do u people hate vampire slayers, i do. i mean im just takeing a walk and boom.y the fuck do slayer come after me and my friends.We incently drink blood,not hurting people who dont want to b a doner.still we are attackes.fuck.u vampire kidz who are like me are lucky u dont have a vampire slayer following your ass.
vampire love people
back in the day there was a ukrain folk tale .the daghter in this story is called czarnevea .there was the czars daughter who took a bath in the back then if u didnt cross yourself u were posest by a demonic ora.the daughter was a vampire like u and i .She drank blood and enjoyed the life of it .the dad or king was consend and got the uncles wich were the midel of the night czarnevea arose from her coffin with a rage that shook the theres an old thind were vampire cont thing that fall such as beads.back to the story the first uncle grabed poppy seeds they fell she counted , that fallaled he died,the second uncle throgh beads they fell she conted that faild he die ,awwwww 4get it ill just tell u how it end 3 third uncle freed her and she get marryed to him and daddy gives half of eveything in russia to