rosemary-sea dew mchaffie born 9/4/1934
albert-noble one joshua-bright mchaffie born 6/6/1932
allen-gracious mar-warlike mchaffie born 8/29/1952
tina-christian burger born 1/7/1968 she was never married to my real dad but se did marry
my curen dad nameed steven hunt my mom likes to fish and gripe
marie-from mary born 9/4/1934 she is like 3/4 indian and her great great grandad was an indian chei
john-god is gracious grandpa on moms side born 5/9/1940
his name is john burger and he was born in ohio
Here I stand waiting and begging for some ram
dom car to hit me as I walk to my house
Saying why, why cant they hit me is it that they cant see me or is it that they are to afraid
So here I will stand begging you to hit me put me out of my misery for here in this world
is not were I belong so I will remain here til you do as I wish and just kill me.
Whyis it that as sooj as I find the one I want to spend the rest of my life with ii begin to rememember you
The girl that I fell in love with first the only girl I loved at the time but yet I am glad to have thought of you
Beautiful you, I realize that I still love you but yet ive never told you that I love you because I was to afraid
to tell you I moved away as apunishment and now I sufffer more but it can not be called suffering if I wish to think of you
I begin to remember how you laphed and how you smiled and the touch of your skin when I actauly touched you I begin to question this whole thing wether I should be engaged or not well I don’t know but I do miss you so you the angel that I never got to hold i hope in our life sometime that when we meet again we can think back to this time and remember the feelings we felt for one another i guess that we will never know what would be or could have been of i never moved away but somehow i realize that things always work out so i am actualy beginning to look toward the future laura instead of the past maybe who know that someday u and i might bump into each other and not even remember each other but still we feel this thing in the pit of our stomaches telling us to takl to eachother and then maybe just maybe u and i will fall in love all over again