If you have read my past works, You can tell that I truly do hate both my parents.
If you think that is just the teenager talking, you are very wrong. I have never known hate like this before. Nor fear.
Tonight, feelings rose.
I was looking for a homework assignment after dinner in a folder, and my mom asked me to help pick up the table. I told her to hang on a second, because I was panicking I had forgotten the sheet at school. They kept asking, but I was panicking and couldnt get to it right away. My "dad" told me that if I didnt help, then the windows were going to start shaking soon. My "mom" told me that if the windows were going to start shaking, then she would leave and we wouldnt see her again for a while, if at all. I told her that the threat doesnt scare me anymore, because she has used it so many times before.
I forget what happened then... its all a blur. But the next thing I know, I am backing away from my "dad"
He is screaming in my face, his hand is balling into a fist. I dodge him when I am at the wall, scream, and run to my room.
I am still crying, and dont know what to do from here.
All I know is I cant live here anymore. Im scared in my own house.
This isnt a home. It never was. its a war zone.
01:34 Jan 06 2010
I do not know all of the specifics, but you need to get out. Get help.
04:44 Jan 07 2010
I'm sorry hun *hugs*
23:58 Jan 07 2010
oh, hun! I am SO sorry. I knew you were upset the other day, but I had NO idea. From now on, do what they ask, as soon as they ask. Dont give them any more reason to yell or come after or threaten you. One day you will be free. Free to live, free to do whatever. I love you,Sis. I am always here for you.
00:12 Jan 19 2010
i agree with type o, she has wisdom.
the best way to deal with such parents is to "kill them with kindness", that is, do exactly as they ask exactly when they ask it. as she said...the night will come when you will be free....and perhaps you will find another family that is one of your own choosing...or perhaps a family of destiny.
in either case, keep your head down, and stay strong as i know you are.
00:31 Jan 29 2010
Awww sweety...im here for yah!!!! I know how it feels when a home isnt a home. If you ever need to talk just message me