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You yourself believe that romance never dies and in truth it probably never does! The key to your success as a vampire is that you have the ability to love and care. You no where your going and how to get there. You are still a keen predator and are one of the best!! You get your kills (which are mainly the opposite sex) by becoming their mates, you lull them into a false sense of security then you kill without mercy. You can only love your own kind, because you dont like the hurt that comes with loving humans. You have not lost any of your humanity (except obviously the killing bit, lol) and with that comes hurt as you watch your fellow vampires slowly disappear into insanity.
You're the Winter fairy! you're smart and beautiful. Somtimes you feel like...well like you can't feel but deep down you or someone else will find the kindness and emotions that are hidden well deep inside you'r heart.
I am not annoying at all. In fact most people come to me for advice. Of course they annoy the hell out of me. But what can I do? I am smarter than most people.
I am not a child of the 60’s but my heart is true to the cause, man. I realize that being a hippie is not just bell bottoms and tie-dye. It is also about the drugs and smelling bad, too!
The white trash in my blood will not keep me from becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but it will keep me from a good haircut and any sort of fashion sense.
I am abrasive, some people really hate me, but there may be a group of other tight knit assholes and bitches that I can hang out with and get me. Everybody else? Fuck ‘em.