I think that everyone needs to drop what they are doing right now and tell someone that is in their life, be it online or a close family member or friend something positive about them that you love, even if it is trivial. I can assure you it will make their day! It happened to me earlier and I am still on a rush!
I just took this Color Quiz as a part of a discussion board for my Psych class.... FREAKY!
Color Quiz
This semester has sucked big time! I do not recommend 9 accelerated credit hours in 8 weeks to anyone! But it seems that there is always something good that somehow comes out of a bad situation or at least makes it not seem as bad. Someone said something to me today, as trivial and natural as it seemed, it made me smile and I cannot stop smiling yet! I know I am a goof...but hey :D
Let's try this again....
Working on this group project for my communications class about online relationships. If anyone is really bored and wants to answer these 20 questions and send them to my inbox...LOL Me and my partner would love you!!! The finished project with the questions and some stuff from academic journals and a legit website will be turned into a lovely power point...
Thanks in advance!!!!
OOPSIE! Helps if I put the questions!!!
1. When did you first experience a long-distance online relationship?
2. How did you meet this person?
3. How long did that relationship last or has lasted?
4. Explain the relationship? Was it more of a friendship or romantic relationship?
5. What obstacles if any did you face with this online relationship?
6. What are or were the rewards of this online relationship?
7. With life being as busy as it is, how did you make time for online communication in order for this relationship to work and grow?
8. Did you find it harder or easier to "Be Yourself" online as opposed to in person?
9. What advice would you give to others about online long-distance relationships?
10. Do you feel that online long-distance relationships are going to continue to grow in the future?
11. How long have you been using social networking sites?
12. Have you formed friendships/relationships on social sites?
13. Have you ever met anyone in person? What happened?
14. Do you find that it is hard to get you point across while communicating online?
15. Do you tend to let your inhibitions down more so online than in real life?
16. What are your thoughts on long distance relationships?
17. Do you feel like people are putting up a facade online to hide their real selves?
18. Do you think online friendships and relationships are the way of the future as technology advances?
19. How does your online friendships/relationships affect your day to day life?
20. Are you happier now with online friendships more so
than when you did not have them?
I have this silly discussion board to do for my communications class. These words have more than one meaning. But what do they mean to you? Please copy and paste, write your definition next to the word and email me what you think they mean. Thank you in advance. :)
1. Stamp
2. Couch
3. Brand
4. Pickled
5. Clock
6. Mouse
7. Bike
8. Cross
9. Stage
10. Glasses
11. Ruler
12. Type
13. School
14. Caught
15. Stand