. I lost my house, she took my daughter away from me, I lost custody of my daughter. I said to Joey: Im sorry to hear that. That's awful for what she is doing to you. Joey said to me: I want you to drop your boyfriend and be with me. The very next day; I went to the Police Station where I worked. Joey came by to my work; wrappedd his arms around my waist and he kissed me.

The End

Written By:

Misty Spencer




"Cop" Part 1

14:50 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 417

August 14, 2011 Sunday

Dream #1

I had this dream that I was a cop. I had on this shirt that said C.O.P.S. on it; and I was wearin dark blue pants and a badge on my right side. One of my co-workers at the police station, said: Joey! can you check on Lee. I was the station mindind my own business when we got the call at the station sayin that a jewelry store was being robbed. We brought in the suspect, that robbed a jewelry store. While the Police was searching his pockets. The suspect was fightin the police while being handcuffed behind his back. The officers found stolen jewelry in his pockets. The suspect was being charged for robbery. The suspect got out on Bond. The same suspect that we arrested for robbing a jewlery store we brought in the same suspect that robbed the 1st jewelry store, he was brought in for the same charge. This time he was being held without bond. My shift was up. Joey was already home from his shift. I went home to git out of my clothes and I put my badge from my waist onto the table. My phone rang. It was Joey. Joey said to me: Hey R U home. I said yes. Im home. Joey said good, I need to talk to you. I said: Ok. Joey said: I will be there at your house in 10 minutes. Be ready. I said: Ok Im just drying my hair. Joey said: Ok C ya. I said: C ya.




"Tim and I 2gether"

13:39 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 418

August 13, 2011 Saturday

Dream #2

I had this dream that Tim & I was 2gether. All of a sudden, Tim left me for a black woman. I said to this woman. Hey You! You in the Orange! This woman had on an Orange dress & a veil, A white veil. She had her hands coverin up her face & she was crying, when I approached this woman she was big. Then another woman walked by and she was black, with short bobbed hair, hawaiian 1 piece skirt. I said to this woman: Excuse me... Excuse me miss... My fiancee' has left me, and she said to me: I'm sorry to hear that sweety. I said to her: No you don't understand? My fiancee' has left me for you and Im pregnant with his baby. The woman said to me: Where is he. I said to the woman: Over there sittin up against the wall around the corner. The woman said to my fiancee:' Why do you want to leave this girl and pregnant with your baby. My fiancee' told the woman that he don't love me, that he loves her. The woman said: That's very kind of you; but I have a boyfriend I asked my fiancee.' Why do you want to fool around on me. My fiancee' told me cuz he wanted to. That was the end of my dream.

Written by:

Misty Spencer




"Dully Pick Up Truck"

13:12 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 419

August 13, 2011 Saturday

Dream #1

I had this dream that I was driving a Dully Pick Up Truck. The truck was fire engine red. I noticed that I had 3 nails in my tire, 1 on the inside, and 2 nails on the outside tire. I had double tires. I took the outside tire off to git to the inside tire. I pulled out the nail from one of my tires, after I pulled out the nail from one of my tires. I left a big hole in my tire. I asked some1 if they had a tire patch. The tire was losing air big time. One of the mechanics said no we don't have a tire patch for your truck. I said to myself GR8 now Im screwed. The other 2 nails in the 1st tire that I took off to get to the 2nd tire. The other 2 nails in the 1st tire was deep into the treads that I could only see the head of the 2 nails. That was in my 1st tire.

The End

Written By:

Misty Spencer





05:24 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 422

August 12, 2011 Friday Night

Once upon a time there was a woman who slapped her fiancee' Tim across the face. This woman's fiancee' Tim had a sad puppy face look on his face, after this woman slapped Tim across the face. After she slapped her fiancee' Tim across the face, she had a sad puppy face look on her face, because she felt bad for slapping her fiancee' Tim across the face.

The End

Written By:

Misty Spencer




"Givin Birth"

05:16 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 424

August 12, 2011 Friday Night:

Once upon a time there was a woman who was

givin birth. The baby said: I have to go to the bathroom. Where's the bathroom. The baby was pushin through the woman's womb through the double doors. When the baby came out of the woman's womb, a doctor was standin by to show the baby where the bathroom was. A woman gave birth to a baby boy. The baby was placed on the inkabater to go through so tests. The doctor pricked the baby's foot to get a drop of blood and the baby cried because he got pricked in the foot. I got sick when I saw the doctor prick the baby's foot. I threw up blood all over the labor and delivery room's floor and I passed out after I threw up blood.

The End

Written By:

Misty Spencer




"Fire Truck"

04:44 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 427

August 12, 2011 Friday

Once upon a time there was a girl who was an E.M.T. She worked at the fire station. This girl was an ambulance driver. A call has been dispatched to an accident. This girl was on top of a ladder on top of a fire truck with a fireman behind her. This girl happened to look over on the left side of the fire truck and yell for her mama. She herd: Help! Help! Get me out of here! The girl looked on the right side of the fire truck, and herd it again: Help! Help! Get me out of here! She happened to look down from the top of the ladder from the top of the fire truck, and there she was. The girl yelled from the top of the truck. Mama! Im Coming! The girl raced down from the top of the ladder from the fire truck goin forward in her jean dress, with the fireman behind the girl. When the girl reached bottom with the fireman behind the girl, the girl ran to her mam's rescue. The car was flipped upside down as she was goin over a giant hill. The girl's mama lost control of the car and landed upside down ontop of the other cars that was goin to be picked up and be carried to the crusher. When the girl got to her mam's rescue, she hugged her mama with her head on her mama's chest. They were waist to waist, and the girl's right arm across her mama's left chest. The fireman told the girl to move so that her mama can be rescued. So the girl moved out of the way, so that her mama can be rescued by the fireman from the car that the girl's mama was in.

The End

Written By:

Misty Spencer



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