This one is for my old school peeps!!! I am not afraid to admit that I love the old Cure soooo much more than the newer stuff.
I have an extremely busy month it seems. But in less than one week, Kinetik Fest 2012 will be under way and I will be in clinicals! GAH! Justin, I need a full blown novel!!! Lots of pictures!!! I am considering coming to NYC for the IOC show in Sept. because their Chi-town show is on a Tuesday and I will have to be in class early the next day :( Fill me in on a cool place to stay that is not crazy expensive! We can meet up and party. Anyway...Combichrist will be at Kinetik and I really have a hard time picking a fave song....and yes there are versions of this video that are not censored for all of you pervs out there..
Sadly I won't be going either. Once again just not in the cards. Instead I'll be heading down to Florida tomorrow for a week with just me and the other half. This is the first real vacation together in a long while and since the "Incident" so I think it's probably the right trade-off.
Now then September. Now we're talking!!! Let's def try to coordinate. I'm only an hour and a half from the city!
05:24 May 12 2012
Yeah...I love older Cure stuff's darker.
05:25 May 12 2012
Me too girl! I think Cajome is sleeping...