vampressanis's Journal

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laws of craft

21:42 Mar 27 2006
Times Read: 570

Laws of the Craft (Ardaynes)

...On the Witch's personal standards and spirituality

An ye harm none, do as ye will.

If you know the Rede is being broken, you must work strongly against it.

Watch, listen, and withhold judgement; in debate let your silences be long, your thoughts clear, and your words carefully chosen.

Never boast, or threaten, or speak evil of anyone.

Be truthful always, save when speaking would lead to a great harm.

Keep clean your body, your clothes, and your house.

Should you take a task upon yourself, work hard and well to accomplish it properly and in good time. Always do the best you can.

Do not haggle over the price of your ritual tools.

Witches know that there no absolute truths.

Witches understand that the universe consist of perfect balance; therefore, everything has an opposite.

Witches realize that for every action there is a reaction. (The Law of Three)

Witches know that we are all one; we are all connected.

Never lie to yourself for this is the ultimate act of deceit.

Witches understand that the ultimate act of spirituality is the act of positive creation through love.

Witches realize that the energy created through worship and rituals manifests as a circular stream of positive energy.

Witches should never close their minds to knowledge.

Never practice a magickal system that you don't fully understand.

Do not set a price on your magickal work.

A witch uses the magickal circle as a physical and non-physical representation of a temple on the earth plane.

Witches use the energies around them to assist in raising power.

Witches use common sense and do not share their mysteries with fools.

A Witch who knowingly breaks the Law (Ordains) will not be permitted to incarnate on Earth again.

...Concerning the relationship of the Witch with others

Revere, honor, tend, and heal the Earth

Of that which you grow, make or use, let as much as possible return to the Earth as an offering to Her, as a way to nourish the cycle of life.

Do not judge those of other paths, but offer them love and aid.

Do not steal from human, animal, or spirit; if you have needs you can't meet, turn to your community.

Offer friendship and hospitality to strangers who visit among you.

You shall never handfast or wed someone you don't love.

Honor the relationships and commitments of others, and don't couple together if it will cause harm to another.

Raise your children with kindness, feed, clothe, and house them as well as you can. Show them love and affection, teach them strength and wisdom.

Deal fairly and honestly in all your transactions with others, following the letter and spirit of any contract you agree.

...Concerning the relationship within the Craft

Witches do not point out the identity of other witches to the general public or give addresses, or anything that can betray any of us.

Do nothing that will endanger anyone in the Craft, or which will bring them into conflict with the law of the land or any of your persecutors.

Do not gossip or speak evil of other witches.

Never lie to any of the Wicca.

Never use your magickal skills for show, pride or vainglory.

Keep within your Book of Shadows a record of your own rites and learnings.

Do not lend your Book of Shadows to anyone. You may allow someone to copy it though.

Property owned by Crafters should be guarded both mundanely and spiritually by the Witch.

Never use your personal power for evil purposes or attacks. If someone attacks you, you can defend yourself by asking the Goddess for justice.

Magickal bindings can cost you dearly. Learn to banish negativity instead.

Know that thoughts are things; and what you create in thought may manifest in reality.

A Witch's power grows in direct relation with his or her level of wisdom.

As long as you are acting in accordance with a positive belief system, don't worry what others think of you and say about it.

Injuries, accidents, sickness, and poverty are often manifestations of low self-esteem or negative programming, not hexes.

Magick use should be viewed as sacred.

Witches may teach others about the Craft if the place is safe, the teacher is knowledgeable, the student is willing, and the information is available publicly or is not secret to the organization to which he or she belongs.

Never do anything to disgrace the Goddess and the Craft.




13 laws of wicca

21:45 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 575

1)We practice Rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the moon and the seasonal quarters and cross quarters.

2)We recongnize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment.We seek to live in harmony with Nature,in ecological balance offering fulfillment.

3)We acknowledge a depth of power for greater than is apparent to the average person.Because it is far greater then ordinary, its sometimes called"supernatural",but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.

4)We conceive of the creative power of the Universe as manifesting through polarityas masculine and feminine and believe that this same creative power lives in all people and functions through the interaction of the masculine and feminine.We value sex as pleasure,as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magical practice and religious worship.

5)We recognize both outer worlds nad inner,or psychologial worlds sometimes known as the spiritual world,the collective unconscious,the Inner Planes,etc.and we see in the interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paronormal phenomena and magickaal exercise. We neglect neither dimension for the other seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.

6)We don't recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach,respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.

7)We see religion,magic,and wisdom in living as being united in hte way one veiws the world and lives within it- a world view and philosophy of life that we identify as Witchcraft,the Wiccan Way.

8)Calling oneself a "witch" doesnt make a Witch-but neither does heredity itself or the collecting of titles,degrees,and initiations.A Witch seeks to control the forces within him/herself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well, without harm to others, and in harmony with nature.

9)We acknowledge that it is the affirmation and fulfillment of life,in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness,that gives meaning to the Universe we know and to our personal role within it.

10)Our only animosity toward Christianity or toward any other religion or philosophy of life is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be "the only way" and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.

11)As American Witches,we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, or the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions.we're concerened with our present and future.

12)We dont accept the concept of "absolute evil",nor do we worship any entity known as "Satan" or the "devil" as defined by the Christian tradition.We dont seek power through the suffering of others,nor do we accept the concept that personal benefit can only be derived from denial to another.

13)We acknowledge that we seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well being.




elements and months

21:43 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 576

THE FIRE ELEMENT: (ARIES March 21-April 19, LEO July 23-August 22,

SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21)

Fire is bright, strong, and takes control. It wants to be in charge. You never

can miss fire. Never subtle, the most confident of all the signs. When it

wants something you will know! Fire people do not stop until they get what

they want. Look to the fire people as the leaders. The majority of world

leaders have strong fire elements in their charts. People look to fire

people as the energy boosters of the zodiac. Want to start something with

enthusiasm? Find yourself a fire sign. The motivator s and pep talk

people are usually fire people. These people are very proud and


Fire people can also be very arrogant and self-centered. Don't go to a fire

person for sympathy or comforting. They just don't have the time. They are

too busy getting their needed recognition. They have no patience for

emotionalism or heaviness. They tend to run over the weaker, shyer


Generally compatible with air signs, fire signs can become tired and

bored with the intellectual observations of the more communicative air

signs. Without the encouragement and ideas of the air signs the fire

signs would be lost. A fire sign is the boss who takes your ideas and

motivates and leads all the employees to better sales and marketing

while taking all the credit.

THE ELEMENT AIR: (GEMINI, May 21-June 21, LIBRA, September

23-October 22, AQUARIUS, January 20-February 18)Here you will find the

talkers and communicators of the zodiac. If you need something written or

spoken, ask an air sign. Ideas seem to materialize out of thin air for them.

These people are like the air we breathe. Always moving and changing.

Just when we think we know them poof, they change again. Very social

these air signs. If your party seems dull and no one is talking, you don't

have enough air sign people to fill in the gaps between words with more


Objective and rational no emotionalism here. The air signs are so

objective they can become impractical in their actions and beliefs.

Superficial, these signs never want to get into heavy emotional

discussions about the dreaded "feelings" dialog that are more important

to watery signs. Like the air, these signs hate to be restricted. Freedom of

thought and movement are their most cherished desires.

Fire signs work well with air signs. Fire needs air to generate heat. The

fires stimulate and help motivate the air signs into new ideas.


OCTOBER 23-November 21, PISCES February 19-March 20)

Like the water in a glass, water signs conform to the elements around

them. Feelings, emotions, and deep personal conversations are what

motivates and stimulates the water signs. Sensitive to a fault, the water

signs are often more concerned with your feelings and needs then their

own. You can find them at movies crying loudest and most often.

Everything seems to touch them.

Psychic and secretive are often characteristics of the water elements.

When they can no longer withstand the emotions of the world, they often

retreat into their own private worlds. Sometimes this leads to compulsive

behaviors and fearful ways of life. If the emotions get too strong, these

people can be become addicted to drugs, alcohol, food or anything that

keeps them from feeling as deeply.

Trust is a big need of theirs, which the earth signs can bring to water.

Earth signs also bring the need stability and consistency to water that

keeps it contained in a healthy calmer manner. In fact, water signs can be

so emotional that the simplest things can get blown out of proportion into

big dramatic scenes. Water signs dislike the strong boisterous

personalities of the air and fire signs.

THE ELEMENT EARTH: (TAURUS, April 20-May 20, VIRGO, August

23-September 22, CAPRICORN December 22-January 19)

Talk about rocks. The most stable, consistent and sometimes rigid of all

the signs. Once they make up their minds, like mountains they cannot be

moved without huge efforts. Practical, patient, reasonable, and persistent

are these signs. If you want to make sure a project gets done and gets

done "right" call, on an earth person. They will stick with it until the bitter

end. Not much one for spontaneity or flexibility. (We have to leave that up

to the air signs) Not as sensitive as the water signs, the earth signs are

still aware of the needs and often want to serve others. These people are

not much one for the limelight. If it can be done, an earth sign will do it

without the need for recognition.

Often so rigid, they become stuck with old routines to the point of

impracticality. Fear of starting something new, earth signs can be very

cautious to the point of missing a great opportunity. Conventional to a

point of boredom.

The fast moving, changeable air signs fascinate Earth signs though they

are un-trusting of their unworkable schemes. If you see an adult asking

why repeatedly, you can pretty much be assured you are in the company of

an earth sign. Fire signs are too forceful for their slower thorough nature.

Sharing with the water signs the characteristics of retentiveness,

self-protectiveness, and acquisitiveness. Water signs will sooth and

comfort the worry element so often found in the earth people. With this

support and encouragement, earth signs can work and work and work.




Wiccan Holidays

21:43 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 577

The Calendar

The word Sabbat comes from the Greek work "sabatu", which means "to rest". The Sabbats are representative of the turning of the wheel and each honor different phases in the life cycle of the Goddess and the God. It is interesting to note that the eight Sabbats now known to modern Western pagans used to number only five: Bealtain, Midsummer, Lughnasadh, Samhain, and Yule.

Samhain October 31st

Popularly known as Hallowe'en. Other names for this Sabbat include Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas or Old Hallowmas (Scottish/Celtic). The Feast of the Ancestors and Witches' New Year. Trick-or-Treating evolved from Pagan "Souling," when children representing ancestors collected food and blessed the houses they visited. Samhain was the most awe-inspiring of the seasonal celebrations, feared by the ancient people because associated with the coming of winter, the cold and dark days and the scarcity of food. Not unexpectedly, Samhain was also the day to remember the souls of the departed. Samhain occurred on November 1st and its eve was, of course, October 31st when the festivities actually commenced. (October 31 was then considered New Year's Eve.) The pagan Celts believed that the two worlds, the physical world and the spirit world, drew closer on this date and that ghosts and apparitions of the dead could roam about the physical plane.

Samhain was a magical time, a time of the lighting of bonfires. Pagans customarily would put their fires out, then re-light them to represent the end of the year and the coming of the next.

With the coming of Christianity, which found it impossible to remove all the old beliefs from the populace, Samhain was transformed into All Saints' Day, or as it was also called, All Hallows' day (with hallow meaning holy or holy people). The day before All Hallows' Day was, of course, All Hallows' Eve, or Halloween. The origins of modern Halloween are therefore based in ancient pagan Irish or Celtic beliefs.

Yule 22 December

also known as Yuletide which comes from a Nordic word meaning "wheel".The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and, obviously, the longest night. The waxing sun finally overcomes the waning sun and from this day on, the days will once again grow longer as we head toward spring and the rebirth of fertility once again.

Imbolc 1 February

Also called Candlemas, Lupercus (Strega), Candelaria (Mexican Craft). It is the Feast of Returning Light which marks the banishing of the Winter Season and the welcoming of Spring. In Ireland, Imbolc started out as a special day to honor the Great Mother Goddess Brigid, Goddess of holy wells, fire, healing, smithcraft, and poetry. On this night, it is also said that the spirits of the dead walk among the living. In Ireland, these spirits are said to be seen at a crossroads.

Eostre 22 March

Also called Ostara, or the Spring (Vernal) named after the Anglo-Saxon Goddess of the Dawn and origin of the word "Easter." Equinox occurs when the night and day are of equal length and celebrate the Feast of Planting and Rebirth. In Wales, Ostara was known as Lady Day and signified the official return of the Goddess from her long winter hibernation. Many of the myths associated with Ostara concern trips by dieties into the mysterious underworld, and their struggle and eventual return to the land of the living.

Beltaine 1 May

Also called May Day, Beltane, Bealtaine (Celtic), Walpurgis (Teutonic), Rudemas (Mexican Craft), Festival of Tana (Strega) occurs on May 1st, falling opposite Samhain in the wheel of the year.. Beltane marks the start of summer, the beginning of the light half of the year and is a time for feasting, merry-making, celebration, and joy. It is a time to look outward and forwardto the future, and to prepare for the warm summer months ahead. It is also a time for love and union, representing the Divine Union of the Goddess and the God.

Litha 22 June

The Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year. Litha represents the Sun King in all his glory and power. It is a celebration of passion and of ensuring the success of the crop. The Goddess is heavy with pregnancy and so is the earth. Activities are mostly those to do with civilization and culture.

Lammas 1 August

Also known as Lughnasadh, Lugnasad (Celtic), Feast of Lugh,Loaf-mass, Cornucopia (Strega) or Thingtide (Teutonic). It represents the beginning of the harvest cycle. In Western paganism, it is a grain festival which is sometimes called the Sabbat of the First Fruits. Lammas or Lughnassadh honors the Celtic God Lugh, God of harvest, fire, light and sun

who undergoes a shamanic sacrificial death and rebirth as a sheaf of grain at Lughnasadh, and/or the Barley God, who dies and is transformed into beer.

Mabon September 21st

Also known as Winter Finding (Teutonic), Mabon is the Autumn Equinox and is associated with the taking of corn and the completion of the harvest. Druids honored the willow tree, a tree associated with death and rebirth, and cut their wands from its branches just before Mabon. After this night of balance, darkness will once again overcome the light.





21:39 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 578

Amber:Healing,luck,and protection

Agate:Protection,healing,and wealth

Amethyst:dreaming,psychi natures and happiness

Adventurine:Money,luck and perception

Bloodstone:Healing,victory,courage,and strength

Carnelian:protection,vitality and health

Chalcedony:Peace and protection from nightmares

Chrysophase:Happiness,success,friendship and luck

Citrine:Protection,psychic natures,and dreaming

Coral:Protection,power,and healing

Crystal Quartz:Protection,healing and psychic natures

Diamond:Loyalty,harmony,and peace

Emerald:Love,money and mental powers

Garnet:healing,strength,and protection

Hemalite:grounding and divination

Jade:healing,longevity and wisdom

Jet:protection,divination and shielding

Lapis Lazul:healing,love and protection

Moonstone:divination,psychic natures,astral and dream control

Onyx:protection,counter magic,and balancing sex drive

Opal:astral projection,luck and power

Pearl:love,wealth,and good fortune

Ruby:wealth,protection,power,and vitality

Sapphire:tranquility,defensive magic and health

Tigers eye:Money,protection,courage and energy

Topaz:Protection,healing,wealth,and love

Tourmaline:love,friendship,business and relationship

Turquoise:protection,courage,money,friendship and love




charge of god and goddess and other info

21:39 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 579

Rhyming Charge of the Goddess

I am the harmonious tune of the songbird

And the laighter of a gleeful child.

I am the bubbling sound of the running brook

And the scent of the flowers wild.

I am the floating leaf upon the breeze

And the dancing fire in the forest glade.

I am the sweet smell of rain upon the soil

And the rapture of passion when love is made.

I am the germination of seed in the spring

And the ripening of wheat in the sun.

I am the peaceful depth of the twilight

that soothes the soul when day is done.

I am found in the twinkling of an aged eye...

And found in the birth of a newborn pup...

Yes... birth and growth and death, am I

I am the gracious Earth, on whom you sup.

I am your Sister,your Mother,the Wise One.

I wrap you gently in the warmth of my love.

That which you seek you shall find within:

Not without... not below... not above!

Remember always,my children, be reverent

Be gentle,loving,and kind to each other

And hold sacred the Earth and its creatures

For I am the Lady,Creatrix and Mother!

The Rhyming Charge of the God

I am the echo you hear in the forest deep

And the warmth of the sun upon your face

I am the ageless sound of the oceans roar

And the power thats felt in every wild place

I am the wheat that rustles low on the breezes

And the spark that ignites the hearth fire

I am the passion and power and ecstacy

That is reached at the end of desire

I am the squirrel who plays games in the tree tops

and the young stag who runs wild and free

I am the clatter of hooves on an old gravel road

And the strength of the ancient oak tree

I am found in the wrinkles of the old crippled man

I am found in the child,young and strong

I am found in the joy of the union of love

In the passionate kiss, slow and long

I am your Lover,your Father,the Ancient One.

Take my hand and I'll teach you the Dance.

Of the change of the seasons and the eye of the storm

Of fertility,love and romance

Remeber always, my children,be merry

Hear the lilt of my music,so light

And hold sacred My realm and all it sustains

As you dance to My tune in the night.

The Moon/Goddess Connection

Waxing Moon(Light/Maiden): When the Moon grows from dark to full, we use its energies for anything that requires increase,growth,or enhancement.It's a good time to work efforts involving fresh starts,inspiration,new love,friendships,business-building,and financial prosperity.It also provides suitable conditions for healing,increasing physical stamina,developing psychism, and garden planting.

Full Moon(Mother):the moons energy is at its most potent when it reaches this stage. And while we can use it boost any effort, its of real benefit to complicated workings or difficult situations.

Waning Moon(Dark Maiden):When the moon shrinks from full to dark, we use its vibration for anything that requires shrinkage or elimination. this energy works well for efforts that involve dieting,breaking bad habits,abliterating stress or depression,or the elimination of dysfunctional relationship patterns.

Dark Moon(Crone): Some practioners use this phase to rest,regenerate, and regroup.Be that as it may,others use its energies for psychic work,divination, and deliving into past life memories, as well as matters where getting to the truth of a matter is an issue.

The Sun/God Connection

Sunrise(young Lord/Newborn Sun):Sunrise provides a good time for efforts involving beginnings,change,and cleansing. Its also beneficial to work that relates to new employment,love,or direction in life. Matters that involve renewing hope and trust,good health,or even medning a broken heart can also benefit from this energy.

Morning(Young Lord/Adolescent):During the morning hours, the energy of the Sun becomes strong and active,so projects that require building,growth or expansion benefit during this phase. It also provides the perfect energy for expanding upon the positive aspects in your life,resolving situations where courage is necessary,or adding warmth and harmony to your home and relationships. Use it too for financial increase or plant magic.

Noon(Horned One/greenman):the power of the sun peaks at high noon. That makes it a good time for work pertaining to mental ability,health,and physical energy.Its also great for charging crystals and stones or mental ritual tools such as athames,censors and cauldrons.

Afternoon(Father): As the sun descends,Its energy becomes more receptive in nature. For this reason, use it for efforts involving professionalism,business matters,communications,and clarity. Its also beneficial to matters of discovery,exploration,or travel.

Sunset(Ancient One):This is the time to work on anything that requires reduction or alleniation . try it for removing stress,anxiety,confusion,hardship,and depression,the disclosure of deception and dieting.





21:38 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 580


stimulates the mind, eases decision-making, relieves gloom.


opens the hearts closed by grief to receive and give joy, helps hearts already

open to direct healing to others, used with prosperity visualizations.


cuts through mental blockages to deepen our connection to spirit, excellent

for deep relaxation, meditation, and psychic works.


calming and soothing, with a strong effect on anger and oversensitivity,

assists in loving communication.

Cinnamon (bark):

helps us connect with our psychic powers used with visualization to create


Clary Sage:

helps to encourage vivid dreams and clear inner visions, also relieves stress.


helps with transitions, especially when involving decision-making, gives

comfort and strength in the face of loss including that of death.


psychic cleanser of negative energies, especially from arguments or fights.


historically a ceremonial oil, used to deepen breathing and elevate

consciousness, helps to make us aware that reality is multidimensional, also

helps break unwanted ties to the past.


a psychic and physical energizer, promotes courage, confidence, and success.


cleans out negative psychic energy including one's own feeling of un-cleanliness.


claming, balancing, helps us integrate spirituality into everyday life. Can

assist in sleep.


stimulates psychic awareness


energizing and revitalizing can be used in visualizing personal protection.


creates inner and outer atmosphere of cheer.


grounding, also and aphrodisiac.


mental stimulant balances both the overblown and the underdeveloped ego.


psychic protector, stimulant that promotes mental clarity.


calms without inducing drowsiness and excellent oil for meditation.


stills the conscious mind so a meditative state can be achieved, helps free

the mind from the past.

Tea-tree: considered to be a universal panacea, has many different uses.


good grounding oil


for nervous tension, insomnia, anger, and loss, promotes good dreams,



relaxing and soothing eases tension stored in the muscles.


helps to ward off psychic attack and gives courage.


eases loneliness and grief, unites psychic and conscious mind.

Lemon Balm:

opens the heart center, good for anxiety, emotional shock, grief, assists in

past life recollection.


grounds spiritual energies, aids in meditation, helps us move through

emotional and spiritual blockages.


grounds energy so that one is open to angelic visions and messages, from

angels, spirit guides, or higher self.


romantic oil, aphrodisiac, blend spiritual and physical love.

Rose (absolutely pure, not perfume oil):

heart opener, facilitates creativity, helps to bring a spiritual content to

sexual relationships




wiccan oath

21:34 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 581


I undertake this path of my own free will and for the good of myself and of humankind.

I will follow the Wiccan law - Do as you will,but harm ye none.

I do not seek power over others but aim to increase my own knowledge,self-esteem and happiness through the Craft.

I cast no spell against another's wishes or their best interests.

I promise to keep the identity of my fellow Wiccans secret and help protect them from harm.

I will attempt to gain true and deep understanding of the Craft.

I respect all life as sacred and treat earth and it's inhabitants with love and care.

I thank the Goddess for this path,and promise to uphold the best traditions of the Craft




crystals and gems

21:32 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 582


Gemstones have been used for centuries as meditational aids and


magical foci. Each individual type of stone has different

properties. Here

are some healing and spiritual properties from a list I have. These

descrioptions are based on ancient legend and lore:

AGATE: Moss Agates considered to be most powerful. Aid in

restoration of energy, used in healing, and believed to

wearer happiness, wealth, health, and long life. Increases

ability to ward off self-induced anger and inner

bitterness. Carnelian-gives protection and energy. Moss

green-balances emotional energy. Moss red-balances

physical energy. Blue lace-gives tranquility.

Amber: Powerful healing stone with large amount of organic energy.

In ancient times, ground to a powder and mixed with honey

or oil of roses for various physical problems. Filters

germs and infections and has the power to disinfect. Worn

around the neck to help fight infection and respiratory

diseases. Lifts the spirits.

Apatite: Promotes communication and mental clarity.

Amethyst: Increases spiritual awareness, has a calming and soothing

influence, has the ability to transmute negative into

positive, and is very effective as a healing stone.

Warmed and placed on the forehead and temples, it is good

for headaches. Has the ability to draw through it forces

directed towards the body and repels vibrations which the

body doesn't need, thus releasing only the energy patterns

beneficial to the body. Best worn in healing near the

heart center. Opens up spiritual and psychic centers.

Helps prevent drunkeness.

Aquamarine: Calms nervous tension. Calming effects of the sea. Used

to help banish fears and phobias. Means seawater.

Soothing and cleansing.

Adventurine: Increases perception and creative insight. Stimulates

opportunity and motivation.

Azurite: Powerful healing stone, invokes spiritual guidance, opens

psychic eye. Good for dreams and improving psychic


Bloodstone: Stimulates flow of energy for healing blood circulation,

stops hemorrhaging. Removes emotional blockages.

Citrine: Stimulates openness and accelerates the awakening of the

mind. An aid to the digestive system. Helps eliminate

toxins. Encourages tremendous healing on the emotional

and mental levels, helps unblock subconscious fears, and

serves as a natural relaxant.

Coral: Balances physical energy and relaxes tensions. Carries the

creative vibrations of the sea.

Emerald: Promotes creativity, stimulates perception and insight, and

strengthen memory. Beneficial effect on the eyes.

Garnet: Balances hormones, good for mental depression, enhances

self-esteem, alleviates bad dreams, and encourages success

in business. Thought to assist in seeing into past


Hematite: Calming to the emotions. Worn as an amulet to confer

strength and procur favorable legal judgements. In Egypt,

used to reduce inflammation and treat hysteria. Considered

to be a grounding stone. Helps maintain balance between

body, mind, and spirit.

Ivory: Spiritual protection.

Jade: Stimulates practicality, wisdom, and universal attunement.

Thought to provide a link between the spiritual and the

mundane. Most revered by the Chinese.

Jasper: For energy balancing of emotions and stress.

Flourite: Opens and softens the way for the use of other stones.

Excellent used in aquariums-provides needed minerals.

Lapis Lazuli: Stimulates wisdom, truthfulness, & psychic experiences,

healing and strengthening when worn next to the skin.

Strengthens mind and body to spiritual awareness.

Malachite: often used as a child's talisman to sleep soundly &


from bad dreams. Stimulates clear vision and insight,

represents hope and inner peace, believed to protect from

danger. Increases abundance in all areas of life.

Moonstone: Brings good fortune. Reflects the wearers being and

feelings. Promotes unselfishness. Opens the heart to

humanitarian love and hope. Good for protection while

travelling on water. Gives clarity to spiritual

understanding. Good for pre-menstrual symptoms and

balancing to the reproductive system. Used to ease


Pearl: Stimulates feminine qualities, used to focus attention,

helps pull together mental and spiritual forces, peace of

mind. Represents purity, modesty, & gentleness.

Peridot: Dispels fears, guilt, and depression. Used to counteract

negative emotions and healing of the spirit. Affects top

three chakras. Once worn as a means of gaining foresight

and divine inspiration.

QUARTZ: Amplifies the healing energy of the one using it. Used to

help draw out pain. Able to tap into the energies of the

universe. A good stone for meditating on. Works primarily

with the Third Eye center, also relates well with the heart

center. To be able to tune into the quartz promotes

clarity while concentrating on it. Also affects the crown

chakra. Very potent and often worn to protect from

negative vibrations. Cleanse regularly. Rudilated-rutile

needles help focus attention. Smoky-good for calming the

mind. Rose-vibrations of universal love & inner serenity.

Ruby: Increases vigor, renews vitality and cleanses the blood.

The stone of courage.

Topaz: Calms emotions, protects against external stresors. To

restore physical energy & quiet emotional nature.

Tiger Eye: Very powerful protection, clarity of thought.

Tourmaline: Causes the wearer to be more flexible, more understanding

and more objective in purpose and reason. Calming. Each

person has a different response to this stone. Causes a

reaction in the intestinal tract. Black and

Crystal-removes negativity and cleanses. Some say it

should not be worn as jewelry. Electric and magnetic


Turquoise: Vibrates calming radiations, protective, and restores

healthy mental attitude. Stone of friendsship. Balancing

and healing. Great strength and vitality. Takes on

characteristics of the wearer.




wiccan tools

21:26 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 583

ATHAME: (pronounced "a-thAM-ay" or "ATH-a-may")

Many Witches own one or more ritual knives. These are commonly known as "athames" in Wiccan circles. In the Scottish traditions, the knife is called a "yag-dirk" and in Sax Wicca it is known as a "seax" (see-ax). As with all ritual tools, the athame is a very personal magickal item-one which you will want to take some care in obtaining. It should fit well and comfortably in your hand, for one thing. You certainly wouldn't want it to go flying across the room while you are casting a circle. This type of occurrence could cause a drastic drop in the attendance level at your next circle!

Many Witches make their own blades or "personalize" purchased ones with runes, carvings and other symbols; all of which serve to blend the energy of the tool with their own magickal intentions. Modern Witchcraft books almost always state that the athame is a "black handled double edged iron blade." You may call this model, "the classic', if you like! But many other practitioners now use athames made from stainless steel, copper, silver and various other metals, or even carved stone. Some have family heirlooms, such as letter openers which serve the purpose. Some Witches never use a blade at all! So you can see, it is more important that the tool you choose suits you personally rather than reflect the latest fashion craze.

The athame can be used to cast the magick circle, call the "quarters" or elements, and is part of many an opening ritual, handfasting (wedding) or initiation rite. It is associated with the element of Fire and the South. It is customary in some traditions to have your blade given to you as a gift. Some Witches or ceremonial workers give their tools a magickal "name". (This practice has become a common reference in many role playing games and fantasy novels.)

Almost all materials written state-and most Witches/Wiccans, with the possible exception of the Sax Wiccans, agree- that magickal tools should not be used for any other purpose than ritual work. Often the blade is left "dull" or unsharpened because of this. (Another blade, the "boleen", with a white handle is sometimes used to harvest herbs or carve symbols, but not used for ritual work.) Some Witches will not let their tools be touched by anyone other than themselves. Some covens or working groups share common tools. It is, other than for those who are dedicated into a specific Tradition, what you are comfortable with.


The broom or "besom" is used for cleansing ritual areas, hence the term "making a clean sweep". In handfasting rituals, couples often jump over the broom if they want children. (If you don't want children, DON'T JUMP! The combination of the "brush" and the handle are a very powerful fertility symbol.) Many Witches have a broom-brushy side up-by their door to protect the home from unwanted outside energies.


Bells have been around for many years, they come in different shapes and sizes, as well as different tones and sounds. The most popular bell in the US is the liberty bell. Another popular bell is the Notre Dame bell found in France. It is any wonder why we like these bell? It might just be the rhythmic sound and vibrations. People have been singing Songs and carols about this beautiful instruments for years, that might just be why there are associated with winter holidays. The bell also has magical associations. It has been believed for centuries to possess a magical and/or spiritual power. They are associated with the divine: their sound is symbolic of creative power, their shape a symbol of the female force and celestial vault. The bell is an uncommon tool. Yet, once you use it in a ritual, you might just feel the need to keep using it. There is no one way to use the bell, use your imagination! Here are a few ideas; you can use it to open and close the sacred circle, Invoke the Goddess, ring to ward off negative energies (as well as invite positive energies ), or use it to signal different sections of a ritual and/or Sabbat. But most of all have fun, create your own rituals using the bell! (bell thoughts submitted by Rain')


One of the most common symbols of Witchcraft, the cauldron was once found sitting by the fireplace in almost all homes. The cauldron-traditionally with three legs- represents bounty and blessings. In some Celtic Traditions, it is associated with otherworldly figures such as Bran the Blessed and the Goddess Cerridwen. Based on these myths, the cauldron has also come to represent the concept of reincarnation and the cycles of birth, death and rebirth. Many Witches believe in some form of reincarnation or the transmigration of souls.

Cauldrons can be used to represent water and used for scrying. It is sometimes used in association with elemental fire as well and small "bonfires" can be lit in them to burn spells or incense. Jumping over the cauldron has replaced the "bonfire" leap in modern times and urban spaces. It can, depending on intent and use, be placed in the Female West or Male South. Cauldrons range in size from the small altar models to the antique "floor" type. Many Witches have cauldrons in various sizes for different workings and purposes. Cats like to store their toys in them, too!


The chalice or cup is used on the altar to represent the Female principle of Water. Another chalice or cauldron is sometimes placed in the West as well.

The chalice along with the athame, sword or wand are the modern tools which are used in the enactment of the "Great Rite"-the union of the male and female principle from which Life will spring.

Chalices may be of any material. Many use silver or pewter (be careful with untreated metals when serving wine), but ceramic ones are now quite popular and readily obtainable. Some Witches have many different kinds for different types of rituals. Many a practitioner will avoid real "lead" crystal because of the Saturn energy influence.

The chalice is sometimes passed around the circle so each participant may take a sip from the cup. This is a bonding experience and often the words "May you never thirst!" are passed throughout the circle with the chalice.

Libations of wine or water are often then poured outside to honor the Old Ones and "sabbat" cakes are also offered back to the Source in a similar manner.


Clothing is "optional" for many Witches. If you are dedicated into a Tradition, you may practice "skyclad".

The clothing-robes, capes, jewelry and other items-used in ritual work is usually dedicated to only these uses. Having "special" garments lends an "otherworldly" feel and sets ritual work apart from mundane life.

Many traditions or paths have a "standard" wardrobe which reflects the ethnic background of that path. Scots may wear kilts and Druids may wear hooded robes. Many embroider magickal symbols on their ritual clothing or "hide" small magickal items in the seams and hems to act as talismans for protection.


The Altar pentacle is usually a disk or plate of metal or wood inscribed with the five pointed star in a circle. (See our pentacle section for more details on the pentagram and its meanings.) This is set upon the altar and used to consecrate various other tools and as a focal point of concentration for magickal workings. It is associated with the Female North and the element of Earth. Some Witches use a paton when calling in the elements as well.

Patons (sometimes "peytons" or "patens") can now be found made of ceramic and glass. You can even make your own from clay or simply draw and color one on stiff paper. In some references, it is stated that patons in the 'old days" were only made from disposable materials so that evidence of your beliefs could be quickly burned should the authorities come knocking at your door!


The staff is a very important tool in some traditions. It is used to mark quarter points or as a "stang" to hold banners representing elements or other unique symbolic flags.

The staff may be used in much the same manner as the wand. It is usually matched "to your measure"- which means it reaches to your shoulder- making it easy and comfortable for you to handle without either knocking yourself upside the head or having it trip you up from behind. Any such incident will amuse your friends, but do little to enhance your image in the magickal community!


With the coming of the modern "Celtic Revival", the sword has become a very popular-and quite showy- magickal tool. It can used in place of, or in addition to, the athame. Most groups who hold rituals indoors usually limit the use of the sword to just one for the Priest/Priestess. Ten five- foot swords in a small room could get a bit messy, I would think! However at festivals and outdoor rituals, Witches often bring their own swords to mark the boundaries or quarter points of the circle. There is now a growing interest in actual "sword play" and entire festivals have sprung up which feature events based on swordsman- or woman!-ship.


A container used to contain a hot coal for burning incense. This is best made from a fire resistant or fire proof material. The most common are the "mini-cauldrons' of iron and the various brass types which come in wonderful shapes and sizes. Some even hang on a chain. The incense itself represents the element of Air while the fire (charcoal) represents Fire. The combination of these two elements are used to purify ritual areas, other tools or the circle itself.


The wand represents the element of Air and the Male East. You can purchase a ready made one or collect one from your friendly neighborhood tree. (Ask first, if you want to harvest one from a living tree- and leave a small token of thanks.) Even dowels, such as those sold in hardware stores, can be painted and decorated quite beautifully.

The wand can be used to cast the circle or direct energy in other magickal ways, such as in spells and incantations. There are wands of glass, copper, silver and other metals, but the "classic" material is still wood. Various woods have different magickal associations and uses. It is very common for a "Wand Witch" to have many wands of various types in his/her magickal closet. Witches who do not use athames often use a wand instead.





21:18 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 584


Your Name

Ready to try Numerology? Okay, here goes!

Have a pencil and paper handy? Great! Start by writing out your full

birth name (first, middle, and last. Now assign numbers to each

letter using the chart as a guide. (Note: This chart is read

downwards so that 1 is A, J, S; 2 is B, K, T; etc.)

Number Assignments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



S T U V W X Y Z -

Sound confusing? It really isn't. Just take a look at the following

example and you'll get the idea. In this example, we will use Henry

Quincy born on November 11, 1922. Or 11/11/22, the way it is usually

written. (By the way, "11" and "22" are generally considered 'MASTER

NUMBERS' in numerology. So Harry's an interesting character, judging

by his day of birth alone!) Okay, now let's assign numerical values

to Henry's full name at birth.

H e n r y = 8 + 5 + 5 + 9 + 7 = 34 so that becomes 3 + 4 = 7

Q u i n c y = 8 + 3 + 9 + 5 + 3 + 7 = 35 that becomes 3 + 5 = 8

M a t h e r s = 4 + 1 + 2 + 8 + 5 + 9 + 1 = 30 that becomes 3 = 0= 3

Now adding these numbers together we have:

H e n r y = 34 (or 7)

Note: In numerology, 34 becomes 3+4. Most two-digit numbers

get "broken down" in the same fashion. The only exceptions are

the "master numbers" (11 and 22). When a master number appears in the

final total, it can be read two ways (11/2 or 22/4). So if a master

number appears in your first, middle, or last name, this is something

you might wish to jot down and check out later. But for now "break

down" all two-digit numbers, the way you would the "34" above.

Q u i n c y = 35 (or 8)

M a t h e r s = 30 (or 3)

You can then add all these numbers together in one of two ways. (Try

each method and you will see that you arrive at the same final


34 + 35 + 30 = 99. The 99 is then "reduced" to 9 + 9 = 18. And this

18, is further "broken down" to 1 + 8 = 9.

or simply add 7 + 8 + 3 = 18, which then becomes 1 + 8 = 9.

As you can see from the above calculations, Henry's birth name

reduces to a 9. In numerology this particular combination of first,

middle, and last name provides the "Destiny Number."

Okay, you have your Destiny Number. Now what does it mean?

On the chart below is a quick interpretation of the numbers 1 through

9 and the two master numbers (11 and 22). You should be aware that

some numerologists attach special significance to other two-digit

numbers. However, they are not universally recognized in numerology


The Numbers Revealed! 1 is ambitious, independent, and self-


2 is supportive, diplomatic, and analytical.

3 is enthusiastic, optimistic, and fun-loving.

4 is practical, traditional, and serious.

5 is adventurous, mercurial, and sensual.

6 is responsible, careful, and domestic.

7 is spiritual, eccentric, and a bit of a loner.

8 is money-oriented, decisive, and stern.

9 is multi-talented, compassionate, and global.

11 is enlightened, intense, and high-strung.

22 is goal-oriented, a global planner, and inspired.





21:16 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 586


Each rune is described with name, basic meaning and the positive

magical meaning according to several sources. If the rune would

appear upside down when casting runes, this should be interpreted as

a warning for the opposite.




Cattle, animals, wealth Symbolises material and spiritual wealth,

happiness and reaching of goals.



Basic, primitive power, oxen Dawn, new life, rebirth and energy. Can

symbolise initiative and spiritual strength, and may indicate a

positive change.



Thurs, giant, troll A very powerful rune, symbolising power, chaos

and transformation as well as protection by the gods.



Asagod Stands for communication, gift of speach and song. May

indicate that such talents are about to be evolved.


Raidho, Reid

Travelling, carriage, riding Powerful protection rune. Stands for

order and structure and to overcome obstacles. Said to be the rune of




Wound, abscess, fire The torch rune, symbolises warmth and

enlightening. Associated with ritual fires when celebrating the

winter and summer solstice.


Gebo, Gifu

Gift Stands for harmony and balance, the ability to give without

expecting anything in return and paying tribute to the gods. Can

indicate that something positive is to be expected.


Wunjo, Wynja

Joy Symbolises joy and happiness, life force and sensuality. May

indicate an upcoming positive and creative period.


Hagalaz, Hagal

Hail Stands for unexpected and drastic events that may be difficult

and troublesome, but events that are necessary. A rune that indicates



Naudhiz, Naud

Misery, forcing someone A powerful rune of destiny, connected to the

three goddesses of fate, Urd, Verdandi and Skuld, who weaved the web

of destiny. May indicate trouble and difficult challenges.



Ice Symbolises stagnation and waiting as well as structured

discipline. May indicate a warning that a pause might be necessary in

planned actions.


Jara, Jera

Year, yearly growth A fertility rune connected to Frej and Freja.

Symbolises sowing and harvesting - what is sowed will also need to be




Possibly cliff, earth, stone Stands for stability and continuity,

physical health and being down to earth. There might also be a

connection to shamanic rituals and dance.

•-rune (e)


Yewtree Symbolises the plant kingdom, being on the right path.

Protection rune also associated to spears and arrows.



Moose A very powerful protection rune, a warning for intruders. The

so called "horror helmet" is a combination of four R:s in a cross

arrangement with the spikes ourwards. This rune is also connected to

spiritual animals, and protects its bearer against evil forces.


Sowilo, Sol

Sun Stands for the sun, warmth, summer, hart and also victory. A

very positive powerful rune.



Tyr (Asagod from whom we have named Tuesday!) A rune with strong,

forwardpointing energy, can also symbolse sword and postitive

manhood. Also stands for boldness, balance and ability to make



Berkana, Bjarka

Birch A female rune associated to Freja and fertility. Also

represents healing, elemental beings and inner beauty.



Horse The horse rune is connected to Sleipner, the eight-legged

horse belonging to Othin. It symbolises communication and travelling

between worlds and different levels of awareness. A rune for shamans

and magicians!


Mannaz, Madr

Man Represents man kind as a whole, compassion and loyalty towards

your clan, e.g. those near and dear to you.


Laguz, Laukaz

Water The water rune stands for emotions, subconsious energy flows

and the travelling of the soul. Also associated to intuition and

psychic force. Another rune for the shaman.


Ingwaz, Ing

Ing (a fertility god) A rune of joy, represents male fertility,

forces of creation and creativity as well as the growing forces of

spring. Also connected to Frej.



Day Symbolises the transformation between night and day in that

order. It is the rune of dawn and the new day. Can indicate new

possibilities or a new insight.


Othilaz, Othala

Land, property This rune is a symbol for the land we have inherited

from our ancestors, the homestead and the clan. Can also symbolise

wealth and a connection to our forefathers as well as cultivation,

not only of the soil but also of the soul, art and handicraft.



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