Took a short road trip today up to Berrien Springs Michigan. It only takes an hour to get there from my house, but it was a road trip none the less. Made one of my pilgrimages to the health food store up there. It is a really big one and they have great prices. Plus there is a vegetarian deli style food joint there also, and it beats heading toward the Chicago burbs. Which should only take an hour, but with construction and traffic on 94. Who knows how long it will take you. But the bad part about this, is there are no good stores like Whole Foods or anything else nearby. So I have to make the trek and then buy a whole crapload of stuff to last me awhile! And I don't have the convenience of catching some great sales. Sucks I tell ya!!!
01:37 Aug 20 2010
The closet whole foods for me is about 45mins away, but it is well worth it as well. It's the only place I will buy fresh fruits and veggies for Trillian
01:40 Aug 20 2010
Whole Foods has one of their distribution centers nearby me but not any stores...