The passed three weeks have gone by a lot quicker than I thought they would. Now I only have 2 more days for my clinicals and I am done. All I will need to do is take the national exam. It has been a very good learning experience in a hospital setting. I have worked both inpatient and outpatient. During all of that I have seen and learned a lot!!! And yesterday I finally got to watch an autopsy! Very fucking cool!!! Maybe I should rethink my career path??? LOL I think surgical tech and phlebotomist will keep me content for awhile though. Come Monday, summer classes start and the wait for my acceptance letter that will tell me if I got into the surg. tech program! UGH!
Well, I survived my first "real" day of clinicals. They had me in outpatient lab for 7 hours and I ran my ass off! I did 16 sticks and only on one of them I missed the vein. Got to help hold down a 7 year old kid. Took 3 of us!! Got to witness some various other types of draws. I sooo need a foot massage!
I remember my sis needing three adults to hold her down when she had to have blood drawn!
Anyway - you go, girl! Soon, the both of us will be in the medical field!
(Well - at the rate I'm going, you'll make it there first)
Now...get some much-needed rest!!!
Today I got sooo much accomplished! I made 3 pounds of "pork" seitan, about 8 pounds of "beef" seitan. Then I got my big island in the front yard weeded and looking good. Then laid out and did a new section for my bird feeders. Then, got all of my deck pots cleaned out! YAY ME! Took a nice hot bubble bath and ready to go watch the season finale of Survivor and go to sleep. Up early for clinicals in the morning... Hope everyone had a great day like I did!
It is almost over. I just need to get through the next couple of days. I was at it all day yesterday working on study guides and doing quizzes and tests. Tomorrow is my first final and then another on Friday. I will be the one who needs resuscitated at my CPR training on Saturday morning... Then next Wed. is my last final and then I will start clinicals on Friday...ahhhhh
All your hard work and commitment will pay off.
The thing I always reminded myself when under the gun like this is "in X hours, it WILL be over, one way or another..." Helps a bit when it seems totally interminable!
Believe me - I know what you're going through. And it's all towards a, go, Trin, go!
Thanks guys!!!
00:16 May 31 2012
I remember when you started all this.Wow,you have come SO far!! you're rockin this thing FO SHO!
03:31 Jun 01 2012
You just don't quit! Sheesh! :-)