vampashes2's Journal

vampashes2's Journal


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6 entries this month

wut's happened lately...~_~

02:49 Feb 21 2012
Times Read: 400

okay well i was talking to dalton and i kept saying i wasn't gonna be caleb's friend and then a week later i would be his friend and i kept doing that and then the other day dalton tells me not to be his friend cause last time we almost broke up so i actually said fine again and then i talked to caleb told him we shouldn't be friends and he agreed so then i told dalton and i told i wasn't gonna be caleb's friend anymore and flat out says I DON'T BELIEVE U

i was so pissed/fucking sad i started crying and then one second later he says"baby i'm sorry i should have said that it's not true"so i told him to call me he did i wouldn't stop crying and i kept breaking things,and we almost broke up cuz he has never said that to me before and that's crossing a line w/ me...and then i told him if he hurts me like that again we probably will be over...so he started to cry(omg i hate it when he cries,i can't take it~_~) so then we get over it and he still won't forgive himself 4it...

okay uummm...well i went to my friend's yesterday and she did my hair it looked fuckin' awesome!omg okay last friday we had a winter formal at school it was bomb! and me and dalton went as a couple and when we where sitting next to eachother we would be arm in arm and holding hands and none of the teaches cared not even the super intendant but the principle comes over and she's like "oh no that's to close"lol gay!but then when it was the last song of the night i made him dance w/ me(it was a slow song)and omg!it was so incedible!ya that's the word!!!!like okay we were more hugging than dancing and then like at the end of the song he juss stood there staring at my eyes said that i was so beaqutiful and then kissed me!!!!(:

omg so cool lol,and then when we got outside his mom was there...eeessshhhh lol so i gave him a kiss bye and then i took pics of my friends(:

oh ya and on valentine's day we kissed 4the 1st time!!!!so cool!!!!!!!!!!lol i was so happy:D

wut does it mean when u feel like there are fucking huge ass butterflies in yer stomach?




05:22 Feb 12 2012
Times Read: 403

Don't u juss hate it when u start to cry w/ no reason.....It Sucks....I do know why i'm crying but I also don't....confusing but yes.....




keep u peeps up to date(:

05:18 Feb 10 2012
Times Read: 410

okay so lately....!okay so this guy bradly was dating my friend hannah she was obssessed w/ him and he dumped her the day they started going out!fuckin' gay right!?!?!uuugghhh i hate bradly i thought he was a douchebag from the beginning and dalton and him are friends....~_~ eeegggghhhh,and when dalton's w/ bradly(douchebag) he does bad things..like bradly kicked dustin in the balls for really no fuckin' reason,and then deven kicked douchebag's ass and dalton thought about hurting deven....eessshhhh.....dalton knows i hate it when he hurts someone or gets hurt...!and now dalton keeps talking about hurting himself and others....and i'm right there...he wasn't like that until douchebag!okay and omg today we went on a field trip and when we were coming back hannah,brain,and me were singing all together and we all decided that this year we are all gonna go into the talent show and sing,but omg guess wut brain's an ex of mine so dalton hates him....uuugghhh.....and right now i'm so TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but i don't wanna sleep....





05:07 Feb 10 2012
Times Read: 411

lol okay so for Dalton's birthday imma get him a hatchetman necklace!but wut do i get him for valentine's day!?!?!?!?!?

I want it to be simple,but sweet(:

I am gonna make/get him a card,but thats all i got so far...O.O





04:13 Feb 03 2012
Times Read: 415

IT's so cool!tomorrow i'm going to redding to see 2movies w/ gabe,garett,sam,&caleb.

but it sucks dalton doesn't want me2go if caleb's going(cuz caleb has been like in love w/ me ever since 3rd grade)and dalton doesn't trust him,but I thought he wasn't actually going so i asked my grandparents and they said yes so i'm going then today i find out caleb's going-_-

i told everyone to pretent like i didn't caleb was going(cuz thats stupid that i can't go juss cuz he's going,but i see his point,but it's not like anythings gonna happen)

okay but imma see

Chronical&Underworld:The Awakening!!!!!!!

can't w8!!!:D



05:20 Feb 10 2012

gay garett and gabe screwed everything up so i didn't go to the movies....~_~


wuts been goin on today!:D -_- ^`-`^ O: :D (: O.O

04:04 Feb 03 2012
Times Read: 416

okay so wut happened to is...!well dis morning was like every morning me,dalton,hannah,&sam go to the library:D and like every morning we all talk while everyone notices me and dalton hugging,cuddling,and holding hands!!!(: it was funny at my school we have the PDA rule!!!(public display of affection)and so we didn't see the library and she was like right there staring at me and dalton and she's like "maybe u need to scoot yer chair away from him so u guys aren't touchy touchy feely feely"omg!it was embarressing...!~.~ who says that!?!?!?!no offense,but it's juss funny(:

okay then I had to sit through boring math &sience class....O: and then at lunch hannah,sam,dalton,&me were sitting at the table and dalton goes to play football(eeehhhh....)so then it's juss us and hannah's like "Y can't me and Bradly be like U and Dalton?!?!?!?"first of all bradly and u dated4 one day he dumped u cuz peoples were calling u fat,hippo,ugly,ect... and then I said"do u know how long we have been together?juses fuck man,and member we broke up once,I don't think u would like to be me"She's so annoying!!!!juss cuz she says"oh I love him!!!"......~_~.....

and then sam,hannah,&me went out to the track me and sam layed on the benches and hannah juss sat there on the bench and then they told me they weren't virgins!I was like holy shit!but only cuz hannah was raped by her cousin,and sam was raped by her uncle4 couple years until she moved here...but anyways then hannah thought of a movie i should play in and it went like this-I strip until i'm in underwear&bra dalton looks at me drops the football,walks toward me,then a pole appears i dance on it,dalton starts stripping,then we have mind sex,but in reality we're having sex on the bench"not cool hannah has a ducking twisted-ass mind!!!!! O.O

okay then gabe and garett come over and i say"go away we're talking about sex,and orgasims!"and gabe's like "EW!cool"and then it juss gets weirder by the second from there....-_-

:D -_- ^`-`^ O: :D (: O.O




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