unpretty's Journal

unpretty's Journal


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10 entries this month


23:55 Jun 28 2007
Times Read: 618

On 22:59:58 Jun 28 2007 wolfie3 wrote:

my cuz wants to know how big ur cups is

On 23:27:39 Jun 28 2007 unpretty wrote:

Personally it's none your cousins business. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have people to talk to, that will treat me respectfully.

On 23:31:08 Jun 28 2007 wolfie3 wrote:

it was hes idea and i treat every1 with respect....well aslong as they treat me with respect

On 23:32:25 Jun 28 2007 unpretty wrote:

Then you need to teach your cousin how to treat women. You never ask a woman her cup size. It's rude and disrespectful.

On 23:36:08 Jun 28 2007 wolfie3 wrote:

well my cuz says ur ugly

i dont think u are its ur presonalatiy that matters to me

On 23:40:07 Jun 28 2007 Unpretty wrote:

Well, your cousin is vain and needs to go back to school. If he wants to say anything else about my appearance than he will find himself schooled in a second.

I would appreciate it if we didn't talk about someone, who can't make an intelligent argument anymore. If you turly want to get to know me that is. I do not want to have to talk to you in a foul mood. So, let's turn our interests away from your cousin onto someone else who actually has an opinion that matters.

What is the point of showing you this conversation. If you insult me, you'll get burned.





13:34 Jun 25 2007
Times Read: 631

There is a movement on youtube, that alot of people are talking about Christainity. My religion that I profess, and I find it rather interesting that they call my religion small minded and unable to see further than one walk of path.

If they turly thought that all christains seek one path, then they do not turly understand what is meant in my religion. We all have our paths that lead toward God, it is not just one path, each one is made individual for us to follow. How they could misinterrupt that the vast majority is like that? I have no idea.

I know this. I have never once conformed to the idea that everyone is to walk the same path, I have gone to church and yes they want you to be a certain way. At my church they want you to be happy, and to have your own way to god. You can't be capable of having a free and open relationship with god if you do not follow the path that is made for you.

I am in no way saying that you should take my word for it. I just believe that each christain has their own ideas as to what path is to God, but hey some are very opressive of their ideas. How could someone that calls my religion so narrower minded, be that themselves? It makes no sense to me.




My day

21:46 Jun 23 2007
Times Read: 635

Yesterday, was the greatest day known to man. I turned 20 years old and it was awesome. I had alot of people there to support me, and there was just lots of happiness. There still is, but hey you can't compare it to my birthday. I just am so happy. I can't wait until next year, when I turn 21. I will then be able to drink, and just have lots of fun. :D I will be able to buy me some bottle of fun next year. Not that I can't get it now. -laughes-

There is always a way around things, my friends. Don't forget that. I don't drink often, but I do drink.





05:02 Jun 21 2007
Times Read: 639

Is it weird to wake up in the morning feeling like your ribs are bruised and you feel like you've been crying for hours? I don't know what to say, except that I had the saddest dream I've ever had in a long time.

To understand this, you must know that my father and I do not get along very well, because he is who he is, and I am who I am. We are just completely different people, but I still love him. He gave life to me, and he's the type of father that yeah he will tease me, and pick at me. But, that's the way he shows affection. Also if anyone ever fucks with me, he's always out there making sure they know they did something wrong.

Anyways, I had a dream that my mother had called me really frantic. She was almost not understandable...if that makes since....she was crying about something. I didn't really understand until the dream started showing me pictures. My father had been ranting on how my mother should save money, because it something happens to him....she'll have to support herself and I would have to help.

Well, it turns out my father a week after this rant had gone on a trip with my mother. Had a heart attack in the car, and died on scene when the ambulance had arrived. I mean I saw it all, it was so vivid that i thought the dream was real. I remember thinking, why? What was I going to do? Why couldn't I change it? I felt as if someone had kicked me in the rib cage.

I just hope that the dream is only a dream, because sometimes my dreams make a habit of becoming real. I don't need to predict anymore deaths, no more I say! It was bad enough doing it to my friends family, I don't need to do it to myself.





04:42 Jun 19 2007
Times Read: 646

I recieved a message today from someone asking if I was a lesbain....

Of course I wasn't offended to be asked, come on! I consider myself pretty open minded and tolerant of others. Yet, my paitence had finally been worn thin with this person. Why?

It's not like I talk to them, why don't I talk to them very much? Because I am one that seeks intellectual stimulation and they couldn't possibly hold a conversation to the degree that I demand.

Now, back to the story. Of course I got pissed off because they didn't read my profile and i took a big bite out of their asses, because they were being stupid. They proceeded to tell me that my profile makes me look lesbain. My question is, what makes a profile make you look lesbain? And when did anything ever make you look gay, straight, or lesbain?

I mean JESUS! Does anyone ever read? I have in clear plain words that I have a BOYFRIEND, have for the last 2 years. I also put that I SUPPORT GAY RIGHTS. Good lord! I mean if you want to ask me a stupid question, then you don't deserve my paitence or my sweetness.

At the end of the conversation, I believe that I had forced the person into believing they were inadaqute to talk to me. So, we aren't talking anymore. Not that I really care. Ignorant questions should be directed toward Ignorant people.





05:13 Jun 18 2007
Times Read: 649

I really hate that my ears are not good with draining. I have an ear infection now. I can't hear too well out of my left ear, which is typical...considering that as a child I often got ear aches in that ear. Because my tube is too small to move the water in my ear properly. I was so screwed geneticly I might as well, not contribute to societies genetic problems.

-sighes- I am going to be alright though. It's not as bad as some of the ear problems i've had in the past. I can actually deal with the pain. Although it has thrown my balance off abit. I'm alittle used to that, I trip over myself so often it's not much different. I just feel alittle drunk...:P

Also I took some professional pictures for a friend. It felt weird modeling for someone other than myself or one of my friends. It was cool though. Although the photographer is a good friend of mine too. I will have to post them, when they are all done. They were awesome.

We went to this nature type area alittle ways out of town. I felt like I was in a different planet. It made me feel at ease. If it wasn't so wet and muddy, I would of laid down on the ground and took a nap. I don't mind some dirt and bugs. It was just peaceful. There was butterflies and dragon flies everywhere. I even got smaked in the face by one. LOL! Bryan (The photographer) got some good shots of them. I even got to pose with a rolly polly. I love those things. Even though they aren't a pet of choice. lol

Like I said before. I don't mind bugs or dirt. A part of life as I see it. :D I can't wait to do my next photoshoot with him.




Like a boy

06:05 Jun 14 2007
Times Read: 655

[Verse: 1]

Pull up your pants

(Just Like Em')

Take out the trash

(Just Like Em')

You can dig cash like em'

Fast like em'

Girl you outta act like ya dig

(What I'm talkin' bout')

Security codes on everything

Vibrate so your phone don't ever ring

(Joint Account)

And another one he don't know about


Wish we could switch up the roles

And I could be that...

Tell you I love you

But when you call I never get back

Would you ask them questions like me?...

Like where you be at?

Cause I'm out 4 in the morning

On the corna roll'n

Do'n my own thing



What if I?

Had a thing on the side?

Made ya cry?

Would the rules change up?

Or would they still apply?

If I played you like a toy?

Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy

Can't be get'n mad!

What You Mad?

Can't Handle that!

Can't be get'n mad!

What you mad?

Can't handle that!

[Verse: 2]

Girl go head and be...

(Just Like Em')

Go run the streets

(Just Like Em')

come home late say sleep like em'

Creep like em'

Front with ya friends

Act hard when you're with em' like em'


Keep a straight face when ya tell a lie

Always keep an anti-alibi

(Keep Him In The Dark)

What he don't know won't break his heart


Wish we could switch up the roles

And I could be that...

Tell you I love you

But when you call I never get back

Would you ask them questions like me?...

Like where you be at?

Cause I'm out 4 in the morning

On the corna roll'n

Do'n my own thing



What if I?

Had a thing on the side?

Made ya cry?

Would the rules change up?

Or would they still apply?

If I played you like a toy?

Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy

Can't be get'n mad!

What You Mad?

Can't Handle that!

Can't be get'n mad!

What you mad?

Can't handle that!

Can't be get'n mad!

What you mad?

Can't handle that!

Can't be get'n mad!

What you mad?

Can't handle that!


If I was always gone

With the sun get'n home

(Would Ya Like That?)

Told you I was with my crew

When I knew it wasn't true

(Would Ya Like That?)

If I act like you

Walk A mile off in yo shoes

(Would Ya Like That?)

I'm mess'n with your head again

Dose of your own medicine


What if I?

Had a thing on the side?

Made ya cry?

Would the rules change up?

Or would they still apply?

If I played you like a toy?

Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy

Can't be get'n mad!

What You Mad?

Can't Handle that!

Can't be get'n mad!

What you mad?

Can't handle that!

Can't be get'n mad!

What you mad?

Can't handle that!

Can't be get'n mad!

What you mad?

Can't handle that!

If I played you...

Would yo like that?

Had friends...

Would you like that?

Nother car?

Would you like that?

Hell naw

You wouldn't like that


What if I made ya cry!

Would they still apply!

What if I...

If I played you like a toy




This sucks

05:58 Jun 13 2007
Times Read: 658

I had to take work off from my kids today, because i work up to sickening thing called a sinus infection. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind having some time away from them, but I still like my job.

It's alot of fun working with 7 yr. olds. I don't care what anyone else says. I love children, I want them when I get older. And if that means adopting, I will do it!

I just felt like my throat was swollen, my head was all fluid filled, and of course body aching with a fever not too far behind. I mean was I just due for it or something? I mean it hit my like a line backer, and it wasn't a very sexy line backer either. :'(

I hope to get well soon, man do I hope I can be with my kids tomorrow. I miss them already. :(




I'm done

06:24 Jun 11 2007
Times Read: 661

I'm done with everything that has to be too complicated for me to understand.....





02:40 Jun 07 2007
Times Read: 666

I have taught myself that if someone confuses you with their personality, or energy....to either pick a side on which to stand by them or investigate. Usually I am one to investigate, but I find that investigating the way I would have to would only bring me harm. Which I have learned to avoid, so how do I make my curosity go away, and let my confusion fade?



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