Lately I have been thinking alot about how tattoos effect women. I don't consider myself to be heavly tattood, 18 to be exact. But I have noticed that alot of men that I know don't find that attractive at all. And what even more strange is I know a guy who thinks that female celebrity tattoo artists are beautiful but he will not go out or persue a regular tattooed woman. Aside from that I have gotten some pretty snide remarks and ugly stares from complete strangers. These people have never met me and I feel like I am automaticly judged for my appearance.
Anyways the point that I'm trying to make here is why judge a person by the way that they look. Isn't it whats inside that counts or am I being naive? being newly single I find that the dating scene is scarce. Maybe its just where I live..I don't know
08:49 May 10 2010
Viewing a person by who they are on the inside is the way it should be but unfortunately it seems that due to the media anymore, the only way that anyone will look at someone as more then an acquaintance or a friend that person has to look picture perfect.. Sorry.. That's just my opinion..
11:36 Feb 26 2011
I agree with Murders Of Sin and I add my own thing CHICKS WITH TATS SEXY AS IT GETS.
11:42 Feb 26 2011