I am so sorry.
I never meant to have a life.
I fell terrible that I am being myself.
If I could go back and somehow change it, I never would.
I am happy now. You need to understand that.
I'm sorry you are suffocating me.
I feel terrible, I deserved every time that you yelled and screamed at me.
And every time that you-
Can you believe that your "little girl" has a mind of her own now?
She hates your beliefs and ways of life, so she grew independence.
Heaven forbid it
Get over it, and stop destroying me.
It is your fault I feel held back.
It is your fault.
All of it.
The crying.
The screaming.
The fighting.
The rebellion...
So stop choking me with grades and pretty, colorful outfits.
Up until a year ago, you were killing me.
I finally figured it out.
I'm sorry I am myself.
I really am.
What now?
You can't change me.
I am done pretending to be something I'm just not.
Go find some other poor, helpless thing to brainwash.
And while you are looking, just know that I am sorry.
00:44 Mar 10 2010
so very sad...
so very powerful, but
so very sad.
21:13 Mar 10 2010
I agree. *hugs*
04:04 Mar 15 2010
wow...it completely blew me away!