Shit, 9am and its already 91 and humid!
Well the day started out ok, then went to the crapper fast. We are now just 10 miles from a tornado. The wind is nasty, the trees are blowing sideways and the house is shaking. And people pay to vacation here? Who's more crazy? Them that come or us who live here!
During the day, the sun was bright, but the night brought no moon to gaze upon. So i am forced to walk among the shadows and bide my time until it rises up once more so that i can be who i am.
played some guy named, TheAlmighty13, waited 5 whole mins for him to make a move and he calls a forfeit, pissed me off, cheap ass win.
hot as hell, and too damn sunny to be outside, another dead day, i must wait till night falls.