The facebook page I co-own seriously need a couple of admin... One girl and one guy preferably... PM me if you are interested... The page posts crazy joke stuff, sexy pics, mayhem and naughty fun. The fans love when we interact and banter with them. We are close to 20,000 fans. You may be a fan or a fan of a similar page... Such a nice break from the VR drama.
Can't beat a real fire, stay snug sweetie.
looks cozy!
I'd be stretched out on that rug!
Top 10 Health Benefits of Corsets
1. Corsets encourage good posture. By keeping the back straight and preventing slouching, steel boned corsets help prevent many of the health problems associated with bad posture.
2. They are protective. This is especially true for people with connective tissue disorders that cause joints to hyperextend. By limiting the range of motion in the core, Timeless Trends corsets help protect people from injuries to the delicate joints in their ribs and spine.
3. They may help women who have just given birth. They can act as a compression device to help heal diastasis recti (splitting of the abdominal muscles), and encourage a woman's abdomen to shrink back down.
4. They can help heal or prevent hiatal hernias. Since corsets exert pressure on the abdomen, they can be beneficial to people who have hernias in the abdominal area.
5. They can provide a drug-free alternative to plastic surgery. Steel boned corset wearing creates curves over the long term. This can be very helpful for transgender women, women with a low wait-to-hip ratio, or other people who desire a curvier silhouette without resorting to surgery.
6. They can provide a discreet, fashionable option for scoliosis patients. Even after a brace is no longer necessary, going without one can cause spinal curvatures to worsen over time. A steel boned corset can help maintain spinal health.
7. They can help reduce the severity of painful menstrual cramps. By exerting gentle pressure on the lower abdominal area, they can help suppress cramping and relieve pain.
8. They help improve the wearer's sense of attractiveness and self-esteem. It might seem like a minor thing, but low self-esteem is linked to anxiety and depression.
9. They can help wearers lose w
eight. By providing pressure on the stomach, corsets can help decrease appetite and limit how much food can be eaten at one sitting.
10. They can help wearers in certain occupations. Singers and people who have to perform heavy lifting or repetitive tasks can all benefit from the support and gentle compression provided by corsets.
I hadn't weighed myself for a couple weeks. Got on the scale this morning and lost another 1.5 lbs. I think I am going to start wearing my corset for waist training soon.
Reading St. Augustine, Confessions for my theology class.... BRUTAL!
I seriously have a bunch of different options for dinner. I have my chili from the cook-off, scratch made pasta sauce, sloppy joes, or I could do chili cheese dogs...LOL None of it sounds good so I am splurging on some chik nuggets. At least I can do a variety of sauces.
TENS unit, Flying Dog's Raging Bitch Belgian IPA....ahhhhh May end up on cam, maybe...
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Thank you for all of the birthday wishes!!! xoxo
05:48 Nov 28 2013
What? VR has drama? Say it isn't so....