What I offer is only my opinion and observations, Agree, disagree, it's all the same, the world is what you make it, I only intend on sorting threw my thoughts based on my observations. I am much older than most and was turned by one much older than myself, so fear of death by the the usual has never been a concern. This offers me a unique perspective on life, death, love, religeon, sex, relationships, basic human need, and the rediculus.( my personal favorite ) I will share with you stories as best as I can remember, some have grown with time and telling. I will share songs, and mabey give some of the answers you were looking for, at the very least I hope to give you something to ponder and to argue about. At the most, I hope you get a good laugh. "Life is the joke, and death is the punchline."
Life is short, to those who walk with eternity it is even shorter. Many loves and lives I have lost, many great heros and villians I have admired, and many stories I have had the opertunity to witness, even sometimes contribute. I shall never have my own story, or be a hero or villian. Life is short when spent in the shadows. Cursed to never love nor be a part of life. Although it has allowed me to become quite the observer. Walk with me a while and I will give you some insight into this world, from the only truely seperate species able to speak. The vampire.