Today started pretty much like any other Monday, got woken up early in order to dog sit my three dogs until my parents got home followed by sleeping till lunch time. Feeding the two healthy dogs as well as trying to feed the sick one then watching some programmes on BBC entertainment while checking out what’s going on Facebook and chatting with my best friend who I have from time to time thought of as both my first and only lover and my greatest mentor. Then at four my dad and I took the sick dog Scot to the vet being in the car as the sun was setting I still had hope that things would be ok as I always believe that where there is life there is hope but sadly in this case it was not to be and as the needle went into his leg and he fell dead onto the vets table a piece of me went with him. As heart broken as I am right now I know it was for the best and though Scot is with his mum and step both of whom I also miss dearly I know that it was his time to go and though I find it ironic they he passed on my cousins birthday when his mother passed on the birthday of my cousins mother it also makes it easier for me to remember the date as my memory is hopeless.
As sad as I am right now my biggest regret it not spending as much time with Scot as I should have. All my life I’ve been trying to get acceptance from humans who just turn their back on me once I am no longer useful to them. From now on I put animals first as they are more loyal and the language barrier stops them from truly hurting me. Because of the plague that is money I shall still interact with my fellow man but only for the sake of getting more of that green paper in order to help animals. The only humans who shall be allowed to touch my heart and soul will be those who are on the same path that I am.