You there. My simple nigga.
Eat that cheeseburger cause you're a simple nigga.
Do that 9-5 cause you're a simple nigga.
Come home cause you're a simple nigga.
Kiss your wife cause you're a simple nigga.
Go to sleep cause you're a simple nigga.
This is written in a poem cause you're a simple nigga.
Don't wanna hurt your feelings cause you're a simple nigga.
So I went it with an a and not an er cause two letters mean something to a simple nigga.
More deeply, youre a pussy nigga.
Youre a bitch nigga.
That racism card on the top of your brain cause you're a pussy nigga.
Play me close I dare you.
Play me serious simple nigga.
Think for a second. I'm ten steps ahead.
But you're a simple nigga. Be a simple nigga.
Matter of fact youre a stupid nigger. If you think I'm talking about black or white youre a retarded nigger.
My time is money. Your dollar is money. That's why I own you nigga.
That's just the beginning. Nigga.
The truth is, behind a few layers of recycled movie quotes and personalities, most Americans have no life inside of them. Sad that everyone wants to be like them.
I actually think that some of you are the most intelligent and interesting people. There are people in my life too, but here I can freely talk about certain things in real life I can't. As for being like Americans, not exactly I just wish we had the amount of things you have, you don't know how much lucky you are. I even got to know about the existence of certain things, from the vr journals.