Some people object to the idea of animal rights because animals are “irrational” or because they can’t speak, yet we give rights to very young children who are also “irrational” and who cannot speak. Being able to speak, or being able to reciprocate rights are not reasons to deny those rights to anyone, human or non-human. Giving animals rights does not mean that animals are exactly like humans; instead it means we accept that animals – as sentient possessors of their own lives – deserve to be treated with respect, and deserve to be free from exploitation and oppression. ~excerpted from Vegan Freak by Bob and Jenna Torres, Authors and long-time Vegans.~ (dh)
03:38 Apr 28 2012
I believe that sincer an animal can not defend itself the more love an care we should give it. Animals have feelings too they simply cannot voice their pain, which makes it more tragic