We left on Thursday after my ole man got home from class. It was about 7:30. Then the long and boring I-65, which is even more boring at night. We went through the Cumberland Mountains and he was driving tad bit faster than I would have liked. We drove til around 3 am and we were already past Knoxville. I am thinking a future trip down there to go white water rafting, tubing and ziplining will be happening next year when the weather breaks. So, we grab a cheap hotel to get a few hours of sleep. He snored and I tossed and turned. UGH! It is a good thing we stopped, because we did not pay attention that we were about to go through the Smokies! That would have been a real treat at that late hour. The scenery was beautiful! We drove until we reached Aiken and then we had to stop at Waffle House for some grub! I called my friend Chad to let him know we were in town and we made a meet up time for about an hour later. We met up and then went to the local brew pub, which was right around the corner from the hotel. Grabbed a couple of beers and some appetizers and visited. Chad then took us on a mini tour around town. The town was celebrating it's 175th anniversary that weekend so there was plenty going on. Plus a big polo competition. After that went back to the hotel to relax and shower for later. We went out to a locl club and there was a drag show going on. LOL We met up with some other people and hung out and danced and watched the show, which was quite entertaining. Later on after the show we went outside to get some fresh air for a bit and the main character of the show came outside also and proceeded to flirt with me and my ole man. He wanted us to go to his after party and hang out. He actually at one point admitted to me he loved breasts as he groped mine! Not the first gay I know to be obsessed with womans breasts. Definately took me by surprise though. OK enough excitement for one night and I was on fumes at that point with very little sleep. Next day was the wedding. But first we toured ourselves around town and took some photos and grabbed lunch. The wedding was really nice. I will post pictures after more people post them that were there. The wedding and reception were at the same place. The reception was only until 9:00 and then we all crashed the hotel bar. Our croud really stood out in that place for sure. We got some stares. But we were having fun and ignored the ignorant. At one point Angie and I went to the bathroom and I was done, so I decided to wait for her and this yuppy girl comes in and starts to show me her small and not very well done tattoos. She had made the statement that she wanted to be a badass like me!!! LMAO! I was not sure if that was good or bad since she was quite trashed. Next day, headed out and made the drive straight through since I have classes on Monday. Not too bad of a drive really. Here is one pic of me and my ole man...I look like I am gonna bust out of that thing!!!!
Finally! My last hectic week! I am getting ready to head down to South Carolina for my friends Gothic Wedding! It is going to be a blast for sure. I promise to take loads of pics! Tomorrow we are going to a club in Augusta and do some booty shaking and watch the drag show that is happening later on! LOL The only sucky thing about this trip is the drive! And I-65 from here through Indiana is one boring ass drive!!! LOL But I will survive it for sure. I am taking my laptop with me so i can pop on while I am gone. So see you all soon!!!!
This past weekend was just crazy!!! Friday, I finished my shopping and cleaning for my cook-out on Sunday. Then Friday eve, took a quiz and did 2 peer reviews for English class and rough outline for my essay. Then I went to my neighbors for some pre-wedding celebrating, came home and wrote well over 900 words til about 3:30 am. Then Saturday, I got up and went and helped at a benefit car wash for a few hours. Then I got home and showered, got dressed and went to my friends wedding til close to midnight. Sunday, up early to get ready for my cook-out, which was almost 50 people worth. It ended up going from 2pm til about 3 am! LOL This weekend is mild for me finally. I may go out Friday for a bit since my friend from Florida is up visiting. But I do have homework!!! That does not go away!
22:22 Sep 26 2010
Love it! Sounds like you had a blast! As for the boobs thing - I honestly don't get it myself. They kinda freak me out - all squishy and what not...lol!
22:31 Sep 26 2010
Gelatinous blobs of flesh...LOL