Everyone I love is gone.
I am completely alone now.
I am forced to endure countless tests of my strength, after all of it is stripped from my being.
How can they expect such a result from such an injured soul?
My Grangfather left me a few years ago, though it feels like only yesterday.
My Friend... well, we both know what happened.
In four days, another of my friends will leave.
My sister left without even realizing it, becoming a slave to peer pressure and popularity.
My brother left after only being home for two weeks.
What did I do to deserve such a thing?
Is this a cruel joke, or am I being punished?
I am haunted by beautiful memories, ripped apart by distance from those who are held in my heart.
What do I do now?
Keep fighting like the warrior I am?
Show no emotion- wear the mask.
Hide all of my feelings, or suffer even harder.
I know the drill... The sad part is that I am actually getting good at it.