This semester has been extremely hectic for me. I only have 3 classes but they are on a new level in comparison to the classes I have already had. I have phlebotomy on Wednesdays from 9-1 which is at a different school than my normal school and is close to an hour drive. It is one of the best in the state though and I am doing in 1 semester what would take 3 at my current college. Then Thursday is my pharmacolgy class. Not too bad. But it is a program class, even though i am just now applying to the program for fall. It is a class you need department head approval to get in, and I squeaked in there. Then my Friday class.....Advanced Physiology from noon til 4:45!!! This class is technically 2 semesters rolled into one! The worse part about this class is that I do not need it for my program. But....if I decide to go to Purdue or IU in the future sometime, my A&P credits will transfer since they are worth less credit hours than the 4 year colleges. So I have these nice 200+ question 5 chapter tests that are sooo fun! But hey, on the bright side, there is only 6 weeks left at my regular school and 7 in phlebotomy. Then I have 3 weeks of clinicals at the hospital and then right into summer classes for 8 weeks! Finally get a break in August before fall...providing I get into the Surg. Tech program....*sigh*
04:06 Mar 27 2012
Damn woman - you are indeed busy with school! But - I know that you will get through it all with flying colors!
22:45 Apr 03 2012
I started to get a headache just reading all that! So glad I'm done with school for the indefinite future!