i am sick and tired of guys...i dont get it.....they act all nice and shit at first and then the next minute they turn into complete fuckin' assholes. i hate it. i give up on trying. i cant stand when guys do that. all guys are just out to break girls hearts. i give up on all guys...im tired of even trying. if you never hear from me again its because i crawled into a corner and died.
i am sick and tired of guys and their fuckin' excuses and all the shit they did. i hate my friend sorry ex friend kurtis............what do u do when you go and say hi to one of ur best guy friends and tell him that he won't ever hear from you again and everything and what does he do...he turns around..posts ur message in the forums and starts talking shit about you and then has his friends adding u to msn and talkin' shit and saying oh whatever ur not a prep like me u should die :( grrrrrrrrrrrr its pissing me off and i dunno what to do cuz everytime i block his friends...they use different screen names... great..now i gotta go find tissue cuz my masscara (or however u spell it) is running......