vVReaperOfSoulsVv's Journal

vVReaperOfSoulsVv's Journal


Honor: -429    [ Give / Take ]


16 entries this month


16:45 Aug 21 2024
Times Read: 165

This bitch is crazy I was offline for two days.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




08:19 Aug 16 2024
Times Read: 237

You want me to fuck off but the more you keep humping my profile the more I will do the same right back I told you I do revenge on my profile once you start beef with me




22:35 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 352

I hope you rot this website down to hell.
You all kill this website that's why no one is here so don't fucking blame me for you're own problem what you create is what you destroy I told you once already you are you're own self destructions of cunts that no one likes none of my family members will like you now I told them how you treated my mother and such you're fucked now and just dinged you're self a deeper hole now no
more people will ever come to this site ever again my whole family wont anyway.

Sucks to suck doesn't it.

I thought about leaving because of these exact peoples harassment but I didn't want to give them the time of day for a coven I've been really supporting on I won't tuck my tail in and kiss peoples feet you will always be the cunt master.

Oh and I'm talking about three people at this point through my journal so don't even bother thinking it's fully about you either.
I'm just summing it up from all this past week bullshit.




You want to just start drama with me over and over like a fucking bitch that you are you wear the name like a crown 👑

15:07 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 395

Took a screenshot where you clearly admitted you got two husbands you're a fucking baby drama mama whore.
Fucking pity disgusting ugly ass bitch who calls everyone a fat cow and a twat.
Again you're only projection Ing you're self.
Again you're just an attention whore at this point so go fucking play in traffic like all the boys and girls who play spin the bottle on the streets.
Go get drunk go do more drugs you're unstable.
Go get fucking help Jesus fucking Christ.
Grow the fuck up you act like a teenager.
Who didn't get what she wanted from MaMa when she was younger so she had to be a spoil brat when she got older to trash everyone around her and treat them like shit.
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




09:12 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 409

Yes, polygamy, or having more than one spouse, is illegal in the United States. The Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act of 1882 outlawed polygamy in federal territories, and all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico now have laws against it. Polygamy can result in criminal and civil penalties, such as fines and imprisonment, depending on the state law and the circumstances of the offense

Is polygamy a sin in the Bible?
Explicitly, multiple partners at the same time is forbidden. Polygamy is never sanctioned or approved in the Bible. While it is true that some Old Testament champions of the faith had multiple wives, it is never presented as acceptable in the eyes of God.




08:03 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 412

I hope you get ran over with the buss for thinking I'm a demon you stupid cunt.




Again just like you accuse me of wanting the last word so fuck you and you always want the last word in trashing me like always fuck you all.

07:28 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 419

You think you're so fucking perfect little bitch go back to you're fucking corner where you belong you just want the last word every time backing up catelyn and Nicole aka IMMY/ Immortalxkiss I 'm sick of all of you how you been treating us for several years did you not read my god dam profile you vial cunts.

You are rude as fuck and you always do the same thing to me every day when you can just ignore me and my grammar and leave me the fuck and my grammaer alone I never said my grammar was fucking perfect you stupid bitches and for calling my whole family a twat I'm going to tell all my family members that now.

See you on the streets bitch because you better have pepper spray

You want to know why I awlays bring all three of you up because you three always attack me back at the same different times and say the same bull shit over and over and harass everyone on here you think you can just control people with fucking words on the bitch ass screen.

I hope you all rot in side a pit you just dug up.

You're a fucking whore and you know it.

You got two husbands that's very whore.

That ain't a paster life style at all.
Wait until the church finds out you're a liar
I hope you're church burns down like the other ones in my vision.

You attack me and my family on and off through out the whole year and I will never shut the fuck up so keep dreaming bitch's.

Because you wont be the only ones filling this fucking void all the time and acting all good when you don't look or act good as you claim to be you're self.

All three of you need to play in mother fucking traffic and spin the wheel on donkeys ass.




06:58 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 432

just because I'm my moms daughter doesn't mean you should be a cunt to my mother! she did nothing to you're stupid fucking cunt ass.




05:54 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 447

I knew you where a fucking whore by having 2 husbands.

Yes, I am the infamous Sabrina that everyone talks about. I’ll let you in on a little secret for all the talk around these parts there’s very few who actually know the real me. Most of what you hear are rumors and gossip. I have no doubt my apparent reputation precedes me. *evil cackle*
It’s unlikely that I will ever trust anyone around here enough to let them that close to me anyway. Funny how certain people can ruin things like that for other people. *coughs* Asshole..
In the scheme of things though my life is a vapor and I will be a ghost of no importance in the lives of people that I once mattered so much to that they had to make up all this bullshit about me. Why? Who knows humans get bored and needy. You know all those pesky, annoying feelings they have. Whiny, pathetic and insignificant humans.
Remember guys it’s all just a game right? It’s not like any of this is real or anything so why not just be an all around shit person whenever the mood strike you. Nobody here is probably real anyway. I bet that picture of me isn’t even real. Well it’s not. Haha! Okay…boys that’s just wrong you can put your junk away now. No one wants to see your cock in a box either. No seriously put it away. Disgusting humans..
I prefer females anyway. Well from what I’ve heard anyway. Maybe you should ask my two husbands I have. I think they would have to disagree with you there.
Point in case just because you stick a rose in an asshole doesn’t make it vase. Yes I see you clutching your pearls. How dare I say profanities. How unlady like. *eye roll*
Apparently I’ve done worse. Just ask all my haters I’m sure they’ll fill you in on all the juicy details of my sordid secret double life I live.
Oh and boys you might want to be careful I‘ve heard I can steal your soul by taking your breath as you lay sleeping in your bed. *loud cackling fades*




05:25 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 456

Nope I wont fuck off you rated me a 1.
and harassed me on my birthday now it's you're turn.
See this is what exactly I mean you give false positive out turns while giving negative turns towards me at the same time trying to do shit to me.




04:40 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 468

Now you know how it feels when someone attacks me on my birthday pretty shitty isn't maybe you learned you're lesson next time eh?




01:31 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 506

I love coming to this site because I can spew off rants I have been holding in for such alonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time which doesn't make me miserable by any chance.
In fact I get excited when people reply to my post through their own post exposing the pawns at play.




01:22 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 512

Honestly we're all laughing at you for thinking you have friends for being such a cunt.




00:06 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 539

Keep on complaining because you ruined my birthday week. Fuckers.
You can say what the hell all you want and act good to make people go blind but we all know you where teaming up on me on my birthday week to cause me chaos just like every holiday and every other fucking time even when I'm offline so don't play that pity me game.

You say I'm cold I say I'm karma.
What goes around comes around.

You call me mentally challenge I say I'm head of the game and see who is really in her circle backing each other up is a real pit hole you are digging you're self up deeper and deeper in and kissing each others asses because you're scared to stand up for you're self.




00:06 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 539

Keep on complaining because you ruined my birthday week. Fuckers.
You can say what the hell all you want and act good to make people go blind but we all know you where teaming up on me on my birthday week to cause me chaos just like every holiday and every other fucking time even when I'm offline so don't play that pitty me game.

You say I'm cold I say I'm karma.




23:08 Aug 10 2024
Times Read: 560

we had enough of your lies and decided you were just an attention seeking cunt.
With all you're fake reputation and little spites of club dancing.
No one really cares for your birthday, but your fake internet so called friends backing you up like you back up her.
WE see your mind games you are playing looks like you just made it to the master of puppets that's the only congrats you are



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