Yay! I went up another level! I just logged in and I was at the next level! I think it's because I sent in that submission to the database. Here's my submission (if you haven't seen it):
I have a couple other voices in my head and tend to talk with them occasionally. They're Dash (boy; abrev: Dsh) and Dawn (girl; abrev: Dwn). Together I abrev. them D|D. I also abrev. myself as SAD. They'll show up sometimes in my journal and portfolio.
Dsh: Why'd you say we'd show up in your journal, in your journal?
SAD: ...I don't know.
Dwn: You're weird.
SAD: I know.
Two others that might show up are Saidi (abrev: S) and Celia (abrev: C). They're both girls and act as sort of sisters to me. With them is usually their brother, Mike (abrev: M). He's my BFF in the boy department (too bad he's not real). Together, they're S|C|M, S|C, S|M, or C|M.
S|C|M: Hey, why'd you list us second?
SAD: Because I felt like it.
S|C|M: Meanie!
Wahoo! I'm finally level two. I know, it's just one level but I thought I was never gonna get there. It makes me happy! :)
Well, I couldn't upload any photos into a portfolio on this site because all my pics are too big. So I created a photobucket account instead. To see any of my photos go here:
Correction: I figured out to resize my pics, so I'll upload them to my portfolio too. If I fill up my portfolio, though, the rest will be on photobucket.
Unlike a lot of people, I remember my dreams for a while after I have them. Some of them I can figure out what they mean, but some don't seem to make sense at all.
The other night I had a dream of being chased by medieval knights. They were chasing me back and forth through this big ditch that was completely white but without any snow. I kept rolling down the hill and then running up the other side. Finally, I decided to hide in this Egyptian pyramid-like place. I locked all the windows and doors and thought I was safe. Then I found out that that was what they'd wanted me to do. They were "herding" me there to keep me captive.
Last week, I dreamt of being chased my a T-Rex through some sort of laboratory. It was knocked out for a while then got back up to continue chasing me. At one point it was chasing me around the outside of some other building and I was trying to hide from it.
Last night, I dreamt of moving into this sort of dorm place inside a school, which looked like somebody's house. It was an art school sort of. I dreamt that we weren't allowed down this certain set of stairs that led to the teacher's room. I went down there anyway and he caught me. Then there was all this weird stuff happening and this girl came into the room to return something, then left. Then this other girl came in and tackled me, calling me Dash (I'd turned into a boy about now). Then her brother tried to fight the teacher, but he failed. Then the teacher came after me and I started fighting him (as Dash). I can't remember after that. I must have woken up then.
When I fell back asleep, the dream kind of continued. We were in a restaurant and then I was flying above the city. Then I landed on this kind of tower thing on the outside of the school. When I got inside, everyone was there. Then I started being chased by these twins, that kind of resembled Fred and George form Harry Potter only they were younger. I woke up again after I ran up these stairs that led to an attic.
These dreams are the weirdest I've ever had. I'm always being chased by someone. Or fighting someone. In a couple other dreams, my little brother's there and we're fighting. They just keep getting weirder.