The kismets and journals of VR always make my day! So much, that I am making an award for each of them. I have the kismet award done already and onto the journal award. Since I have been back to school things seem hectic. My coven keeps me in stitches always, but it is always entertaining to read journals and kismets. I have even tried to get better and comment on the journals.. So do not be surprised if you see my "award" in your message center or journal post. I love this place and everyone here!
To bang or not to bang, that is the question...In April I started to go to a new salon that is close to home and that was the last time I had my hair cut. I just hate spending money on a haircut for some reason. So I finally went last week and Nikki tried talking me into getting bangs. I have had them before over the years, but I declined. I am thinking that she really wanted me to have them as she did cut them a lot shorter than the first time she cut my hair. I am a slug these days with styling my hair and am perfectly content just tucking my hair behind my ears. Well now my bangs are almost too short to do that without falling into my face, which annoys the shit out of me! So maybe, next haircut which will be in like December or when I feel the need, I will get them...
05:06 Sep 19 2011
What a great idea! Nice going Trin.
05:15 Sep 19 2011
Thanks Oceanne!!!