Do on a waning moon.
On a sheet of paper, write the name of the person who you wish to bind. Also write down some negative behaviors that you would like to change positive. Roll the paper
and wrap with black ribbon, set paper on fire, and place in a fireproof bowl. Chant this until completely burned:
"As this paper chars and burns, all these behaviors soon will turn."
Dump the ash in the water. Visualize it glow with power of peace. Concentrate on your intent. Take the water and ash to a north tree at your home, and pour water & ash
around the base while chanting three times:
"Sink this into mother earth, give love and understanding birth."
Visualize how things will be different.
"So mote it be!"
To get what you want ..... Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle . put the
candle in a darkened room in the middle of a table . Write what it is you want on a
piece of paper with a quill pen dipped in black ink . chat the following as you write .
What I want I write here . Please take my dream and bring it near . What I want Is What
I should get . Let all my dreams Now be met . now take the paper and fold it in a
square of four creases . hold it over the candle with a pair of tweezers and let it burn .
Picture yourself with your wish fulfilled as you burn the paper send waves of love at
the image you conjure of your self ..... ONLY ONE CATCH TO THIS SPELL.....
Although someone has submitted a lost and found spell
(which they jacked from the TV show Charmed, at least
with the rhyming part)... I would like to send in mine
that I use. Although it was in part taken from
Charmed, too, (yes I admit it) I have reworded it to
form an actually useful spell in finding things.
To find whatever is lost, chant the following:
Guiding Angles,
I ask your charity,
lend me your focus and your clarity,
Bring me to the (name of what is lost) at this time,
Restoring me that and my peace of mind.
With harm to none,
This spell be done.
Let it be not reversed,
Or placed unto me as any curse.
May all astrological correspondences
Be correct for this working.
As I will it,
so mote it be.
You should find what you are looking for in a few
minutes to a week.
Sometimes we really like someone but say nothing because we fear if we made
an advance we would experience rejection. Here's a spell to give you the
green light or the red light.
moon phase: full moon
day: a friday
planet: venus
supplies: a new red rubber ball (a small one)
In sacred space cleanse concencrate and empower the red rubber ball. As you
bounce th ball repeat the following spell:
" From ground to air From air to ground I bounce the magick Round and
round Do you like me? Do you love me? I need to know the answer. Dragons
eyes, and angel wings. Now I touch the fairy ring. Do you like me? Do you
love me? I need to know the answer Earth and air Fire and water. My little
ball goes higher, and higher. Mine is magick. Mine is power. Its time to
know the answer."
Repeat the last line as you bounce ball. Keep bouncing the ball and say: "
With harm to none as I will it shall be done. May all astrological
corrospondences be correct for this working, and may this spell not reverse
or place upon me any curse. SO MOTE IT BE!"
You should receive your answer shortly. If you do not have your answer in
thirty days repeat the spell.
Candle rituals have been around for centuries. You may remember your first candle ritual when you were 2 years old on your birthday. The candles were lit and you were told to close your eyes, make a wish and blow out the candles. Candle spells are pretty much the same principle. You light the candles, maybe close your eyes while repeating a spell or that which you wish for and visualizing it coming true. It is a combination of the need or desire, and the ability to visualize the outcome. Candle burning spells and rituals are very easy to do and to have success with if they are done correctly and you truly believe. The different colors of candles each have their own symbolism. Here is a table of the colors and their meanings...
White: truth, purity
Red: love, health, sex, strength
Green: money, luck, fertility
Black: discord, evil, negativity, confusion
Brown: neutrality, uncertainty, hesitation
Pink: love, morality, honour
Purple: power, business progress, ambition
Orange: attraction, stimulation
Greenish Yellow: jealousy, anger, discord
Gray: neutrality, stalemate, negativity
Light Blue: tranquility, patience, health
Dark Blue: depression, changeability
Candle spells can be very easy or complicated. It all depends on how much time you want to put into a ritual. It can be as simple as lighting a green candle and chanting... money money come to me.
It can also be very long and complicated lasting several days with the repositioning of the candles each day. The choice is always yours.
The first thing you want to do is get the appropriate color candles for your peticular desire. Then you need to annoint the candle with oil. Olive oil will do fine. You need to rub the candle with the oil from the middle outward to the ends. As you are doing this you need to be thinking of your desired goal. Then sit and meditate on your desire after lighting the candles, then read your spell or chant your appropriate mantra.You don't need some elaborate spell with a bunch of big words or words you don't even know how to pronounce. You can make your own spells or rituals. Think of your desire then make a simple little rhyme that tells about your desire in it. It doesn't even have to rhyme. This is all about will power, the power of positive thinking, and creative visualization.
If you can do these things then you will send those vibrations out into the universe and eventualy they will materialize.
This black spell is used to recreate your own dark powers, this spell is to be used in case that you are feeling weak or you have used most or all of your energy.
Accessories / tools:
A baphomet plaque or a printed one
2 black or dark colored candles.
5 small candles to be placed at the baphomet edges.
A goblet with water.
A dagger.
Incense sticks.
Place the plaque in front of you and place the two black candles behind the plaque and light them up, now light all 5 candles and place them on the baphomet, now light the Incense and sit down in front of the baphomet in the lotus position and close your eyes for 30 seconds, while you close your eyes say “I summon my energy and cleanse my body, for I am a god”. After 30 seconds open your eyes and hold the dagger in your left hand and the goblet in your right hand, close your eyes again, now slowly drink half of the content from the goblet, say “I summon my energy from the elements of the earth, I summon them to return to me” hold the dagger upwards and drink the second half of the goblet, now place both of them down and slowly lay down on the floor or any other place you are in, and go to sleep, when you will awake, your body will be regenerated.
Place the candles on a burn proof place, or use special candles or place the candles in a glass so if it will burn out alone it will not light any thing up by mistake.
This spell has been used many times and the wished things have happened
usually in a short time.
-Needed Supplies-
*1 sheet of quality paper/parchment
*a pen/pencil used in magickal works
*candles (usually white, can change depending on your wish)
Do a relaxation ritual before this and clear your mind well. Concentrate on
the spell not the joy afterwards.
Take the paper/parchment and draw a pentagram in the middle of it. Then draw
a ying-yang symbol in the middle of it. Now write down your wish on the top
of the sheet. Write your wish such as ''make me get rich, make my
mother/friend etc. get healed, make me get 'the thing you want''...
Then fold the sheet 2-3 times and seal it with your candle. Then burn it with
the fire of candle you sealed it. While it turns into ashes, repeat your wish
inside yourself or out loud. When it's all ash,sprinkle the ashes from a
window or such.
'Be careful what you wish for, it can come in any way'
You Need:
Powdered cinnamon
Green ribbon
A glass jar or other container with a lid
Various small objects- preferably green, silver or white
(such as paper, dried leaves, beads, pieces of smooth
glass and colored wood)
Green or silver glitter.
1. Cast a circle as normal, calling the quarters and
erecting a barrier of energy.
2. Consecrate all the items which you are going to use,
then lay them out on your altar (or if you are outside, a
3. Sprinkle the cinnamon over all the objects and say:
‘Herb for healing,
Herb for hope
Herb for strength
herb help me cope’
‘I call on thee, spirits of water, earth, fire and air, to aid me in this
4. Bind the Green ribbon around the jar three times
‘Thrice I bind thee, and so with nine calls, you will heal.’
5. Put all the small objects and the glitter into the jar ,
screw on the lid and shake it nine times
‘Power of healing, I command you, heal (name of
person) from all sickness!’
6. Thank the elements, and the guardians of the
watchtowers, and take down the circle.
7. When you have finished, then keep the jar in a safe
place, and every time you need the power of healing,
then take it out and shake it nine times, saying the
following over and over:
‘(name of person) be well, (name) be free of sickness’