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Dreams vs. reality

04:10 May 04 2005
Times Read: 570

Dreams vs. Reality

The wind whistled throughout the night, howling like an animal deep in despair, but it did little to awake her from the nightmare she was having. She tossed and turned, crying out in her sleep from the dreams. Every night it was the same. The same dream reoccurring again and again, night after night, week after week, month after month, year after year until it was no longer a dream but remained in her mind like a distant memory that she was unable to escape from. The dream remained never ending, never changing, and yet so confusingly familiar.

Each night it began the same... quiet and calm.


'I swum in the deep water, bathing in the warm sunlight that glistened on the waves that were so clear you could see straight down to the bottom. Light pouring down to the bottom of the lake revealing beautifully colored fish in such vast amounts that the bottom of the lake looked like a traveling rainbow. The air around me was warm and comforting ... but things are never perfect for long. The wind picked up in a moment becoming violent and uncontrolled. At the sudden change I opened my eyes and realized that they had found me. I rushed as fast as I could to the shore, my arms aching in pain and fear. The minute I reached the land I darted as fast as humanly possible toward the woods but the dress I was wearing, although light was still soaked in water. I seemed as though every step I took it became harder to take the next, like some unknown gravity was pushing me back to the water. I as almost to the forest line when I heard their low rumble in the air and I suddenly regretted leaving the safety of my home along with my friends. I new that there would be no escaping them, the monsters that had hunted me my entire life and to this very moment still hunted me. I turned just soon enough to see the water rise and their deformed ghastly bodies pop out onto the shore. Their hair reached their shoulders and hung in cold lifeless strands, their eyes although huge and bulging were almost blind. Noses pushed into their heads along with various wrinkles adorning their bodies with numerous scars as well. The armor that they wore was enough to scare even the strongest and bravest of men but they themselves were utterly terrifying. Upon seeing them, memories flooded into my head causing a temporary lapse in speed and agility but their harsh screams brought me back to life and sent my thoughts back crashing inside of me. Running faster, I dashed into the woods. I ran faster and faster catching my long billowing sleeves and the hem of my dress on various twigs and branches, ripping them here and there. Farther and farther I went, until I knew no longer where I was. I knew only that I was deep... deeper than I had ever been before.

Copyright to K.A.S If I find this story anywhere with out my permission I get to sue you ...Yippeee... seriously people if you ask then chances are I will let you put it somewhere anyway you have been warned...;)





04:06 May 04 2005
Times Read: 571


I can hear it in these woods... The branches are breaking behind me. My support has with drawn and now escape is hopeless... I know that the creatures are nearer to myself then they have ever been before. I can smell their putrid breath resonating in the air, resting on my back, binding me to them. My breath escapes my body as the hair rises on my neck. One by one I sense the space between us closing. Closer and closer and closer they come, but then all becomes still. They are here. There is no way out, I want to run but I can't and I know that there is no escaping from the things that the gods have bestowed upon me... my destiny ends here this night, so very soon and not nearly long enough at the same time.

I stand motionless riddled with fear. One grabs me from behind...maybe its two or three, I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter they have me either way. I feel my breath escape my fragile body in a blood hurtling cry that stabs through the night as they begin to devour me. One by one I feel they’re teeth sink into my flesh, tearing into my very soul. I can feel the blood trickle down my once strong yet fragile body. The smell of their blood mixing and mingling with mine is horrible, I wish to puke. They devour me, their prize.

The pain stops after a while, although I can no longer feel my body, nor can I see or hear, from my body at least. I believe I'm dead, but with no one knowing that I am hear I shall have no one to place the coins of death on my limp head, over my eyes, those coins... That which was needed to reach the ferryman.

Now I have told my story, although I still am forced to stay here. My destiny has changed now to serve in the forest as a spirit of death, forever guarding my grave, destined to haunt those who approached it... Forever.

Copyright to K.A.S If I find this story somewhere else without my permision I get to sue you ... yippe ...you have been warned



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