The soft silk is draped in front of the beauty's face. It preserves her for what is waiting.
She is ready now.
This is the beginning of her life.
Her daddy lifts the veil from her eyes.
He takes her hand, and they run together.
Her and her new family run.
She is ready now.
This is the beginning of her life.
She flops on the bed, veil thrown to the world. She doesn't have to hide from her family.
They are together now, and forever shall be.
Her sister is there, lovely in a beautiful gown.
And her heart is right where it belongs, happily tucked away in his jacket- right next to his own.
This is what her dreams have always been made of. She is finally home, where she was always meant to be.
This is who she was meant to be.
She is ready now.
This is the beginning of her life.
She wouldn't give this up for anything.
Is there a heaven?
Of course not.
But this is as close as you will ever get.
Her black veil is gone.
It shielded her from the reality.
That reality is what she lives for.
She is ready now.
This is the beginning of her life.
*A special thanks to an amazing and lovely girl here on the rave. She knows who she is*
00:46 Mar 10 2010
joyous and beautiful.
very well done.