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14:18 May 15 2006
Times Read: 684

The Art of Conjuring Spirits . . .

Celestial Beings, Angels, Demons, and Elemental Spirits.

From the most heavenly of spirits to the monsters of the of the great abyss. These entities can all be summoned to do your bidding or answer your questions. Take warning to heart. These creatures are very powerful and you could end up doing your self more harm than good.

~WARNING!~ This information is for educational purposes only! I do not suggest that you attempt to do any of the following conjuration's unless you are a well experienced Magician/Sorcerer. For the inexperienced it can lead to Demonic possession and or many other bad things!

When a magician gets started he usually performs a couple of standard rituals like

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and the Middle Pillar Ritual. These are the most important things he would do in order to protect himself from these Beings. Remember the attitude he gets from a spirit depends on the type of spirit he would so choose to conjure up! There are also several standard items which would be used during the conjuration...

a Dagger, preferably exotic an Alter , at least 3'x3' top on it

White Candles, at least 4 Incense, something pleasing

a Robe Crystal Ball

Triangle of Solomon

Triangle of the Art

the Key of Solomon (book) the Grimoire of Armadel (book)

the Magic Circle a Quiet Place to do these rituals


Now we come to the Magical Circle and the Triangle of the Art. I know you can't make out all the lettering, but this is just to show you the original copy...

Notice in the top of diagram is the Triangle of the Art. This is where the Magician will place the circular Black Mirror, or the Crystal Ball on a stand. Around the triangle are the names Tetragrammaton, Primeumaton, and Anaphaxeton. Inside the Triangle is the name Michael split up. Below it is the Magical Circle in which the Magician will stand. It has many sacred names of God written around the inside border. In the middle of the circle are the names Alpha and Omega, along with 4 hexagrams. As you can see there are 4 pentagrams, one on each corner of the circle. A candle is placed in the middle of each one. The name Tetragrammaton is split up between the five points of each pentagram.

Now we get to the good stuff. If you read all the copies of ancient manuscripts you will see that all the rituals are quite long and complicated. I am going to simplify things for you. You see books like the Key of Solomon, the Grimoire of Armadel, and the Goetia were designed to confuse the ordinary person and discourage them from wanting to attempt these Rituals. This is because the ordinary person attempting these rituals would more than likely become possessed, disease ridden or die. This type of Magical workings is for only the experienced Magician/Sorcerer. Those who think different and want to play with fire, I tell you... You will get burned!

Here is a Magic Circle that can be used. All the lettering can be read easily...

First you need to make sure you have a quiet place to these rituals, where you you will not be disturbed. Make sure that your alter is set up and all the magical tools are displayed on the alter. You need to light the four white candles and the incense. Make sure you have preselected the entity that so desire to summon up. Also make sure you have his sigil written on parchment. Take a few minutes to relax and meditate. Clear your mind of all unwanted thoughts and worries. Take your dagger and perform the invoking ritual of the pentagram. You can also call upon Archangel Michael to surround and protect your magical circle. If you call him and have faith he will be there protecting you. Now lets move on to the invocation ...





14:11 May 15 2006
Times Read: 685

Candle rituals have been around for centuries. You may remember your first candle ritual when you were 2 years old on your birthday. The candles were lit and you were told to close your eyes, make a wish and blow out the candles. Candle spells are pretty much the same principle. You light the candles, maybe close your eyes while repeating a spell or that which you wish for and visualizing it coming true. It is a combination of the need or desire, and the ability to visualize the outcome. Candle burning spells and rituals are very easy to do and to have success with if they are done correctly and you truly believe. The different colors of candles each have their own symbolism.

Dark Blue: depression, changeability


Candle spells can be very easy or complicated. It all depends on how much time you want to put into a ritual. It can be as simple as lighting a green candle and chanting... money money come to me.

It can also be very long and complicated lasting several days with the repositioning of the candles each day. The choice is always yours.

The first thing you want to do is get the appropriate color candles for your peticular desire. Then you need to annoint the candle with oil. Olive oil will do fine. You need to rub the candle with the oil from the middle outward to the ends. As you are doing this you need to be thinking of your desired goal. Then sit and meditate on your desire after lighting the candles, then read your spell or chant your appropriate mantra.You don't need some elaborate spell with a bunch of big words or words you don't even know how to pronounce. You can make your own spells or rituals. Think of your desire then make a simple little rhyme that tells about your desire in it. It doesn't even have to rhyme. This is all about will power, the power of positive thinking, and creative visualization.

If you can do these things then you will send those vibrations out into the universe and eventualy they will materialize.

This is to Deepen the Love between 2 people.

2 red human candles, one male & one female

1 black & one white candle

crushed mandrake root

strawberry leaves

adam & eve root (2 pieces)

deep plate or dish

red string

pieces of rose quartz

rose petals

Light the black & white cnadles on your altar, the black on the left, the white on the right.

Bore a small hole into the heart area of each human candle (or one hole at each chakra point). Put a small pinch of the love herbs into the hole. Scratch your name on one candle, your lover's on the other. Face them together on a round plate or deep dish. Write your initials on one piece of adam & eve root & your lover's initials on the other. Place the 2 pieces between the 2 candles. Add rose quartz & rose petals on the plate between the candles. Tie the candle with a red string clockwise. Light both candles and let them burn down till the dish is a pool of wax. Let it cool. Remove the wax,now embedded with the other ingredients. Bury it on the night of a full moon for an ongoing relationship or on the night of the new moon for a new relationship.

The Art of Hypnotism, Self Hypnosis and Hypnotizing others...

Many years ago I went to a Hypnotist to learn the Art. He taught me how to hypnotize myself and others. It is actually an easy process involving very little study and practice. You must remember.... not everyone can be hypnotized. Some people are so wrapped up in their thoughts of every day worries that they can not simply concentrate. In order to be hypnotized... you must be able to relax and clear your mind just the same as you would during meditation..

I would suggest trying it on yourself before trying it on others. Here are the steps to hypnotizing yourself....

1. Sit on a couch in the upright position and close your eyes and your arms at your side or in your lap. Do not move around. Just sit there and relax for a minute.

2. Clear your mind of all thoughts. How do you do this?.... simply imagine a big Dumpster or a very large metal box on your mental screen. Then see it open and put all your thoughts and worries in it one by one.... bills... your lovelife.... problems.... your children.... your job... everything you can think of. Then close the lid and lock it! Then push it off your mental screen.

3. Now sit there quietly with no thoughts for a minute. When you are ready to start... do not forget to tell yourself as you go through each part of the body that you are becoming more and more relaxed as you go. YOU MUST TELL YOURSELF THIS!

4. Now... start with your head.... imagine every part of your head relaxing... start with your eyes.... then go to your ears.... the mouth... all your facial muscles. spend time with each part to make sure it is fully relaxed.

5. Now go to your neck and do the same.

6. Now go to your whole chest and stomach region and start with your heart... slow it down and make it at peace. Relax all you chest muscles and then your stomach area.

7. Now relax your arms feeling them going limp. Relax every muscle in your arms one by one including your fingers.

8. Next go to the groin area and relax all the muscle there.

9. Now it is time to do your legs.... start with the thighs and work your way down to the feet relaxing each and every toe.

By this time you should be like a big lump of silly putty... totally relaxed and and at peace. Now here comes the fun part. This is where you will get to hypnotize yourself and see if it really works.....

1. Site there with you arms in you lap and or at your side and tell yourself that your right arm is getting very light. It is getting very, very light. Keep telling yourself this and feel how it is getting lighter. Tell yourself that it is getting so light that is is staring to raise up off your lap. Feel it it getting light as you keep telling yourself this and feel it raising up off you lap. It is getting lighter by the second and it is raising up higher and higher until it is up in the air.

2. Once you have achieved this and your arm is up in the air you may tell yourself it is getting heavy again and lower it to your lap. You will now tell yourself that you will awaken fully refreshed with energy and a clear mind.

3. Open your eyes and evaluate what you have done. Write down your experience in your magical journal. If you did not have success... try again later that day and keep trying until you are satisfied. If it never works for you.... you may be one of those who cannot be hypnotized.

Now.... this method can be used on someone else. Try it on your best friend... except you are the one who will be telling them to relax each part of their body. Then do the arm raising stunt with them and see if it works. Remember.... as you go through each part of the body with them... tell them they are getting more and more relaxed and sleepy. If this works then you can try more difficult things like making them do funny things...


You can also use this method to remember things and program yourself to lose weight or study better or what ever you so choose!

If you have been successful.... Congratulations! You now know how to Hypnotize!





23:22 May 06 2006
Times Read: 689

Kiss me Spell

Hey, this is a spell to get someone you fancy or love to kiss you! I am currently studying "dream recall" because after i did this spell i became interested in magic. Well

here it is:

You need - 1 red candle

A white piece of paper

A red colored lipstick or a glittery pink one.

What you need 2 do:

Light the red candle (be careful).

Draw a lip print on the white piece of paper.

Hold the paper over the candle and think of the person you want to kiss you. Then chant:

Kiss me when we meet,

kiss me (lovers full name),

greet me with your lips and say you missed me,

but most of all kiss me.

(remember to visualize you both kissing and falling in love)





23:20 May 06 2006
Times Read: 690

Self Recreation




This black spell is used to recreate your own dark powers, this spell is to be used in case that you are feeling weak or you have used most or all of your energy.

Accessories / tools:

A baphomet plaque or a printed one

2 black or dark colored candles.

5 small candles to be placed at the baphomet edges.

A goblet with water.

A dagger.

Incense sticks.


Place the plaque in front of you and place the two black candles behind the plaque and light them up, now light all 5 candles and place them on the baphomet, now light the Incense and sit down in front of the baphomet in the lotus position and close your eyes for 30 seconds, while you close your eyes say “I summon my energy and cleanse my body, for I am a god”. After 30 seconds open your eyes and hold the dagger in your left hand and the goblet in your right hand, close your eyes again, now slowly drink half of the content from the goblet, say “I summon my energy from the elements of the earth, I summon them to return to me” hold the dagger upwards and drink the second half of the goblet, now place both of them down and slowly lay down on the floor or any other place you are in, and go to sleep, when you will awake, your body will be regenerated.


Place the candles on a burn proof place, or use special candles or place the candles in a glass so if it will burn out alone it will not light any thing up by mistake.





23:17 May 06 2006
Times Read: 691

Binding Spell



Do on a waning moon.

On a sheet of paper, write the name of the person who you wish to bind. Also write down some negative behaviors that you would like to change positive. Roll the paper

and wrap with black ribbon, set paper on fire, and place in a fireproof bowl. Chant this until completely burned:

"As this paper chars and burns, all these behaviors soon will turn."

Dump the ash in the water. Visualize it glow with power of peace. Concentrate on your intent. Take the water and ash to a north tree at your home, and pour water & ash

around the base while chanting three times:

"Sink this into mother earth, give love and understanding birth."

Visualize how things will be different.

"So mote it be!"



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