I woke up screaming my lungs out, my heart in my throat. I cut off the screaming, when I knew that all the air from my lungs was gone. I dragged in as much air as I could when I qued myself to breath, the darkness of my room only comforting me slightly. I heard foot steps coming rapidly to my room, the door flew open and the lights flickered on.
I rubbed my eyes, realizing that there was sweat trickling down my forehead. Had I really been all that frightened?
"Ryan?" Ms. Westly was sitting down next to me now, trying to figure out what exactly was wrong with me.
"What happened?"
She began prodding my body, for scratches, bruises, anything that would show that I had been physically hurt. I swallowed, having to make myself stop and think just so I could speak.
"I...I...I was having a bad dream." I finally stammered, Ms. Westly looked rather annoyed but concerned at the sametime.
"Ryan, it's the third time this week...."
I nodded knowing, that it was starting to wear on her paitence...but I couldn't help it. I had been having this dream after we had visited Salem. I reached up running my hands through my hair.
"I'm sorry, really....I just don't know why it's happening."
I could hear my other roommates stirring next to me. I looked up as Ms. Westly started back toward the door.
"Well, in the morning I think you need to talk to a counselor about your dreams..."
I didn't want to, but I nodded in agreement. She flicked off the lights, then I listened as her foot steps got softer and softer.
"What happened this time?" I could hear Selena's excited little voice. She had been intrigued by my dreams ever since I had told her.
"Yeah...what happened..." Chase was groaning on the other side of me.
I wondered then when Keiran was going to wake up and put in her two cents.
"It was Kailey again..."
There was a whistle from Selena, Chase fumbled in her bed, I was guessing she was about to get up.
I turned my head toward Keiran's voice, I knew that she was up. I should of woken up the whole orphange by now.
"I guess you all are going to pile on my bed, and ask me 20 questions aren't you?"
There was giggles from the others, then the padding of feet. I moved my legs as Chase and Selena piled on first with Keiran not too far behind.
"It was the car wreck again, but this time she had been talking to her mom about going to her grandma's..."
I checked to make sure they were listening.
"uh huh..." Selena qued me.
"It seemed that her family had left, because her Dad didn't want them around anymore. I don't think she really knew the whole story."
"You mean that she just left without asking her dad?" Keiran piped in.
"Well, I don't think she really had a choice....I think that Kailey isn't much older than 6..."
"How do you know that?" Chase's voice was a low whisper.
"Well, from the things that she was doing. She had some travel books about her, and movies. They all seemed to be younger child orientated."
"You didn't mention that last time..."Selena seemed alittle pouty.
"Well, do you think I had much to really say when I first had the dream, or really when it came about the second time?"
I knew that all of them were dumbfounded. I hadn't had much to piece together when the dream had happened the first time. Infact I had just screamed, and didn't know what I was screaming about. The second time I had had the dream. All I had gotten was the events and the names, nothing this detailed.
I had never been haunted by dreams so real, why was it happening to me now? Who was Kailey anyways? She didn't seem like she had any relation to me at all, not that I could tell...being an orphan and all.
"Ryan?" Chase broke my thoughts.
"Do you want to just go back to sleep?"
I nodded in the dark as if they would know I was doing it, stupidedly I stopped myself.
"Yeah, I just don't think I have much that I could say about her."
I felt their weight shift and move off, as they went back to their beds. I still sat there, and wondered about Kailey. What happened to her...had she died in the accident or was there more to the story? What about Mark, her mother, her father or even her grandma? What did this have to do with anything happening in my life?
"Rain, rain go away come again some other day, because Kailey wants to play. Rain, Rain-"
"Shut up!"
Mark stared at me fiercely like I should be burned at the stake for singing such a song. I remember, because I had been singing it ever since it had started raining. I needed something to pass the time as my family drove through Massachusetts.
I remembered whining, because Mark had hurt my feelings and I wasn't trying to be a bother to anyone. I was just bored out of my mind from sitting in the car. I had done every puzzle in the travel books, watched three movies, and had even did some car games.
"Mark, leave your sister alone."
My mother's tired voice traveled back to us. We were driving to my grandmother's house because my Daddy didn't love us anymore. Atleast that is how I saw it, he didn't want us around.
Mark crossed his arms, and glared at me as if I had done something wrong. He picked up a magazine and started reading it, shoving his headphones back onto his ears.
I turned back to the window, and stared out into the forests that lined the street. The rain made funny patterns on the window, and I would try to guess what exactly the rain was making.
"Rain...Rain..." I huffed softly but couldn't find myself singing it again.
"Mommy, when will we be at grandma's?"
My mother sighed for a moment, as if she really didn't know.
I pouted and crossed my arms, deflated that I wasn't able to get out of this prison called a car just yet.
"Mommy, I don't want to drive anymore, can't we just stop?"
My mother shook her head, but it didn't seem like she was annoyed with me at all.
"Will you just leave Mom alone Kailey?"
I looked over at Mark, he had taken the headphones off to see if I would make any nasty comments about him.
I stuck my tongue out at him, and it seemed it was the last straw for him.
"Your such a brat Kailey."
I wrinkled my nose at him.
"Atleast I'm not stupid."
"No I'm not!"
Mark clinched his fists, we had been in a car together sharing the back seat for the last 3 days. It was enough to drive anyone crazy if you had to be that close all the time.
"Yes you are!"
I taunted back, and made faces at him. His green eyes seemed to sharped into a brillant gold as if I had just hit the target.
"Well, if I was so stupid, then why did Daddy love me more?"
I cringed, and balled my fists in return.
"Daddy loved me."
I poked my chin out, knowing that it was shaking as I said it. Tears were close behind my eyes, and I was trying with all my might not to let them win out.
"Stop it Mark!"
My mom's voice was shocked that he would say such a thing.
"It's true mom! Dad loved me more, and Kailey was just a mistake. You should of just never had her, then maybe Daddy wouldn't of kicked us out. She was the one annoying everyone...even you-"
My mother barked over it all, and I turned away from it all, tears traveling down my cheeks. I heaved softly, my heart feeling as if Mark had broken it.
I looked over the window, as my Mother ran a red light, not paying attention when we had entered a town on the inner state. There was some horns blarring. My eyes grew wide as a big black truck rammed into us.
I screamed, and watched as the car pushed inwards, my mother clinging onto the steering wheel. Mark was reaching for me, as if to pull me away from it all. Glass was cracking and flying throughout the car, my favorite stuffed animal flew up into the front seat.
I stared widely, as every was going black the last thing I remember seeing was Mark looking so very sorry that he had said anything to me.