Why do I cry? because I can.
At times, it is the only thing I can do to let it all out.
Let out the fact that I can't be with him.
That I am really the only sane one left.
That I am sick of living with people who will never understand.
That I have to lie constantly, because if the truth ever came out, I would be in an insane asylum.
I cry in the dark. All alone. So no one else will have to suffer along with me.
I know what it feels like to cry myself to sleep.
Though I am better now, I can't get over certain things from my past.
I put on a brave face, but never really got over it.
And I will never forget.
Those things that forced me to lose control of my own tears.
The only thing I still have left, and I still lost control.
Maybe I am just over sensitive.
Sometimes, I am so confused,
I have no idea.
Alright. I am sick and tired of this charade. I have heard it countless times, and this is really getting old. What you may ask?
The fact that so many members are saying they don't believe in vampires!
Yes, I know it is your opinion and / or belief. But why create an account on VAMPIRE rave without actually believing they exsist?!
To annoy the rest of us? Or to be a hypacrit?
Either way, if you do not believe, then that is fine. JUST DONT START TRASHING THEM HERE!!!!! yes, yes. I know. freedom of speech. Well, if you want to talk about it, then make a website somewhere else!
This is called vampire rave. Not Fool rave. This is for people who know what they are talking about, or are willing to learn.
Not whiney little immature boys.
If you are willing to have an open mind, then thats awesome!
A question I too pondered, but we need all parts of people to make this structure work, but yes i to feel the same way.
i agree why are you here if you dont believe
I have to say. This has pissed me off countless times. And if I ever get my hands on them, I would probably end up in court. It would be well worth it, though.
The worst part is they write about it in their journals so Prince Cancer cant do anything about it!
Really?! My profile keeps getting all bunched together! I've had to fix it like, ten times!
strange. which browser aree you using?
have you tried to break it up with old-school html tags (br)(p) etc?
Just internet explorer. Is it appearing seperate or clumped?
Message me if you need help.
Yesterday I was telling my sister I was going to dance in the talent show. She told me I shouldn't, because she thinks my dance- the type I created is bad and she thinks i'd embarass myself. Well, the only way I could do that is if I cared what others thought. I am going to go out there, dance the fire spirit of myself, and if anyone doesnt like it that's their problem. I am sick of hiding.
hell with what they think its what you think that matters
be true to you darlin' and screw what anyone else says.
Thanks, guys. it means alot to me.
be true to yourself thats all that matters
well, you do what makes you happy. dont be ashamed
You guys are awesome!! They only have room for twelve acts, though. But, on the sign up sheet, I noticed everyone else is singing or dancing. EVERYONE. So, I decided to stand out. I am going to be reading a poem. Filled with fierce, harsh words, and more than enough of soul and fire! My audition is on april thirtieth and I couldnt be more excited!!
Well, my I was baking cookies. I was on the last batch, and there was ten minutes left. All of the sudden, the inside of the oven caught on fire! It was exactly like a t.v. show! I screamed, but luckily I was able to save the cookies! It was really messed up!!
Oh Can i have one. Pleeease
Of course! lol! They're chocolate, and i dont mean chocolate chip. I mean chocolate cookies with chocolate chips melted in. Soft, warm chocolate.
00:58 Apr 23 2009
............you are not alone. I understand ..... truly.
05:39 Apr 26 2009
i am here for you if you need to talk~hugs~
00:25 Apr 27 2009
Thank you, girls. Unfortunately, I trhink I need to figure this out myself.It really sucks.
00:31 Apr 30 2009
Well said LordWolf