Intelligent people, ones that can challenge me have my deepest respect and intrigue.
There's nothing more sad than when a Chinese, a Russian, a German, or any other foreign girl or boy gets "Americanized" and changes their personality. You've just killed yourself right there. You are nothing now. You are a shell of what you were. You took all the juices out of you and now you're just a crust.
Accept America, love America, work with America. But don't be American if you are not American already.
We love foreigners very much. Own who you are and be who you are. It's the best gift you can give yourself.
I totally agree, however it is very difficult not to be. America is all around the media. We have internet, when something 'big' in America happens, it gets mentioned in the news, American movies get into our cinemas, American movies and series get shown on the TV and even dubbed in certain parts of the world. Therefore America is everywhere you see it which it brings out something positive.
If it wasn't for the media, we'd have less knowledge and we'll remain closed minded. I can't imagine living in the typical old Malta times. Part of the reason why people became more modern, is indeed the knowledge we have of other countries, particularly America, all throughout information through the media.
However I know what you mean. Our ethnicity is there. I can dye my hair blonde, wear blue lenses, wear clothes typically American, speak English and imitate an American accent, but in the end I'll remain who I am.
If it is referred to my entry about the language I can give you a brief history about that.
Your entry was in my mind when I wrote this, yes.
I know it is difficult for people. But good, strong, worth while people will be themselves. It's who they are. The rest, frankly, are a lost cause.
Hold on, I'm writing you.
Today I want to have a healthy forum debate with deathnitegrl.
I feel sharp today. It's been sunny and great outside for the last few days. And like deathnitegrl, I am also inspired on Sundays and have lots to write about.
But I am still not ready to tackle the forums just yet. First I have to rate the database at least with this account (I have 2 others).
I will get there soon though, to the forums. I hope that maybe some intelligent people join me. That maybe some people come out of hiding on here.
lol be prepared for more :)
It was a beautiful sunny day today, relevant to the word Sunday, yet I spent it in. Anyway I still didn't feel bored, thanks to VR :)
I'll look forward for your posts, message me when you do, I'm interested what you'll post.
I will do that!
Pet peeve:
People who start a sentence with "You know that...."
"You know that movie with Tom Cruise in an airplane? Yea well...."
"You know that little metal ring thingy with a little ball in the middle? Yea well....."
And that "yea well" doesn't come after. They wait until you answer whatever the fuck they are talking about and prove to them you know what it is.
No. I hate small talk as it is. I am not stupid like you and everyone you know. I will know what you're saying if you just say it. I don't want to engage in a conversation with your stupid, socially parasitic ass. Just go!
Roses. They're red.
Violets. They're blue.
Tact. You have?
Well good for you.
20:06 Feb 17 2013
Debates are like my daily bread to me :)
I still don't see why there are people who think that debates are boring.
20:07 Feb 17 2013
To those are not there intellectually, I can see it being boring.
20:13 Feb 17 2013
I met people who intellectual debate for them is gossip -_-
20:14 Feb 17 2013
That's just wrong on all levels lol