So.... I get pulled aside today by my son's principal. Apparently Jesse has been locking all of the bathroom stall doors and then crawling underneath leaving them locked and not admitting it when he was asked about it. He is also not listening to the lunchroom monitor.
I really don't know what to do, I told him that if he kept it up I would pull him out of hockey but the thing is, it is the only thing that tires him out right now. Not to mention, he really likes it.
Being a single mom is really hard because I don't want to be the bad guy all of the time but I also don't want my kids to run amok either.
Any suggestions on what I should do?
This picture is the high and low for today where I live. As you can see it got below freezing last night and didn't get very warm. Not to mention that we had traces of snow today.
Oh joy...
I feel ya, its been below freezing here every night as well, I hate the damned Winter :(((
14:14 Oct 28 2009
Hand him a garbage bag... a orange jacket.... and follow him aside of a road for clean up....... make him walk a mile or 5.....
05:17 Oct 29 2009
You need to explain why it was wrong for him to do those things.
18:24 Nov 03 2009
I recommend the liberal use of duct tape and NyQuil